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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 646 KB, 926x1152, powh3d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8671096 No.8671096 [Reply] [Original]

10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k

>> No.8671160

When everything else crashes, PoWH3D still goes up.
When everything else goes up , PoWH3D moonshot like never before.
STRONG HODL, Im in it long term

>> No.8671203

Selling effects the rice, buying effects the rice

>> No.8671207

FYI: Anyone buying in now will get a 3.8% return if/when the contract hits 20,000 ETH (i.e. doubles from here). Bear that in mind. If it continues to 45,000 ETH in total, then you will enjoy a 50% return...

>> No.8671238

powh faggots getting desperate as fuck. hope you all kys soon.

>> No.8671274


> Celebrating our success
> "desperate"

I mean, if you want to stay poor, by all means.

>> No.8671291
File: 2.23 MB, 4800x2560, 78DFFFF2-B056-4BB9-89B3-B3F3856DC0A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8671304

celebrating your .000000000000001 eth divs. congrats mate, you've made it.

>> No.8671446

>what are dividends

>> No.8671453


> Friendly reminder: In most western countries, advocating for or knowingly participating in a ponzi scam is a federal (or providential) offense. If you are in a country that requires itemized tax reporting (IE: USA) you may be audited and caught.
>This shit is serious business. It's not like 'pump and dump' and other security-based fraud that is being overlooked due to the way cryptocurrency is classified. Ponzi scams are not unique to securities law and you can be prosecuted.

>> No.8671470

oh look more threads for the literal meme coin

>> No.8671480
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, YOU_OWN_THE_TOKEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8671505 [DELETED] 

Whats the website?

>> No.8671522

>We own your ETH

>> No.8671529


>> No.8671679







>> No.8671713

discord phaggots

>> No.8671759

10k ETH for the devs nothing for you

>> No.8671788

wiki for all you nonbelievers

>> No.8671825

Wow congrats you guys hope you don't get mysteriously "hacked" like POWH1 and POWH2

>> No.8671836


>> No.8671851

Looks like all the Chainlink drones have moved over to this turd.

>> No.8672204

devs can't touch it. Do you know what a smart contract is?

>> No.8672232

Like they didn't touch POWH1 and POWH2, right? It's different this time, right? KEK

>> No.8672235

>devs can't touch it. Do you know what a smart contract is?


> it's a smart contract
> therefore humans can't touch it

They are literally fucking made to be interacted with in countless ways, you retard. Whether or not this one is safe, I don't know, but you brainless shitbags just pointing out that it's "muh smart contract" adds nothing to the conversation. Why not fucking give some evidence/info about this supposed hackathon that took place, or whatever?

srs I asked about that and got banned from discord.


>> No.8672240

Pajeet coin

>> No.8672254

> Friendly reminder: In most western countries, advocating for or knowingly participating in a ponzi scam is a federal (or providential) offense. If you are in a country that requires itemized tax reporting (IE: USA) you may be audited and caught.
>This shit is serious business. It's not like 'pump and dump' and other security-based fraud that is being overlooked due to the way cryptocurrency is classified. Ponzi scams are not unique to securities law and you can be prosecuted.

>> No.8672303

>I was banned from your discord server for asserting there was a vulnerability in the contract though I couldn't prove it.

>> No.8672380

So what is the risk of putting your ETH in this. Shills and owners are making out like you are guaranteed returns and there is no risk. But there must be a risk, nothing is too good to be true, otherwise everyone would put their ETH in this.

How the fuck do you even withdraw ETH?

>> No.8672433

>Shills and owners are making out like you are guaranteed returns

@P3DOfficial does not guarantee returns. The risk is you have weak hands and sell at a loss.

>> No.8672442

You put in ETH, it gets converted into P3D tokens, you gain .0000000001 ETH in "dividends", no new money comes in and everything collapses or devs exit scam for the 3rd time.

>> No.8672447

Nope, literally just asking about the hackathon and how it took place. I went there looking to reassure myself, because I liked #1 and bought in, but then ofc lost everything.

You can't get any fucking answers from those guys, it's all cloak and dagger.

>> No.8672492

The risk is like any coin - first of all, forget the divs, they are absolutely tiny, fractions of a % per 1000 new ETH that comes in, for a typical buyer of a few ETH.

If you buy in you are hoping that token price will rise far enough for you to make a profit. As of today, they need to double the contract ETH to 20,000 or so before you will break even. Anything after that, you start making profit.

You'll be at a 50% profit if the contract hits 45,000 ETH.

It's anyone's guess whether it will grow that big or collapse in 30 minutes time.

>> No.8672514

>The risk is like any coin
Except other coins don't get "hacked" multiple times and have devs with faces and real names.

>> No.8673037

These threads sound like bots, its the same 5 people

>> No.8673068

Powh discord faggots copy and pasting the same shit every time. They have a "shill kit" too.