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8670795 No.8670795 [Reply] [Original]

Give me 1 case of real-world implementation of blockchain

>> No.8670807

Ive been shorting BTC this whole time. I’ve been teaching others and I’ve gotten my neighbors and coworkers into shorting the market and we are all making a lot of money together shorting BTC and Ethereum. I’m really popular now among my friends because I’m making so much money from shorting the market, a lot of them are making accounts in bitmex now because of me. I can’t wait for this bear market to continue for the next 5 years until I have enough money from shorting to buy a house and hopefully a nice car. Shorting is the best guaranteed way to make money in the longterm

>> No.8670819

Unstoppable and permanent cp.

>> No.8670835

Payment method in some places with bitcoin

>> No.8670846

Yeah, what he said. But in the mean time. You can use da interwebs. Ya found biz, go do yer own work you lazy fucking burger. Guaranteed your a fuckin Yankee Jesus. Land of de free look how many burgers I can eaaatttt

>> No.8670849

buying drugs

>> No.8670852

A wall

>> No.8670876

blockchain will revolutionize wine

>> No.8670878

If someone swings a chain at you you can block it with your blockchain

>> No.8670901

So insurance companies will know when a huge flood happens so they can pay out their flood policies.

>> No.8670904

provably fair (online) gambling and soon provably fair online poker worldwide. This is the only use-case of blockchain right now which solves a problem AND is a good investment.
Everything else is 100% dogshit speculation by millenials.

>> No.8670922

vechink already has a private chain and a phone app to track some wines

>> No.8670931
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>> No.8670993


Cross border payment.
Black market "shopping".
Safe wealth storage in case of divorce or similar.
Ultra efficients ponzi schemes.
Meme generator.
Decentralised exchanges (ie Bitshare)
Decentralised social media (Steem)
Did I say memes?

>> No.8671450

it's the #1 app in the app store in certain demographics, Ven partnered with Apple to release that app, huge success

>> No.8671469

power ledger
genesis vision
electrify asia

>> No.8671477

It gets rid of banks.

That alone is worth all the money in the world, literally and figuratively.

>> No.8671485
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There’s a pretty successful ponzi scheme running on the Ethereum network right now with hundreds of thousands of dollars poured into it

>> No.8671486

Unironically XRP, see moneygram

>> No.8671487

kicking swift ass sending "value"

>> No.8671490

pyramid schemes

>> No.8671494
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this tbqh family

>> No.8671502


>> No.8671572
File: 121 KB, 728x1096, lh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea of the relative freedom we have compared to what could be. Yes we live in a debt based enslaved system but at least the majority of citizens have not been red pilled as yet. What better system could TPTB have to enslave us than an a true uncompromised record of every financial transaction or commercial action that has happened by every citizen? Its jizz heaven for the overlords who can automatically tax and oversea everything. This age is being ushered in to get us used to it. Yes money can be made along the way but try keeping it. Brought to you by our sponsors the hard truth.

>> No.8671606


>> No.8671674

>Get a bottle of wine
>The bottle is blockchained, the wine isn't
>This system is unhackable due to blockchain!

>> No.8671744

There was a great article on how bond offerings could be done with blockchain. Government bonds, which now have major banks absorbing massive amounts of profit due to their position between the Fed and the Treasury, can be replaced with blockchain auctions.

Everything about the interactions of Banks, Bonds, and the current economic system can be replaced for a millionth of the cost.

Banks could be out of their most profitable enterprise, and the rest of us are back in.

>> No.8671812

>paid on friday
>get stuck in rush hour traffic
>live paycheck to paycheck
>go straight to the bank
>they are closed because good friday "holiday"
>can not deposit money i just earned into my own bank account
>can not write a check to pay my rent
>can not cash the check to pay landlord
>already happened 2 times this might be last mulligan before i get booted to the streets
people do not have access to their money and can not spend it 24/7. wtf is 9-5pm mon-thur schedule for access to my own money? this is absolutely crazy. just because you live in america and things are all burgers and hookers doesnt mean every place on earth is the same. you live in a fucking bubble OP.

>> No.8671852

Anon you have no idea what the governments and banks have planned for us. They already treat the citizens like cattle to be fleeced and live a life in penury do you really think they will allow us in? These charlatans the banks and their government enablers should be guillotined for the pain they have knowingly and deliberately inflicted on the populace. Give us anons a chance get real my friend.

>> No.8671895

They want your soul

>> No.8671932

There will be a new financial class that will shake the current system out. When it can be shown billions can be saved in one country alone from block chain auctions there will need to be some level of adoption. Once it grows either the governments will adapt or people will move to the prosperous societies that do adapt.

The race to the bottom with taxes has been happening for decades. This is just another part of it.

>> No.8671993

had a friend wire up a 240v circuit for me. Paid him in BCH using cointext.
He didn't even have to setup a wallet... all I needed was his phone number. He can then text it to an exchange for $$$ or he can text it to someone else in exchange for goods and services.

>> No.8672010

tracking systems

>> No.8672066

I think its more people will need to adapt the banks and governments will not willingly change from their current lucrative and longstanding system of slavery.A groundswell of public opinion is needed to sweep the current slave system out and they will not go willingly or peacefully.

>> No.8672078


ponzi schemes

>> No.8672139

Why do you think they are going after our guns? Everyone that wants our guns is either a slave at heart or a tyrant in waiting.

>> No.8672335


>> No.8672390

Getting money in and out of a certain country without paying taxes .

>> No.8672482

We are not all burgers. the banking system spreads worldwide and is like the tentacles of an octopus. We are all enslaved guess you know this already this is but an anomaly it is not the system letting people getting rich of crypto it is a slip on their behalf they never intended this. there is still time to make serious money but the time looms when it will be impossible they will eventually put limits on it like the stock market before you can even interact before they allow peasants to get ludicrously rich.

>> No.8672530

Come to the US and buy some guns. Help defend the world.

>> No.8672930
