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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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867207 No.867207 [Reply] [Original]

Day 2:

>SSX Comp down over 6% and still falling
>Nikkei closes down 4%
>ASX200 closes up 2.42%
>US futures trading up
>VIX heading north again

What next? Is the apocalypse set to continue, or will losses be limited to Asia? Are US stocks set to bounce back, or is it a bull trap? Will Europe continue into bear territory, or will they follow Australia's lead? Is /biz/ going down with the ship, or is the ship not sinking? All this and more in another day of drama.

>> No.867218

CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd is up %1.12 today; the Hong Kong market seems to be doing OK despite the close ties to China.

I think the contagion is limited to China itself, and only closely tied companies will continue to suffer.

>> No.867248


You might be right, Shanghai has gone below 3000, a 7.5% loss, while it looks like the FTSE 100 is going to open a few points higher. I guess it's going to come down to Europe a bit though - if markets take a tumble there then surely that's going to spook American traders. The fundamentals still point to stocks and bonds being overvalued, everyone knows the market's due a pretty big correction sooner or later, and VIX is still high. I just don't know.

>> No.867258

DAX is moving sideways for an hour now with high volatility, I guess people are waiting for something

>> No.867271


FTSE is doing something similar, people might be waiting for US markets to open, that'll be a long and clammy few hours.

>> No.867277

palms are sweaty

>> No.867280
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>knees weak, arms are heavy

>> No.867282
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There's vomit on his sweater already: mom's spaghetti

>> No.867284
File: 16 KB, 387x291, warchief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs,

>> No.867287

but he keeps on forgetting
that he's all out
of food now
the whole people go so loud
they're starving
everybody's starving now
the food's run out
army dead, over, bloaw

>> No.867289



>> No.867304

Underrated kek

>> No.867310

It's been a fucking bubble for a goddamn decade.

This is about as surprising as discovering Vader is Luke Skywalker's father after watching the original trilogy.

On top of that, it's fucking nothing.
This is China, the Government will eat up stock like it's always has. Who cares about some make-believe index?

>> No.867313

dow futures are up

>muh 1929-style crash

guess you faggots were wrong again

>> No.867319

>crashes occur in one day and finish the same day
This is how you're going to lose all your money. Those who invested in options and futures will get raped the next few days. People are pumping money into the market to avoid a crash, but pumping the market is only going to make the situation worse than it has to be.

>> No.867332

Is the gap from 11:30 to 13:00 their lunchbreak?

>> No.867351
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Just to remind you; Correlation of china composite index and SP&500. Remember: China and Nikkei are going down all the time. US is going to follow.

It's just a bull trap. We're going down. The hill is already starting.

>> No.867352


>> No.867357
File: 683 KB, 720x404, Chinese people.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is debating a bailout
I don't think they have any money left, after they bailed it out a month ago. The three trillion dollars they hold are not liquid. The other option for them is to raid the pension system. China is going down in flames.

>> No.867368

Don't have a better word for it, but is it about to happen? Lurking /pol/ is a shitshow and I can't make anything of the data.

>> No.867388

It seems a bit early.

I'll be slightly disappointed if this is the bull trap since following the script is always boring.

>> No.867389

It might be a fake bulltrap and the real one hasn't come yet. So this mean we're not even half way done with this bloodbath.

>> No.867391

Context for that image?

>> No.867393

So yesterday was a bear trap and the real collapse happens in Q4?

>> No.867395

Kek, https://finance.yahoo.com/news/reason-believe-unthinkable-happening-chinas-175049017.html
China's president is now come under threat of coup. This is happening, power consolidation either by Xi or some rich citystate duke.

>> No.867397

I think everyone is waiting on how the US will responds to this massacre. Yellin interest rates hikes or not. Either way the average American is fucked, again. If a QE happens then this indicates the market is dead. Everyone is going to prolong the bloodbath until the US does something. Japan is fucked, and so is Europe. China lost all their gains of 2015 and I think half of 2014.

>> No.867402

why is europe fucked?

>> No.867403

Stocks in Europe always respond heavily in accordance to what happens in the US.

>> No.867408

They have no liquidity or credit. The entire Eurozone is maintained by Germany. Which is why the conservative in the Reichstag refused to bailout Greece, until Merkel pushed for it. France and England is living off old glories. Switzerland which isn't in the EU, is doing well. The EU is bankrupting Europe, because they're trying to create a superstate. Throughout history, a state was created through war not peace. This is the EU way of creating a country, peace. Which doesn't work because there are so many languages, cultures, and economies. It only worked in the US because English was the primary language and everyone assimilated to that culture.

>> No.867409

Should i buy now or what?
Keep it simple guys

>> No.867413

Heavy rebound in European markets. Where is your doomsday now? Could just as well be that yesterday was a bear trap.

>> No.867417

>Could just as well be that yesterday was a bear trap.
maybe, or maybe not. This could be a bulltrap as well.

>> No.867424

Just some volatility to scare the FED from raising rates in September.

>> No.867426


a crash doesn't happen overnight, 2008 took 2 years

>> No.867452

I believe this is a correction and some irrational panic, but a bump outside of china the rest of this week should be expected in any scenario as investors pull out and put into more stable markets. That's a little bit of a pickle though as those stable markets will get more overvalued- the world wide problem is that everyone wants equities and there just aren't enough to keep them at the old p/e ratios. Honestly the fed should raise rates soon so bonds become at least a little attractive and they can recapture the cash that has been pulled out since they started teasing the rate hike. But anyway I see no reason for a crash the only thing to point at are cheap commodities (probably the most benign thing that can crash since it is due to oversupply), this china business has been coming and they can stand to lose another 50% from their idiotic exhuberance. Anyway premarket says US is coming back.

>> No.867467

Agreed. China is coming back to saner levels from it's unicorn fairy valuations. Some people started panicking when they saw drops > 2 % happening, but there is just no reason to sell everything in US and Europe.
A rate hike would be great to let some steam out and reduce illiquidity in bond markets. But I expect more delaying, it's the favorite thing of every economist today.

>> No.867499

Buy the dollar faggots, EUR/USD is gonna take a long hike down tonight

>> No.867585

Your IP address has been logged by the SEC and FBI. You have breached your confidentiality agreement and the insider trading laws.

>> No.867589

Not bad

>> No.867593

There've been plenty of people piling into US treasuries as it's a safe haven compared to the rest of the world. Raising interest rates will only make the case for that stronger. Why hold more risky debt like China, or low interest debt like the German's, when you can get a nice yield from a stable country.

The initial sell of was more of a panic, but technically we've broken some important trends so we're going down a bit further in the coming weeks. Fundamentally a lot of companies have a lot of cash and are still strong so it will just serve as a buying opportunity. For me at least that isn't as interesting as shorting things heavily involved in China, or oil. I can pick up things at a greater discount later. 401ks should be picking up things on the way down.

>> No.867615

China just raised their interest rate.

>> No.867643

>The People's Bank of China cut its main interest rate by 0.25 percentage points to 4.6% in an effort to calm stock markets after two days of turmoil.

Nice try, le bait man

>> No.867646

We’re going up-up-up-up-up-up-up

>> No.867665

We're going up because of this>>867643
But its too late. The damage will continue tomorrow. The Chinese have no money inject into the market.

>> No.867763

Well, it looks like today is a pretty decent recovery. There's always a bit of bounce back after the initial shock though. I can't help but feel that everybody knows that the current market conditions are overpumped and due for a tumble before long, and that that means there are a lot of people itching to get bearish out there. I suppose the collective mentality is that it'll be the rate hike that precipitates that, and they'd like another roll of the dice on a bull market before then.


Waterpark fire in Taiwan. Bit of a flash fire, looks a lot worse than it was at first glance, but it went out very quickly. Bit like the last couple of days in the markets, I suppose.

>> No.867779
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actually its pretty stagnant. everything opened higher than it closed yesterday and none of its going up. its just bouncing in the same range for hours

if the dow opens 300 points higher 350 isnt anything. they can try to prop it up but this just stalls out the decline for a day-week tops. its a 14k market not 16k

>> No.867781

They're a marxist shithole that imports millions of refugees and takes care of them on the worlds most generous welfare systems, all while fucking every business in the ass so everyone can feel good and have $100 minimum wages and retire at 50.
The entire continent literally thinks money is free
Anyone investing in Europe long term is the biggest fucking retard

>> No.867787


Looking at something like the FTSE 100 ten largest daily rises, seven of them were in the depths of the 2008 crisis. I suppose a single day of rallying doesn't mean a lot, we're still in an overall downward trend over the last several months. We shall see. I'm only investing funds through an ISA, so I lack the ability to make quick trades or short the market. I just want it to drop now so I can buy index funds at the bottom.

>> No.867806



>> No.867811

>markets finally start climbing
>NASDAQ goes down
I guess the Jewd really want their September to happen.

>> No.868129


Dow and S&P back into the negative, guess it's Happening after all.

>> No.868878

At this stage:
-Read up
-Tweak trading plans