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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8670482 No.8670482 [Reply] [Original]

Prev thread archived, need more discussion to reevaluate my life.

Question of the Day:

What the fuck is a jBond?

>> No.8670546
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Ignore the FUD anon

I’m CHADDING it out

>> No.8670561

Image is you

>> No.8670573

Feel really JUSTed now. I've been ironically FUDding this shit for months, in attempt to cause reverse psychology. But now I can actually unironically call it a scam, which I've fallen for. It's unbelievable how Don Tapscott didn't dismiss this on-chain liability idea in the first place. My stack isn't huge, just 8.5k with the average cost of 0.5, but I had some great expectations about the project :(

>> No.8670612

same. my fud memed itself into reality

will we ever recover from this?

>> No.8670627
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I’m not even affected by this. Team is solid, smart, motivated, and are able to keep on track despite road blocks.

No point in stressing until we find out all the details next week. It will shed some light hopefully.

I’m personallt going to keep accumulating until I reach my goal, thanks for the low entry point faggots


>> No.8670766


Nice damage control fag. Who you trying to persuade here?

Only people still left in this game are morons like you and people who are genuinely interested in protecting their money.

Prolly just trying to protect those heavy fucking bags you're holding, but I'm in the same boat retard, but I'll fucking dump if you keep this shit up.

>> No.8670810
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A little too emotional I think. I’m no larp, not telling anyone to buy this shit. Just expressing my opinion, OP asked for some thoughts.

>> No.8670836

Here are my conclusions of what's happened. Feel free to argue, I would like to be wrong.

Fundamental change to Jihad Network can be summarized as such:
Previous value proposition: jCash and jAssets are backed by JNT(edited)
Where jCash represents underlying fiat
in 1:1 ratio
and jAssets represent underlying treasury note, zero coupon certificate, CD or whatever low income money market tool you can imagine
Current Value Proposition:
jAssets are backed by jCash
Where jAssets, represented in CryDRs on chain, are backed by jCash, which is backed by underlying fiat
jBonds are backed by JNT
Where jBonds are a mystery
The argument for JNT not being worthless is as follows:
JNT will be utilized as fuel for the blockchain
it will be necessary for the ledger
JNT will be utilized for various voting purposes regarding the API, jWallet configurations, and I guess a jBoard of Directors or something
and the most important part obviously being: JNT will be backing jBonds
Best case scenario: jBonds are traditional bonds represented by CryDRs on the network
However this is unlikely since an institution, or anyone really, would tokenize their debt instrument with jCash to protect their investment
Medium case scenario: jBonds are debt issued by the Jibrel Network or Seed Group that represent debt on chain, so it has a tangible value off chain, and JNT Market Cap rises with bonds issued by the Jibrel Network or Seed Group
Worst Case scenario: Jihad Network just scamel'd their investors for 35M bags of ETH.
The next Medium article is scheduled to come out next week, but since we're going off Jibrel time, it may be delivered next month
Hopefully they will clarify some of these glaring issues
Because they did change the fundamental purpose of the token they were selling

>> No.8670948



>> No.8671077

same tbf. Was also fudding this nut to be able to cheaper accumelate it.

>> No.8671334

Well its much cheaper now
This is one of the coins we will look back on once it moons and realize biz aint shit

>> No.8671355

Arab Scam

>> No.8671410

I might pick up some at 5 cents. Maybe some retards buy some jbonds and pump the mcap. The team and connections are still awesome.

Most coins thrive based on hype anyways, but hard to say in this bear market.

>> No.8671454

Poly which is in somewhat similar field as JNT and its a scam and it mooned. This will eventually moon and i am hoping i catch the bottom for once. Doubt itll reach five cents, but if it does ill pick up like 100k

>> No.8671482

It will reach 5 cents for certain. METH will fall below 100 dollar and the coin will also bleed in Wei.

>> No.8671533

Big blow to my stack if it falls that hard, but will difinitly pick up a huge stack if it does. People act like this market moves based on fundementals...Hey i got news for you, if it was ETH wouldnt even be in the top 100, IOTA, TRON, and bunch of other coins would be obsolete.

>> No.8671637

i'll buy 500K if it hits 5 cents

>> No.8671800

Do not be too greedy. Look how many coins survived from the 2014 bubble to the 2017 one. Almost none. I do not think that some shitcoin in top 200 (soon maybe top 300) will survive till the next bullrun. Better buy something promising when the next bubble starts forming and drive the hype.

>> No.8671992

my understanding is that they went to some major player institutional investors and those investors said we can't use jCash because it requires us jumping thru too many regulatory hoops, so the team invented jBonds which somehow (none of this aspect has been fully explained yet) require less regulatory hoop-jumping. the way they've phrased it is that institutions have the OPTION to use jCash backed by fiat, but most won't because of the hoops. again allegedly this will be explained in the medium post and the AMA they're scheduling. i will sell my entire stack at market cost if it isn't.

meanwhile they took a loss trying to keep JNT solvent during this massive bear market, so they're pushing out solutions for that so JNT is no longer bound to the fate of ETH/BTC.

finally, yazan has said the goal is still full decentralization and proof of solvency, and i believe the idea is that the jCash to fiat pairing with no JNT will only be temporary, and that gradually everything will be the way it was originally designed to be with everything fully relying on JNT and fully decentralized.

this isn't end-of-times news at all. in fact it means that people genuinely want to get onboard. would you rather hear absolutely nothing and then in October realize no one is ever adopting Jibrel because they didn't think of these solutions and the coin tanks and it's over? let's get btfo in a bear market and fix everything and then move forward. it was always going to be a long term hold.

>> No.8672165

>finally, yazan has said the goal is still full decentralization and proof of solvency, and i believe the idea is that the jCash to fiat pairing with no JNT will only be temporary, and that gradually everything will be the way it was originally designed to be with everything fully relying on JNT and fully decentralized.
I was dreaming the same but thought it would be too unrealisitc.

this isn't end-of-times news at all. in fact it means that people genuinely want to get onboard. would you rather hear absolutely nothing and then in October realize no one is ever adopting Jibrel because they didn't think of these solutions and the coin tanks and it's over? let's get btfo in a bear market and fix everything and then move forward. it was always going to be a long term hold.

Yeah cold model would not have worked in the current yerr. But I was hoping that all that starts next year when we are ETH trading sideways and JNT becomes big enough till the next bull/bear so it is immune to crypto up or downswings in the future. You know so much REAL money went into JNT with JNT fiat pairings and underlying assets + the normalizing effects of the DAO. It basically becomes similar to a stock in terms of stability since it is based on something with slight speculation.

>> No.8672229 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8672278

This is some copy pasta from reddit I thought was decent. I'm invested and I'm not worried - the token relies on adoption, jBonds seem more lucrative then jCash all things considered. jCash will still need JNT. If there long term goal for decentralization is to be achieved, it will require JNT entirely.

"You say the token has been degraded to a shitcoin to be used as gas. This is not the case - JNT's primary purpose is still proof of solvency - as stated by Yazan in the Telegram. The extra use-cases are to add value to the coin so its price is less linked to the price of BTC and ETH, this is an advantage over the prior "tokenized assets + speculation." Now we have proof of solvency, multiple use-cases, and speculation guiding the price.

You are right when you say that they have eliminated a portion of the proof of solvency aspect. However, we know that jBonds are backed by JNT - Yazan said that one of the primary reasons SEED partnered with Jibrel is because they can spur foreign investment. Think about that for a second - you say financial institutions wouldn't use jBonds, but if a central bank can tokenize their bonds and promote investment in whatever state they are a part of by doing so, that would be a pretty good deal right? It seems to be that jBonds are even more lucrative for financial institutions as they are directly tied to the investment in a country's economy.

Furthermore, the project is still headed in the direction of full decentralization - which absolutely necessitates JNT. This is stated by Yazan, and obvious if you have done research."

>> No.8672332
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>> No.8672352

I dont know why but any post that includes
>think about that for a second
is always either lies or cope

>> No.8672363

I guess its because by its nature its a call to make connections that are not explicit

>> No.8672374


>> No.8672403

I don't think it was so much lies and cope as identifying that there is a lot of potential there...

everyone seems up in arms over this update, to me it seems like they tweaked proof of solvency, crafted a solution to get over regulation and increase adoption, and added more ways in which JNT can derive value.

overall if we saw the value potential decrease a bit, we saw adoption increase a ton. and if there goal is full decentralization in the future it wont matter as JNT is absolutely integral to making the system decentralized.

>> No.8672480
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Jibrel! Where da fuck have you been?! You been playin' with dem Crip' Currensis? Ey! dun bring da shit over here no mo' and go do ya homework 'fore I whoop yo ass

>> No.8672500

I bet your are the redditor I chatted with.

Why do you beleive Talals words concerning aimed decentralization? It seems very naive to me, considering how he fucked all the investors and kept lying.

Either he was lying concerning proof of solvency or he is a retard not seeing the obvious failure in JNT.

>> No.8672519

It was Yazan that talked about decentralization.

>> No.8672613

because the project really isn't offering anything that interesting if it isn't fully decentralized.. the overal goal is trustless decentralized banking from what I understand...

>> No.8672639

If the system isn't trustless then yeah, it really isn't that novel. The purpose is to have automated and trustless banking, and that can't be done if it is centralized. I think the team, their advisors, and their partners are all aware of this.

>> No.8672665

Yeah it is. That was the whole point if jnt /proof of solvency. But the direction might change due to economic reality. You know making money>ideals.

>> No.8672755

Who else fudder becomes the fuddest here?

>> No.8672792

Yeah true, but I think it is worth keeping in mind that in order for it to be decentralized, JNT is absolutely necessary.

Of course we bear the risk of the direction of the project changing even more. But I think that anything changing away from decentralized banking - or at least anything that abandons JNT as proof of solvency completely would be too drastic of a change... if that were to happen the project (or at least the original vision) would have failed in my opinion. It is important to remember that they are a startup - and I'm glad they are changing and altering their approach rather than sticking with something they know could be better.

Overall though I'm willing to bet on Jibrel - and obviously this project is high risk/high reward. But I think we do know that they have an office in the SEED's headquarters and that it seems like SEED is intent on making Jibrel a success, at least in the UAE.

In terms of how successful they will be, yeah that is to be determined. But overall I don't see cause for serious concern just yet.

>> No.8672837

In any case - if I lose faith in the project I'll wait until the DAO is up and running to sell. Unless jBonds won't be tokenized or whatever, then yeah, I'll sell before.

>> No.8672922

decentralized bnking is impossible, you cannot decentrlize something that involves centralized assets (fiat, equities, gold, whatever). Someone always will have to be held liable/accountable for it. Real world doesnt work/exist on the blockchain.

Ask yourself why did they ditch JNT in terms of JCash? and somehow magically it will work for jbonds? it's gonna be the exact same problem

>> No.8673335

commands like "think about this" are a form of hypnotism / persuasion

>> No.8673388

If you fud too long the fud fuds you

>> No.8673395

I unloaded my stack yesterday afternoon right when things started to look ugly. Incredibly glad I did. It is my own fault though--I bought without reading the whitepaper. if you read it, JNT is nothing more than a gas token. It will never be used to back tokenized assets. Moral of the story: read the whitepaper first and never trust shills on /biz. I am lucky I was one of the first out the door and only lost 5% on this scam.

>> No.8673470

jBonds isn't a response to jCash failing. they ditched jCash because of regulations. you're confusing two separate issues.

>> No.8673497

Anyone here who was able to "unload their stack" in a day was legit pajeet tier amount anyway, and they were not needed.

>> No.8673519

I feel bad for the suckers who actually bought a significant amount. Got taken for a ride.

>> No.8673524

no, they didn't ditch jCash, they ditched the promise of backing jcash by JNT.
and how can they be solvent when they want to have their bonds backed by JNT only? who cares if the tokenized thing is gold/stock/fiat/elephant, they came to the conclusion that on chain solvency wouldn't work for jcash (also backed off chain) and now are claiming it will be sufficient to back jbonds?