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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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867031 No.867031 [Reply] [Original]

Today we saw a lot of margin calls on the retail trader. Many stops were blown out and people lost more than they had. On the other side of the coin, for those who lose everything, someone was there to pick up the pieces. The sharks will the school of fish and and then start swimming to eat the dying whales. It'll be a lot easier to move the whales into the kill zone after the fish are eaten.

Once the whales have been eaten, the sharks will swim away, leaving the waters to foster algae for new schools of fish to eat later on.

Through taking out the retail trader, the lack of liquidity will make price easier to move for those with capital. Buying up the shares of the margin selling was part of the plan, and selling them later this week, when the market has posted positive, is also part of the plan.

>people getting THIS short-squeezed

>> No.867037

Reminds me of when the ticks jumped on the dogs and the deer were the ones who took down the lion in the waters of the north.

>> No.867041
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Is this some kind of... story from your people?

>> No.867044

I think I understand your post Pizza Man (I still have a lot to learn.) But how to profit from this knowledge...
For the little guy, are you saying the selloff is over and the chance to buy has passed for the week? I resisted the chance this morning to "buy into the bulltrap." Was that a mistake?

>> No.867056
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This is a prophecy of the week to come.

>> No.867065

I hope we don't eat as much whale shit as I think we might.

>> No.867070


Complete dogshit.

Go home faggot, you're drunk.

>> No.867109

>Dr. Finch: Everyone! Come quickly! Wake up! Wake up! A miracle! A miracle! A miracle has occured!
>Agnes Finch: What're you looking at?
>Natalie: Dad's morning shit.
>Dr. Finch: See? See how the duplicoil is breaking out of the surface of the water? Holy Father.
>Agnes Finch: Doctor, let me draw you a nice bath.
>Dr. Finch: Agnes, go get a shoehorn. A shoehorn, Agnes.
>Hope: But what does it mean, Dad?
>Dr. Finch: It means our financial situation is turning around. It means things are looking upward. Literally, the shit is pointing out of the pot! Towards Heaven, to God. My turd is a direct communication from the Holy Father.
>Dr. Finch: No, no, no, no, children. No. Laugh. Laugh! God is... He is the funniest man in the universe. Agnes, I want you to carefully remove this, take it outside, and let it dry in the sun. We're starting a shrine, Agnes. A shrine. Hope, let's prepare.

>> No.867562
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>when the suckas doubt me

>> No.867611
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Running with Scissor's telling of the original Cobra Commander.

>> No.867683

wait, what?

>> No.867691

Here I am in an ocean, Ray, filled with plankton with dreams of being whales and fish thinking they're sharks. What they fail to see is the bigger picture that there's life beyond this watery prison so here we are feeding off on another while the real players are out there. Casper knew this.

>> No.867740
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The Shit is pointing up. UP.

>"Best rally of the year."

>> No.867748
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don't get too apoplectic when you find out it's a bull trap.

>> No.867765

that's what he's predicting, and I'm inclined to think too

>> No.867776
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we get the world we deserve

>> No.867840

No. I predicted a short squeeze. This is a margin raid/short squeeze combo.

>> No.868896
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Another good day ahead of us? H-heh... We'll see about that.

>> No.868995

Doge pls

>> No.868997

/biz/ is so retarded, they don't even know what margin calls are.

This is a roleplaying forum only.

>> No.869306
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Looks like dank clouds of green.

>> No.869424


>> No.869706


>> No.869765

I want to invest, rational guy. I have 3/4 years of living expenses saved to avoid tilting. Semi auto conservative pfolio, worth X.
I start in 2007/8 at the worst of the crisis, ride the worst and patiently collect my 6% for a few years and now it looks bleak again. But not for me right? After 2% inflation and 2 other % for taxes and expenses I still get 2% of X. Fucking sweet. I don't panic since I have my safety cushion. I don't want to sell.

Problem is I'm getting slightly greedy and my newfound patience offers me possibilities. I mean the market could sink 10%, 20%, 30% for two to 4 years reasonably. For a guy like me that's a huge opportunity to make that much in positive percentage since I know how to buy and hold.
I already have my X all invested and I can't really touch them. But I can't come up with more cash (I could reinvest and be frugal with my 2% salary but it's chump change compared to my entire portfolio and I'm used to the lifestyle now).

It appears quite clearly that every few years a crisis pops up so I should dedicate a percentage of my folio to seize those low hanging fruits but if I save too much of that folio, I don't make my regular good ole 6% in the meantime.

I've looked through a few portfolio allocation books and none mention this strategy. Obviously there's a bit of math there and I wondered if there are any significant papers, books, articles about strategies that help you "liberate" a part of your investments for a buy and hold in times of crisis?
What types of investments could be integrated to a conservative folio and liquidated in "happening times" so as to buy more stocks?
RE? The liquidity makes it risky (could miss the window)
Gold and Oil don't actually retain their value.
Art is risky too.

>opportunity cost
>how do I equilibrate my pf so as to come up with cash to buy more crisis-stock?

>> No.869787

you raise cash.

>> No.870527

Might see a little more pushing tomorrow.

>> No.870828 [DELETED] 


>> No.871426

>tfw couldn't get uwti for .75

>> No.871497 [DELETED] 


>> No.871732


what say you at the end of the day?

what's your sentiment?

>> No.871747

if too many people think this is a bull trap, then it's another short squeeze. kinda looks like some participants got good prices today after 2 eastern. id be more willing to wait until the last hour tomorrow to start liquidating positions. unless, of course, you're in UWTI from .75. unless dwti falls under 100 tomorrow before close.

>> No.872631


>> No.872730

So what? Will there be a massive sell off today towards the end of the day? All because of the uncertainty of the opening prices on monday? What exactly gona happen?

>> No.872763

After such a good week, why wouldn't people who've made money protect their profits? Monday, we'll see a new landscape, a different tone for the week. With people taking profits and liquidating positions, it's going to be easier to move price. While you could, depending on your holdings, have a good gap up on monday, I'd wager that you're taking on too much risk for not enough profit.

>> No.872789

I have no pony in this race, let alone a ticket to attend the race. So no, just a interested individual that missed the last craze around 2008. Just looking to get a grasp on this whole situation for future gains.

>> No.872861

such as a shepherd moves his sheep to fresh pastures, sharks move to warm waters to feast on fish. the apex predator controls the ecosystem.

>> No.872877
File: 24 KB, 300x225, absolutely disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your shepherd example doesn't add up then retard. Shepard's arent predators they are there to protect the sheep, wolves go for the kill. But whoa whats this a Shepard with a shotgun, off goes the wolves head. And back to the farm goes the Shepard without a worry in his head because he has about 15 lamas protecting the heard. Next time you try shoving your lame metaphors down peoples throats try giving it a thought or two. Just because it sounds profound doesnt mean it makes any sense, stick to finance. Poetry isnt your strong suit.

Apex predators do not control any ecosystem they merely respond to the changes that the ecosystem brought to them and since they are an apex predator these changes never worry them. Keep it up chubs.

>> No.873388

the shepherds sheer the sheep continually, such as the sheep eat the grass continually. when you have no grass, no wool to sheer, then you have no profits. you need to move the sheep so they stay alive, and you need to make sure you don't sheer them too much, either.

a shark could stick around in warm waters where a school of fish was eaten, eating every single fish that comes by, but that will reduce the size of the school that will eventually grow.

>being this made you can't handle abstract thought
>not knowing i've gotten poems published in well respected magazines founded by laureates
>apex predator doesn't control the ecosystem

You do know what the apex predator of Earth is, right?

>> No.873686
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I'm getting the feeling we will generally see the same prices around the last week of Sept./first week of Oct. that we did this week.