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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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866794 No.866794 [Reply] [Original]

what do you do for work /biz/?

I'm not curious about your salary, I'm more interested in your daily duties..

please tell me I'm not the only one doing bullshit office work

>> No.866817

>not even a good printout

Anyhow, I'm an English teacher and I do shitty indie video game dev on the side.

>> No.866831

I start trading at 8am and finish at 2pm.
I spend the rest of the afternoon and evening bored as fuck usually playing vidya. I do about an hour of reading before bed.

Thats my life. I should probably find something more productive to do with my afternoons considering I could spare an extra 6-8 hours.

>> No.866835

English teacher in the states?

what did you do before becoming a day trader?

>> No.866838

Oh, sorry. China.

>> No.866840

Work in shitty machine shop. Stick metal pieces in a machine for 8-10 hours. Office work sounds nice.

>> No.866849

Worked as a software dev. for 8 years and then IT contracting services for a few years.

>> No.866912
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My daily duties involve trying my hardest to make everything that comes across my desk die in an electrical fire. Also maintaining and upgrading the equipment that makes the above service possible.

>> No.866918



Nigga looks 35

>> No.866920

the brits dude

>> No.866940

I work at a gas station. Yeah for real. Kikes on /biz/ will look down on me but I dont give a fuck. Im just here because this stock market shit fascinates me and I want to get in on that game someday.

>> No.866948

I'm 19 and I intern for an attorney. So I'm right there with you..

>> No.866954

im a software dev that makes 90ish k and lives with my parents rent free

it sounds nice but im too retarded and useless to actually live on my own. i am airheaded but happen to have a flexible mind

>> No.866966

Public finance...so like administrative systems and procedures...and a lot of tricky government communication...literally tactically answering emails as if I'm on the stand. Otherwise excel and downtime spent on 4chan/whatever.

After that I'm taking care of my son or other family/household shit. It adds up to 12-14hrs a day, 7 days a week.

Oh yeah so to answer your question, yeah my job is mostly bullshit.

>> No.866971
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Top kek...

Nugga gimme all dem cartoons!

>> No.866972

Firefighter Paramedic

i tried day trading and lost 53% of my money in the past 5 months.... so i kinda stopped with that.

>> No.866974

I'm general manager at a marijuana producer/processor licensed in Washington. I keep inventory in the state traceability system, receive and send deliveries, coordinate orders with sales people, and organize day to day operations.

>> No.867008

>i tried day trading and lost 53% of my money in the past 5 months.... so i kinda stopped with that.
fuck haha

>> No.867015

Real Estate Banking Analyst for a bulge bracket bank in NYC.

shitty hours but pays well.

>> No.867021


Electrical engineer.

>Come into the office
>Browse internet for a few hours
>Lunch Break
>Browse internet some more
>Go home.

In between all of that I design electrical circuits, printed circuit boards, read datasheets, test the circuits, gather test data, compile reports (excel spreadsheets mostly), write scripts to automate my work. ...this accounts for about half of my day.

I try to learn some programming when i have some down time but i mostly get carried away on the internet... :(

my previous job was a lot of paperwork and office work type duties. it sucked.

>> No.867024

damn! i have the most descriptive post!! :D

>> No.867025

Security guard supervisor, armed
If weed gets legalized in 2016 I'm starting my own security company with some industry friends

>> No.867085

I'm a NEET

My daily duties include doing whatever I want.

>> No.867110
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Forklift driver.

I work in a warehouse doing manual labor.

>> No.867371

Freight train conductor. Ride a train for about 5 to 12 hours depending on traffic usually it's longer than shorter; then spend between 11 to 24hrs at hotel ride train back. Spend about day and half home repeat. On the train my job is to stay awake and make sure the engineer does not fuck up, fix shit if train breaks and sometimes pick up and set out cars. On call 24/7. When I am home I try to figure out how to do something better with my life but usually fail I think there is something wrong with me might have ADHD or something

>> No.867374

Automotive Tech.

It's grueling, tiring work, but I love every minute of it.

>> No.867376

Used to update business information, cold calling so people were wary of me stealing personal information. Was headhunted for a new role in a car dealership organising sales and test drives and dealing with the handovers. No targets, though with a commission structure for doing my duties and their monthly turnover in cars, there is a lot of money to be made.

>> No.867381

No one cares: the thread

>> No.867461

I find it interesting.

The only thing is that anyone can claim to work as something they really aren't.

>> No.867466

No niggas where I live m8
Besides im a faster, more accurate shot than any stupid thieves

>> No.867482

You mean you are a car salesman

>> No.867485

I work at an office too. I barely do any work at all. I'm an accountant so the only time I really busy is at the beginning of the month when we close the prior month's books and put out the financial statements.

8 hours in my office sometimes feels like 8 years... I hate my job.

>> No.867509

This is exactly me. Work as a finance analyst. Only time I'm really doing work is the first 5 business days of the month during the close. So much fucking downtime idk what to do with myself.

>> No.867534

Newly qualified airline pilot looking for a placement in the UK.

>> No.867549

work in an ad agency 9 am to 6:30 pm, go home, eat dinner, work on freelance work until 11 pm

>> No.867553

Office "work". I get a tedious assignment once in a while, and spend the rest of the time browsing 4chan or writing.

>> No.867572

Me too brah.

Thank God for fucking 4chan.

Although I do kinda feel bad when I browse /s/ at work lmao

>> No.867579

I work as a software developer. Typically spend the first hour on 4chan, then do work for a few hours, then on and off browse this board into the afternoon.

>> No.867599

I drive a van with a stretcher and body bags and pick up dead people (or what's left of them).

Have enlisted army job soon and I'm hoping to swindle university/commissioned job out of them afterwards since I have no other realistic way of getting a degree in engineering after dropping out of high school for family reasons.

>> No.867636

Nothing wrong with that. My dad is the /biz/ type. Spends all of his free time trading. His main income has been owning a couple gas stations. A lot of the people working at his place ended up successful after going to school. For example three physicians, someone who works at JP Morgan, a VP at Quicken Loans.

Right now I'm in my last year of med school. I don't really have the energy to work.

>tfw you are almost starting residency and still browse this Taiwanese anime-trading forum.

>> No.867647

Sr Business Intelligence Analyst

Usually do fuck all all day. Make some reports and do some process automation. The last month the executives have been hounding me for some high level reports so I am actually working.

>> No.867674

What about legalization makes you want to start your own company when it happens?

As for OP, I sit at a desk and file any paperwork that has something to do with my university, as well as being an all-purpose support desk for people who don't know who to call. I'm here for anything from telling a caller their move-in date to emergency response to a fire/shooting.

>> No.867762 [DELETED] 

It's really a solid business plan, a lot of businesses would probably be interested in the service. We're just transporting our sales in an old hatchback with a locked trunk in the back now.

>> No.867769


Fucking how? I mean, I suppose the market has been on a gentle downwards trend, but shit, I guess you really aren't cut out for this.

>> No.868351

Unemployed. I wake up at 2pm, fill out job applications, get bored, browse 4chan and /r/badecon, maybe watch whatever HBO show I most recently pirated. Start drinking to dull the pain of being a worthless piece of shit, go to bed repeat ad nauseam.

Previously I worked in Economic Development where I would research whatever industry currently interested the VPs, collect economic data, and use said economic data to provide client companies estimates of how much it would cost to create and staff a new location. Normally those projects would take 2-3 hours of my day. The rest was spent dicking around and reading the WSJ for "research".

>> No.868365

How much coding is involved in that?

>> No.868398

If you had literally just did the opposite of everything you did you would have done good as fuck

>> No.868423

Traditional big companies won't touch the market because it's still against federal law. Also their products (employees really) are super low quality, they'll hire any idiot from the ghetto, and it shows. 24/7 alarm/camera monitoring with armed response, loss prevention and secure couriers are going to be needed by my estimates here by between 10-150 businesses, and once a few big dispensaries/cultivators get established they'll need big contracts for security. All this hinges on whether or not the law is changed. Only 45% are for legalization in 2014 so we'll see.

>> No.868432

You're not the only one doing bullshit office work.

I work in the fraud investigation department for an auto lender, but I don't do the actual investigations. I just follow up with sales guys who have to make the dealer buy back the loans.

It's kind of cool though seeing the crazy ass fraud that comes across my desk. I get pretty invested in a lot of these cases and try to help the investigators when I can.

>> No.868447

Sounds kinda interesting? Did you like it? We're you fired?

>> No.868498

I am a Pharmacist. I make ~100K a year depending on how much work I wanna do. I still live with my mom tho and still no gf

>> No.868514

Unemployed househusband

>> No.868558

How'd you get into that?

>> No.868576

Boutique investment banker for a certain industry (if I tell you which you would know where I work).

>> No.868592

Dominoes fucking pizza. Get you some and make my stock go up.

>> No.868752

I'm the Director of Prospection for a small global consulting firm. I go to a bunch of networking events and meet with key decision makers and government leaders (including but not limited to presidents and ambassadors) to help build my company's business.

It's a good job, I like it a lot. It is sales without any pressure at all because I don't sell to companies that do not benefit from our services.

I also travel a shit ton, I travel to South America at least twice a month, Europe three times a month and Asia once a month. In other words I'm rarely home and when I'm at the local office I'm planning meetings for the weeks ahead. Oh well, at least the skymiles are good.

>> No.868835

I'm almost jealous. Being able to travel so freely and be paid for it sounds like it would be my dream.

>> No.868846

It becomes pretty tiring but I really, really like it. I'm rather young (compared to people in similar positions) so I have the stamina to do it nonstop.

Most the time I stay a few extra days to check out the country I'm in and because it is a smaller company, it doesn't even count against my vacation which is four weeks a year.

My next month and a half looks like this for example: NYC > France > Brazil > Dominican Republic > Argentina > Chile > Florida > London > Singapore > Sydney > Shanghai > NYC.

While that looks fun, it's a shit ton of time on flights, preparing for meetings, wining and dining clients and coworkers.

>> No.868912

What are your returns YTD?
Did you ever beat the S&P 500?
How tight do you place your stop losses?

>> No.868914

>feeling the need to voice such a worthless opinion

>> No.868992

>shame of living with parents is worth more than the $800/month MAX living on your own.

have fun finding a girlfriend

>> No.869001

Go to a tech school. Learn to be a CNC machinist, and stop being a button pusher.

>> No.869091

What's the career path to something like this like? I'm graduating uni with a psych degree and a business studies certificate this fall and this sounds like a direction I could head in. Kinda aimless right now

>> No.869113


Fuck yeah.

I lived on my own in university, but now that I'm back home why waste my money?


> paying $1000/month to convince yourself that you could totally get laid

>> No.869128

Yeah working night shift in a small town is much less shitty than it sounds. My only real duties are doing some paperwork, a little bit of cleaning & small waves of customers between 10-12 & 5-6. Rest of the time my job description is browsing 4chan/reading the classics & trolling the fuck outta drunk/methhead white trash.
Tried going to school for history & philosophy but I realized how fucked that would be within a month and dropped out so I could jew myself some free money via the grants. Now im 22 and have the cheapest living arrangement in the area. Just gotta find a good profession & a good out of state school. Got IQ of 150 with my only disadvantages being terrible at higher math & an abject hatred of "networking" since it feels like dishonorable ass-kissing due to how I was raised.

>> No.869164


Pour oil, visual inspections of equipment, testing of product, controlling the proces, recieving materials and fuels we use for the proces, shovelling, driving loaders, driving trucks, industrial vacuuming, minor repairs, changing sensors, using a flat-edged spear to smack stuff, using a water-spear to smack stuff, using a hook to pull stuff, smacking stuff in general with hammers/rods/various pieces of metal, making reports of faulty equipment, bossing around the new guys, training the new guys, spraying oil, hosing the floors in various sections, occasionally very hard physical labour that entails smacking or stabbing og shovelling stuff

Factory worker

Love my job, as you might can see, I have many different duties that change according to the shifts and the position, and I have both control-room duty and outside duty alternating, so I never get bored.
And while it is sometimes hard, I have many days outside where the amount of physical work amounts to less than 1 hour out of 8.
Sometimes it's 8 out of 8 though, but it's very rare

>> No.869173

id LOVE to do bullshit office work. anyone know how i can score a job as a mindless office drone? even cubicle work will be fine.

>> No.869193

you have to apply to office drone positions
stuff like secretary, receptionist, data entry, clerk. there are a lot more names for that. some are more specific than others like medical coder, HR specialist, etc

most are going to need you to be versed in word, excel, type at a certain speed, etc. specific jobs might need specific things.

>> No.869205

i have all those skills (certified) and more. i just cant seem to find a position like that, because those are usually jobs they give to interns.

>> No.869237


>> No.869321


It was an internship, I left since the office wanted a commitment to another full internship cycle if I stayed, which I couldn't promise, and I wanted to make sure I had a good reference. The office was really small and there wasn't anyway I would get a full time offer in the near future due to the way our organization was chartered. I also had shitty pay and had to split hours with another intern. All those factors played into me leaving at the end of my internship.

I really enjoyed the special assignments where a VP would go up to me and say "Hey anon, I need a report about X industry in our state by four", but those assignments weren't common enough to make up for the general monotony. The economic statistics stuff would have been more fun if we did the analysis, but more often than not the companies would just have us hand the raw data we collect to their analysts.

>> No.869336

Holy shit this sounds perfect!

Could i play vidya the rest of the month?

Whats the exact title and what degree do i need to get that job?

>> No.869358

"Big 4" audit. Shit pay for long hours (even when there's not much to do), exams, all the other grievances associated with a shit office job. I think I'm more depressed now than when I was unemployed.

The only benefit is that the size of the company means my half-assing goes relatively unnoticed.

>> No.869363

Looool audit sounds so miserable. My company gets audited by deloitte. Hate dealing with those fucker cause they question and press everything.

>> No.869368

Still at uni, and I live free with my parents and tons of government and university support so there's not really any need to work.

In fact, I'm not even allowed to get paid work during term time, they don't want any distractions.

>> No.869373

No you can't play vidya. You have to sit in your office and pretend to be busy or shit post on this site. It's horribly boring and unfulfilling.

But, you need a degree in accounting. That's pretty much it. Your CPA will also help. Or an MBA.

>> No.869374

We're audited by Ernst and Young. I share the same sentiment about them.

Fuck the annual audit.

>> No.869379


Not much. You only really need to know your company's BI program. I use vba to do magic tricks but its not required.

>> No.869380


Finding issues is literally the closest thing you get to excitement in this job. It's a real adrenaline rush.

>> No.869381

iOS developer. Work from home/online. Freelance.

Currently making $20k/month. Usually, it ranges from $5k - $25k / month.

>> No.869383

age 23 btw.

>> No.869386


I don't get it. You guys all end up in private anyways. Might as well skip the torture and go straight in.

>> No.869387

Patch holes, pour concrete, clean storm water intakes, shit work.

>> No.869420

Gotta weed out the dummies

>> No.869421

Junior manager of a family business, I do all sorts of stuff I guess, mostly finances and HR though.

>> No.869428

That's what I did. I never wanted to work in public. I'm glad I haven't yet.

I've also passed the level 1 CFA exam. Thinking about finishing that and then starting my own trading desk.

>> No.869449

I'm a lawyer

I've seen some crazy shit i tell you

>> No.869461

>Trading desk

literally nobody on our desk has a cfa. why waste your time?

>> No.869468

Sarcasm detected. Do most of you hate it?

>> No.869484

Most people are there to get the big 4 on their CV, qualify as accountants, then leave. Post qualification retention is very low, which is why most auditors on the ground are pretty young. I went in with low expectations and was still disappointed.>>869468

>> No.869495

Beer salesman
I go into to grocery stores and send them fuck loads of beer and get bitched at for it by the stores. Duties include Baby sit my merchandisers, get complaints all day, make the breweries feel good about themselves, and always gotta have more warm display then the Budweiser distributor (Miller-Coors here).

>> No.869789


>> No.869849

Where did you get your start in software? education?

>> No.869969


Applied to a pharmacy school and got in.

>> No.869997

PHP programmer.
i could tell you more but it's against my NDA's.
>Which one?

>> No.870043

i just sit in this chair for 9 hrs~ a day 5 days a week
i swear i dont do a single thing besides browse online french cotton consumer communities

>> No.870051

this is what I do except I browse news or play a web based super mario bros

I'm certain the managers know I do nothing and they just don't care, I don't get it

>> No.870083

>currently computer science student
>don't want to be a code monkey
>can't think of any other jobs that I could get from this degree that wouldn't make me want to kill myself
Right now I'm thinking about either going on to be a systems analyst (interview morons who slap together disgusting databases, make UML diagrams and show how to improve their systems) or even a generic IT teacher.

>> No.870144

^^^^ haha this faggot signed an NDA

>> No.870223

>don't want to be a code monkey
Why not? What do you think the average salary is?

>> No.870242

all westerners rook much older than age

>> No.870246

Save money, draw up generic business plan while cribbing from your employer, employ other code monkeys and take a cut of the money their work earns the business.

>> No.870259


You have so many people on LinkedIn offering you senior level positions if you have that nice Big 4 stamp on your resume. The next level below that is just any public experience and then they'll look at the rest of the people that went straight into private.

>> No.870260


Get to work, unlock the store, set up the tills and turn on the computers and radio etc.

Do the banking for the day before opening hours

As soon as we open its busy and will pretty much stay that way the whole day, so then it just becomes an endless cycle of doing scripts, ordering stock, puttinf away and pulling down stock, answering the phone, answering dumb ques ti ons from coworkers and then getting asked to look at some filthy infection by a customer or better yet getting asked about some unproven homeopathic garbage that for some reason we sell.

This all being done while standing for 8-12 hours often with no breaks, at desks that aren't height adjustable and are constructed for dwarves.

1/10 do not recommend

>> No.870263


Most of these guys hate it because they get thrown into the meat grinder and the system doesn't care about their complaints.

This because if the cannon fodder doesn't get the work done then it's passed onto the upper level and so on and so forth. So a partner could give two shits if the entry level guys are bitching because he'll have to pick up their work if they don't do it. Fuck over the partners and they'll make sure you're out of a job.

>> No.870277

>some reason

>> No.870284

>pawn shop

I basically jew drug addicts out of their inherited jewelry, stolen TVs and game systems, and what little money they have that isn't feeding their addictions

Ask me anything

>> No.870750

Wage slave here

I preform phone surveys for a market research company. It's really boring and monotonous, but not bad for a first job.

>> No.870994

I'm drive a bin lorry for the local council don't judge

>> No.871013

Chemical sales in the paper industry. Right now I do a lot of sitting on my dick, since I am still doing a lot of service work I still make hourly which adds up to some nice overtime on weeks I am busy. Moving up to a sales account soon which will mean way more work and travel but also way better perks.

>> No.871241

Real Estate Agent/Manager

Got in when I was young with a family friend, learned the trade through being her assistant. She did relatively decently each year, $200k-250k per year before taxes.

Then I got my license, she started her own brokerage and hired 6 other agents. Now I sit around all fucking day just managing the office, printing out shit and enjoy getting commission splits from what the other agents sell.

About to turn 23 in a couple weeks and last year made just under $150k before taxes. Something about real estate however feel unfulfilling to me... I'm looking to get out within the next couple of years.

>> No.871249

>Something about real estate however feel unfulfilling to me... I'm looking to get out within the next couple of years.
Know when you're on a good thing stick at it.

>> No.871250

I work in shipping and receiving for a factory that manufactures display models for pharma companies, hospitals, schools, etc. Pretty much the human models you see in science classes and stuff. I basically work 12 hour night shifts holding a this gun looking thing that scans bar codes on incoming and outgoing shipping boxes. Been doing it for a year and a half. It pays more ($12.50/hr) than any job I could find related to my degree (BA in Psychology). I'm 26 and still dream of having a bright future being super successful like all of you 19 year olds do, but I think this is it. I'm not depressed about it, but not happy either. My fiance is a nurse, studying to become a FNP which is nice.

>> No.871264

I work at Costco as a front end supervisor.
I essentially stand up front with a key and wait for cashiers to do something that requires an override, answer member questions, micromanage the workers and at night I drive a forklift for the warehouse. It's not bad, everyone who works at Costco is nice; get $24 an hour and time and a half sundays. Hopefully I get the management position that is opening up. Our warehouse pays managers about 80 grand a year.
Other than that I'm about to get my real estate license and work for a family company

>> No.871271

I work in real estate appraisal. About 1/3 of my time is spent doing physical property inspections, the rest of the time I am in the office doing research, making phone calls, and dealing with paperwork. I like my job, the only problem is that I work for a crown corporation so there is a lot of bureaucracy and inefficiency which is beyond my control. Also there are too many women in the office.

>> No.871274

>work for a family company *part-time
I'd recommend costco, one of the benefits is if you leave costco on good terms they will advertise you to their members or utilize your services
For example the land my costco was built on was sold by a former costco worker and the contract to build the building went to a former costco employee. They take care of you beyond your employment there

>> No.871343

i have some watches to sell to help pay rent. degree with no job yet and moved back home. should i sell at a pawn shop or online?

>> No.871352

If they're high end watches sell on: http://forums.watchuseek.com/forum.php#sales-corners

If not, I'd try kijiji before ebay

>> No.871367

dam son

>> No.871369

online before anything else, try ebay

do NOT bring anything that you are selling because you *need* money to a pawn shop. We are trained to gauge the desperation of a seller, and if we realize they are selling their items because they need to, we will purposely low-ball our offers by 70-80%, because we know you're more likely to accept it if you need the money.

>> No.871374

Security car patrol here. Driving around, blasting music and checking properties. Only night shifts, 11 hour long. ~150 miles of driving.

>> No.871379
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>> No.871387

Yea that's what everyone has been telling me.

I've always wanted to own a car wash or a detailing center of some sort. Wonder if I can manage both at the same time...

>> No.871390

We shop at Costco all the time and everyone there is super fucking nice. Even the new Costco they just put up in the hood, all the negroids they hired are fucking nice.

>> No.871393

Probably lying tho but tell us more
I was studying physics but there's no work for what I wanna do, so starting a 5-year accounting degree, probably to be followed by a chartered accountant certification (french, but can get the ACCA one too). Or get an Audit & Management control master but damn, 14 000€ for a year...

I'd rather become a web/mobile developer or something like that but I feel like I'm not gonna make it financially, and I can't learn thru apprenticeship, as in the accounting degree (80% work 20% school)

>> No.872697

I'm learning python at the moment. How do i get into software development?

>> No.872716


Been seeing this thread but never read the title of the picture.

Made my day

>> No.873151


Living the dream tbh.

At least for some time this sounds great. How did you got in to that?

>> No.873176


Stay where you are before figuring out next step.

God I would like to be in your position. Tried here but failed for now. Fing eastern europa mang.