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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8672619 No.8672619 [Reply] [Original]

Held better than most other coins during this bear market.


Where the brain marines at?

>> No.8672689
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>Freakshow coin.

No thanks!

>> No.8672735
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> no brainer ;)

where da real fudders at?

>> No.8672835
File: 1.10 MB, 757x1009, 1511641546527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought "the dip" at 16 cents and am down almost 80%. This thing got fucking brutalized.

>> No.8672918
File: 189 KB, 1000x1000, 1489348855724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DBC Marines are immunized against all dangers: one may call them scoundrels, pajeets, swindlers, chinkcoins, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But spread out FUD and you will be astonished at how quickly they recoil, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrink back: “we've been looed out.”

ATH was like 2 days in Jan Bull run.
This thing at 4-5c for weeks now, while other coins keep dropping further, DBC actually managed to stay pretty solid.

One of the comfiest holds during this bear.

>> No.8673045

Actually tempted to double my stack (will only run me $300 anyway atm) so if this shitcoin ever goes back up I'll turn profit faster. How much you in for?

>> No.8673054

Holding 60k at 12 cents here and in it for the long haul.

>> No.8673185
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1522178255631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im only hodling dis nigger coin bc
fucking ledger didnt have update to wallet 4 bags! i should have never bag this charity nigger coin!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.8673217

hahah, held better, this dog got beat down champ.

>> No.8673221

Not too bad of an entry point considering some schmucks bought near or at ath. Are you planning on throwing some extra in now that it's so cheap? I like to call DBC a shitcoin but in an endearing way. The team behind it isn't actually all that bad for a Chinese ICO.

>> No.8673303


>> No.8673410
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Mickey Mouse toy, AI Farm Facility, backed by NEO council, backed by China, Binance listing soon, Masternodes, backed by Xi, partnerships, Dev Coin buyback, backed by Stephen Hawking, briefly before he died on his deathchair, his last words were "I must now enter into my final form, the Deep Brain Chain Neural Network". Then he dropped his bags and passed away peacefully. Hawking is now officially part of DBC.

>> No.8673631

>held better than most other coins during this bear market
haha thanks for making me laugh out loud! This piece of shit lost 90% of its value to a point where noone was left to buy up any sell orders and the price hit LITERAL bottom.

>> No.8673778
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>good hold during a bear
>""comfy"" hold
Absolutely delusional. DBC, also known as the ultimate JUSTer, is the coin with no bottom. It will never go up again. It was literally completely driven by market sentiment. It's about as comfy as holding a tightly packed ball of human feces and rusty nails in both hands during a wedding

>> No.8673788

>literally no buy orders
great screening process, neo

>> No.8673979
File: 379 KB, 623x403, 148934885573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5$ end of day