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8668550 No.8668550 [Reply] [Original]

Had Jibrel announced the seed partnership today instead of a month ago, and said 250 million would be used to back Jbonds and Jcash.You would all be going crazy with fomo.Back then we thought the seed would back with maybe 5 million dollars max.And the coin was rated by the buying public as a 50 cent coin.Perspective people, think longer that what your emotions tell you feel for this day.

>> No.8668603
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More perspective

>> No.8668710
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>> No.8668758

Delusion. He said this to please the audience.
Basically he's throwing buzz words randomly (decentralization, regulation). Truth is he doesn't give a fuck about JNT.

>> No.8668777

I don't understand all the fud and doubt to be honest. They are building bridges between two very different worlds and I think their doing a great job.

I'm also okay with this coin bottoming out for a while. The truth is it's a long ways off and it is a high risk investment. I want the price to reflect that.

>> No.8668799

You guys don't get the danger of jCash and jBond to the useability of JNT?

Cognitive dissonance strikes you hard.

>> No.8668816

JNT $1 EoY

>> No.8668836

explain what a jBond is then faggot

>> No.8668846

a stablecoin (like tether) backed by JNT

>> No.8668883

Apart from eth, btc and litecoin, what crypto is getting used?there are dangers in all of them.I may write a jibrel thread later with the dangers of all top 50 coins.They could all fail, even eth.Again perpspective.If we are honest with ourselves we can see that.Jibrel is as promising as any top coin out there.It has 250mill of backing for a start.Puts it way ahead of 99% of the other coins.

>> No.8668910

what makes it stable? JNT fluctuates in price.

>> No.8668939

i don't know, i doubt the lead knows. wait for medium article.
one option he said was to make jnt fiat tradeable only. remove it from eth/btc pairs

>> No.8668958

It is absolutely useless right now to post about Jibrel on /biz/. Many people panic sold and are in desperate need to confirm this to themselves mentally, so they will FUD relentlessly. This need for mental gymnastics right now is so strong, that they will every time outnumber those who are still holding and trying to bring another perspective (that this is not a scam, just a necessary and temporary adjustment moving forward). If you are trying to get useful information regarding this project right now, avoid /biz/ at all costs for a while until these voices quiet down. If you are enjoy reading the desperate FUD then definitely continue browsing.

>> No.8668992

That's not an option, the price would also fluctuate in fiat

>> No.8669041

it removes one step of volatility.
if eth/btc crash it will have no direct impact on the price of jnt like it does right now.

>> No.8669082

JNT has seen the most insane FUD of any coins I've ever seen, and yet exchange wallets are drying up as people withdraw their tokens to their own wallets.

It really makes you think.

>> No.8669093

gold can be bought with btc or eth. if they crash does it impact on the price? why is jnt different?

>> No.8669149

I thought that this was the plan from beginning thus old jcash(double backed) possible.

>> No.8669215

Perspective: had they not lied, no one would be questioning their shit.

>> No.8669296

Guess they'll decide to make masternoeds now

>> No.8669573

Gold can be bought with thousands of things, that's the main point. To significantly move its price you'd have to buy hundreds of millions worth of gold

>> No.8669659

I sold because the market sentiment is getting worse

even the hugboxes on reddit and telegram are starting to doubt it
at the very least I think I'll be able to buy more in the future for less but I won't buy until they explain jnt fully

>> No.8670000

So you didn’t understand the product, invested, and sold a week before they have a post coming with details about their biggest partnership? Nice.

>> No.8670104

>quads of a real brainlet

They have changed the fundamentals with the last medium article.
Raised more questions and concerns than ever and tried to do a damage control in the TG group.

Nobody understands the project anymore, i even doubt that the co-founder have straight vision anymore, since the first test phase of jCash with JNT failed miserably

>> No.8670327

I messaged Talal about Dan from telegram. He told me he will get banned soon, so are others. He's in a group with others and they don't stop fudding.
He told me they are waiting for the SEED tokenization and they will start banning a lot of people. I'm happy with the decision desu. What do you guys think?

>> No.8670376

So any critical voice?
Got it.

>> No.8670378

Sell the rumor buy the news amirite

>> No.8670379

Thank God, this is guy the cancer of the telegram. Always complaining about random shit.

>> No.8670402

Oy Vey! He just accused me of not being Jewish! The Gefalte fish nearly dropped out of my mouth.

>> No.8670426

He will be banned soon. Don't worry about him. He's a troll like the others

>> No.8670468


>> No.8670503

>muh proof?
AHAHAHAHAHAH you fucking faggot. Fuck you Dan you fucking cuck

>> No.8670542

I sold because the last article was garbage and now the fundamentals of the project are less clear than they were before

if the next article clarifies where jnt will get its value, how they plan to use the seed money and how jcash and jbonds will benefit jnt holders I'll buy back in even if it means buying back at a loss but doubt it'll go back above 3k sats in a week

>> No.8670583

>t. will be buying back at a loss guaranteed
you fucked up anon

>> No.8670613
File: 77 KB, 676x679, 1522505846946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that this is not a scam, just a necessary and temporary adjustment moving forward

adjustment which doesn't affect the project (actually helps it) but makes the coin pretty much worthless
Did you participate in go-fund me or did you buy the tokens as an investment?
If it's the former then I have no other questions

>> No.8670677

Im frank..

>> No.8670699

we'll see what happens

>> No.8670714

No you're not.
I am Frank

>> No.8670741

I know you are not. You will get banned anyways. Have fun while it lasts

>> No.8670757

is referring to you >>8670677 Dan

>> No.8670773

i just don't get it, you're now gonna sit there obsessing over the price with your finger on the buy button for a whole week? what if it moons while you're afk? i'm not wired for that shit. i did my research and bought my stack and am not selling period unless they flat out say "we're dead and the seed partnership is totally off the table"

>> No.8670808

>and am not selling period unless they flat out say "we're dead and the seed partnership is totally off the table"
at that point you will have to keep those useless tokens for yourself, no one will be buying.

also I feel bad for this ciggie guy in telegram dude asked legit questions but thos fanatics want to crucify him for destorting their dreams

>> No.8670812

Here are my conclusions for this, please tell me I'm wrong:Fundamental change to Jihad Network can be summarized as such:
Previous value proposition: jCash and jAssets are backed by JNT(edited)
Where jCash represents underlying fiat
in 1:1 ratio
and jAssets represent underlying treasury note, zero coupon certificate, CD or whatever low income money market tool you can imagine
Current Value Proposition:
jAssets are backed by jCash
Where jAssets, represented in CryDRs on chain, are backed by jCash, which is backed by underlying fiat
jBonds are backed by JNT
Where jBonds are a mystery
The argument for JNT not being worthless is as follows:
JNT will be utilized as fuel for the blockchain
it will be necessary for the ledger
JNT will be utilized for various voting purposes regarding the API, jWallet configurations, and I guess a jBoard of Directors or something
and the most important part obviously being: JNT will be backing jBonds
Best case scenario: jBonds are traditional bonds represented by CryDRs on the network
However this is unlikely since an institution, or anyone really, would tokenize their debt instrument with jCash to protect their investment
Medium case scenario: jBonds are debt issued by the Jibrel Network or Seed Group that represent debt on chain, so it has a tangible value off chain, and JNT Market Cap rises with bonds issued by the Jibrel Network or Seed Group
Worst Case scenario: Jihad Network just scamel'd their investors for 35M bags of ETH.
The next Medium article is scheduled to come out next week, but since we're going off Jibrel time, it may be delivered next month
Hopefully they will clarify some of these glaring issues
Because they did change the fundamental purpose of the token they were selling

>> No.8670869

Same here.

I think a lot of people probably bought JNT because of the memes though and don't know how to justify their reasoning anymore.

>> No.8670888

More than 1 frank in the world i suppose

>> No.8670899

kys pajeet

>> No.8670925


sounds about right

>> No.8670964

man wtf stop talking shit to me xD im not this dan guy lmao

>> No.8671001

the price isn't important to me, it's the purpose of the token that's important
that's why I'm waiting for the article

>> No.8671007

it's my understanding that jBonds ARE jCash backed by JNT instead of fiat + JNT. there is no structural difference between them otherwise. is this correct? they were fucking vague with jBonds

>> No.8671052

Is there anyone actually buying this at this point? Does anyone have an example of someone buying into jibrel after they heard this news?

And thta's the way it's gonna stay

>> No.8671132

Kek. Low IQ faggot. Seriously kys

>> No.8671194

If u like the project just keep accumulating if not dont buy and if you have it just sell it already. I am hoping it goes down a bit more and ill pick some more

>> No.8671331

They have a medium post about jBonds. They are issued by their partners, backed offchain by cash and onchain by JNT proof-of-solvency.

jAssets can be backed by by fiat or by fiat + JNT

>> No.8671406

I sold the top and intend to buy back after the market settles. Maybe I'll try to time the medium article since most people seem to still be fucking clueless about what they changed, so it might pump then.

At the end of the day they still have proof-of-solvency, 250m SEED partnership, bank connections. The news were bad sure, but
people wayyy overreacted and considering that the mc is 30m it doesn't take much to get a ROI.

>> No.8671452


So the jUSB will be a dollar with value derived from off chain bonds?

Not seeing that medium article. Link?

>> No.8671460

>backed offchain by cash and onchain by JNT proof-of-solvency.
any proof they are gonna be backed by cash OFFchain and ONchain ?
last time I heard it was gonna be on-chain only

>> No.8671495

yeah on-chain only was my understanding too

>> No.8671537


Oh yeah I read that wrong, it's a +50% pledge and the contract can be exercised if the pledge becomes insufficient.

>> No.8672435

Shut up Dan.

>> No.8672486

You, Wojak and that frog are total fucking pajeet losers. Enjoy the trip down to 3 cents.

Never have 3 more idiotic losers had such a terrible effect on a project.

>> No.8673550

I agree.

>> No.8673579

Wtf ive done nothing wrong

>> No.8673595

i'm heavily invested in JNT but would not mind watching it crash and burn just to see those 3 get btfo

>> No.8674258

From Talal:

>Proof of Solvency remains the MAIN function of JNT, and that has been our promise from Day 1..

>To use the Ethereum blockchain we need a wallet, so we created the jWallet.. To search and adminster, you need a block-explorer (Jibrel Search), and then j-Node.. These are infrastructure pieces that support the growth of CryDRs and JNT. Since we have developed/developing these products, they will consume JNT as part of the process..

>> No.8674287

>Proof of Solvency remains the MAIN function of JNT, and that has been our promise from Day 1.
well, Yazan just contradicted him then

>To use the Ethereum blockchain we need a wallet, so we created the jWallet.. To search and adminster, you need a block-explorer (Jibrel Search), and then j-Node..
all the other projects are using current eth tools with no problem but they need their own versions of everything?

>> No.8674562

yazan never contradicted him.Stop making things up.

>> No.8674653

he said jcash won't be backed by jnt, and Talal was and looks like still is saying it will
how is that not a contradiction?

>> No.8674708
File: 30 KB, 633x204, DA07zc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe us. We focus on jbonds. Believe us. But we will n ever make exact statements so you cannot claim that we lied at the end.

>> No.8674746

I think there is a special word for an allowed-deception in arabic

nice camel coin,

>> No.8675443

well technically jnt's main purpose is still proof of solvency, but now for something thats probably useless

>> No.8675484

Taqqiya, but it’s only for Islam. You can lie for religious purposes