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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 788x779, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8675718 No.8675718 [Reply] [Original]

This outclasses any other form of payment by a mile. If I had a webshop, why would I even choose paypal anymore? Those greedy bastards.
Adoption could be happening right now, If only there was a solution to the oracle problem, allowing for fiat to crypto and vice versa conversions. Looks like they have to stick to just crypto for the next years to come, since there is no solution is in sight.

>> No.8675745

Goddamnit, linkies.

Can't one of you at least spam pull requests to Sergey or something?

>> No.8675759
File: 1.82 MB, 1242x1232, 1522547441275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8675792

>tfw been FUDDING hard as fuck during this dip

Almost at 100K LINK boys

>> No.8675818


>> No.8675829

No one will use something as weird and creepy

>> No.8675862


it still runs on the ethereum network so isn't it limited by TPS?

>> No.8675913

>customer pays free and transaction cost

>hey man i'm selling this this item for $100
>payment: $110
>what do you mean you're going to another shop?

>> No.8675930
File: 39 KB, 932x381, biggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NANO already has this.


>> No.8675970

0.10% Anon, not 10%. Retard.

>> No.8675983

Plus transaction fee. You know, the actually expensive part.

>> No.8676006

Where is this image from?

>> No.8676027

0.10% is what Req is taking (at most) and the transaction fee is for the ETH network,
which are currently very low. The problems are:
ETH future scaling and Bic Mac Terminator not delivering

>> No.8676044

Here is the link, scroll down.

>> No.8676075

Why pay an extra 0.1% when you can just take payment with an ETH transaction? The added value provided by an additional 0.1% fee is not there yet, but will be provided by dApps currently in development. Actually, dApps aren't even needed, they can still use centralized shit apps.

>> No.8676083

Your customers don't have ETH, they have USD / EUR / BTC / whatever else.
Also you don't want ETH, you want USD / BTC / whatever else.

>> No.8676099

Link's utility collapses if the token price collapses.
How are they going to keep the token price stable?

>> No.8676106

EOS will solve most of the scaling problems (hopefully) but the oracle problem will remain

>> No.8676134

Yes, this will require the fiat integration. I'm not sure if they can do it in Q2 due to regulations and liquidity.
It might be easier to implement for merchants and shops if they get a big payment provider to put them on their app and get liquidity for purchases that way.