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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 267 KB, 1000x800, GreenSniem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8665637 No.8665637 [Reply] [Original]

Come and join us 9.2K ETH in the contract

>> No.8665666

Read this for a summary of how it all works. https://medium.com/p/want-to-get-crypto-rich-count-on-human-greed-cbdb4f886185

Dappradar has just listed P3D as the top app on their platform. P3D now has greater volume than IDEX, a decentralised exchange. We're doing it, /biz/. We're turning memes into money.

>> No.8665677

>tfw didnt go all in at 200 eth

we coulda made it if we were pussies
forced myself to throw 1 eth in at 2k

people are still throwing massive amounts in. saw a 60 eth deposit yesterday. probably more like that today havent checked

>> No.8665718
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We shooting to 10K, I myself got into when 500. Things are looking pretty fucking nice

>> No.8665777

someone give me a basic summary of what this meme does

>> No.8665815
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Makes you rich, no effort REQuired

nice trips

>> No.8665872 [DELETED] 


>"P3D is a smart pyramid exchange that >runs on human fear and greed. 10% of >each transaction is distributed >proportionally to those that are >already in the smart pyramid based on >the number of tokens they hold. On each >buy, the tokens you hold become more >valuable. On each sell, less."

There you go, anon. See you at 10k in two hours.

>> No.8665884

got in under 100 ethers

with like 15 ethers

will dump soon as it seems like the bear market is over and powh3d loses its edge

>> No.8665895


>"P3D is a smart pyramid exchange that runs on human fear and greed. 10% of each transaction is distributed proportionally to those that are already in the smart pyramid based on the number of tokens they hold. On each buy, the tokens you hold become more valuable. On each sell, less."

>> No.8665901


What is a realistic peak for this? 100K ETH? hahahahaha

This will put Bernie Madoff to shame.

>> No.8665909
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>> No.8665918

basically its like lighting money on fire. you deposit ETH to the smart contract, then the pajeet dev exit scams and steals it. or some autist exploits a bug in the shitty code and drains the contract

>> No.8665930
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Whole ETH in the excistence

>> No.8665932


salty someone got into this pyramid scheme before you?

look at the early transaction for proof, cant be bothered to dig it up

>> No.8665951


I didn't trust it after the shitshow the original PoWH was - but since the Ethphoenix.io guys helped PonziBot rewrite the contract I tossed in a tiny amount of Eth (basically the dust in my wallet) back at a few hundred Et, so I have a measly 5 tokens - just enough for a masternode. Gradually reinvesting the divs (and my 5 tokens are worth a bit more now, like a x8 or so I think), but I'm not putting more in - I can't believe you fuckers trust the same guy that not once but TWICE released broken contracts.

Looking forward to the inevitable dump to 100 Eth again - once you dumbasses realise the next x2 won't happen until 32000 ETH in the contract you'll shit yourselves heh.

>> No.8666000

This is the only shit making money in this bear market. It's a no brainer.

>> No.8666002





>> No.8666004
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not salty u faggot


>> No.8666020


normies are getting on board, and they'll literally walk through their friends installing metamask and buying Ether just so they can get that masternode buy in.

p3d is gonna cause the flippening

>> No.8666028


It's dappradar shilling this shit on their website, and you are right, it is normie buy in time

>> No.8666095
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Yep, PoWH3D is legit gonna cause the flippening

>> No.8666097


>> No.8666136

Bitconnect had a market cap of 2.5 billion USD

PoWH could have a million or two ETH in the contract and still not be up to bitconnect's ATH

>> No.8666154

This is just for a master hacker to exploit and steal eth

>> No.8666203

yeah because teams of master hackers are all colluding and waiting for the contract to hit 10 million by now -- oh wait no that's retarded, this thing would've been hacked at 500k if such a bug existed.
i'm guessing you don't even fucking code but correct me if i'm wrong, rajesh

>> No.8666829

Basically hackers have 10k ETH bounty atm

>> No.8666915

over 9000!
Smart Contract based on Dividends, 10% of All Trades buy/sell are paid directly to Token Holders(P3D) in Ethereum(ETH) via smart contract, 100% Decentralized!
goto: x.(DELETEthis)co/POWH

>> No.8667024


this shit 100k first

>> No.8667087

Holy shit. Thanks to sminem i bought under 400 ETH in the contract. That pic i epic. must save

>> No.8667146

if it dumps to 100 eth, wont the holders a ton of divs, and more people will jump in expecting to be bottom of another 8000 eth pyramid?

as long as the contract remains secure, should be good, right?

>> No.8667160

if the price nosedives your divs wwont be worth shit

>> No.8667180


>> No.8667371


if it drops sell, buy back in at 100 and remoon

>> No.8667785

Yeah, I also think when a mass selloff happens, normies will fucking lose their minds and buy the shit out of it.

>> No.8667905

so basically refresh contract every hour and hope you can cash out fast once it starts crashing. rebuy once it bounces?

>> No.8668264

So, like a week from now? When are linkiies gonna x2?

>> No.8668806

ITT: powh bagholders talking to themselves in hopes to bait a dimwit like Trevon James.

Gonna be fun seeing the pink wojaks when powh gets hacked again.

>> No.8669445


>> No.8669492


this powh is not going to get hacked, it is audited by people who can be trusted

if it can be hacked then do it already, there's almost 10k eth in it

>> No.8669545

You get divs in ETH you retard.

>> No.8669565


if people sell you get divs retard

read about this fucking pyramid before you start FUDing

>> No.8669630

>it is audited by people who can be trusted
You mean like the anonymous devs? Kek you retards deserve to lose your money.

>You get divs in ETH
>if people sell you get divs retard

Literally a fraction of a cent in divs. Amazing.

The absolute state of powh scammers.

>> No.8669688

if 10000 people sell, and I have 10.000 PoScam how much do I get in divs? Will it counteract the nosedive in price?

>> No.8669709


you fucking retard, buy in early make easy money, of course you have to get this money from bagholders in the future

did you buy in early? no? stay fucking salty mate


price of sell tokens dive but you get divs in sell volume. since people sell tokens your share in divs actually rises, so the more people sell the more div share you get

read contract and calculate

>> No.8669721

in eth or in powh?

>> No.8669735

i've actually been wondering this. Lets say they make i dunno 1/10000 of an ETH in i dunno, however the fuck this scam works.

With ETH currently at ~$400, they'd be making something like 4 cents? Lol.

You'd be better off just investing in any shitcoin and selling the moment you're up 1%

>> No.8669745

>did you buy in early? no? stay fucking salty mate
So by your logic no one should buy in ever again?

>> No.8669752

POWH1 = "Hacked"
POWH2 = "Hacked"
Hope you guys don't get "hacked" again.

>> No.8669776


your divs are in ETH, you will keep your tokens, but you can also always sell your tokens (will be returned in divs). Divs itself can be withdrawn again, or be re-invested (it's a kinda of inbetween wallet)

oh and btw read the fucking contract before you buy in anything, it is legit

the absolute state of /biz

what you do at new eth ponzi: you read the fucking contract and decide if it can be hacked. it does not use safe math which protects against overflows? no buy. it has weird funcitons in it? no buy. it creates random numbers in contract? no buy. it has functions in it which allows dev to payout everything immediately? no buy

this is a fucking no-brainer

>> No.8669785

Yes, that's how it is. That's why you see so many of them desperate to get new people because they are making fucking nothing off these "divvies".

And when you point that out, you get a moronic comment like this

>you fucking retard, buy in early make easy money, of course you have to get this money from bagholders in the future
>did you buy in early? no? stay fucking salty mate

>> No.8669804

You stupid fuck. You just said that if I didn't buy in early I wouldn't make money, but yet you're telling everyone else to buy in today. Jesus christ lmao.

>> No.8669806


yes no one should buy again why would people even buy this?

oh wait, you can make money from this

>> No.8669811

/Biz/ doesn't care. They'd rather just hope they're right that this is a scam. All the while I'm getting dividends and am comfy as fuck in this bear market.

>> No.8669835


kek it is still early you retard, this shit is going to 100k at least, look at the fucking volume, all the normies are FOMOing in

did you buy in early? no? stay salty

>> No.8669842

>buy in early make easy money
>of course you have to get this money from bagholders in the future
You are the bagholder.

>> No.8669926



>> No.8669952

Pyramid scheme in the 3rd dimension.

>> No.8669953

how much do I have to put in to get good divs then?

>> No.8670003

Nothing. Because it's not going to happen.

>> No.8670046


anything easy moon

nice fud

>> No.8670103

>nice fud
What fud? You just told me so yourself.


>> No.8670162
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>> No.8670183

>just told me so yourself.

>> No.8670228

Picking on you powh bagholders is so much fun. Literal brainlets. No wonder you fell for this shit.

>> No.8670265


very much fun to get called out for bs, i bought in at start and didnt be a fucking retard selling at the drop.

meanwhile we got another moon incoming

COFFEE is mooning this is going to be ETHERGOO soon the new best game

http://etherstocks.net/ buy coffee

https://ethergoo.io/ moon game

>> No.8670281
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>> No.8670295

>i bought in at start and didnt be a fucking retard selling at the drop.
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8670344


10k almost in, all FUDers here are salty they didnt buy

>> No.8670493

For anyone wondering, divs are insignificantly small and one of the main "lies" used by shills. Ignore the divs. Like any coin, you're hoping that the token price goes up after you buy. Eth volume goes 4x, you will go 2x. So if you think the contract will hit 40,000 eth then you might double your money. If you think they'll run out of idiots by then, maybe you'll be the bag holder.

Make no mistake, I'm disappointed now that I didnt buy in at 400 but everything about it screams dodgy and scam, and the discord is fucking disgusting.

Join if you like, I admit I'm still tempted, but everyone knows what comes after a pump, right? It's just a game of chicken, so decide your own risk tolerance.

>> No.8670514

On top of that, the devs are anonymous and POWH3 is the 3rd scam. POWH 1 & 2 got "hacked".

>> No.8670572


nice fud

>> No.8670647
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10,000 PARTY!

>> No.8670679

it's a multi-million dollar open source contract, there's no feasible way the developers are putting a non-obfuscated backdoor into the program. have a nice saturday.

>> No.8670704

are you faggots at least getting paid to promote this scam?

>> No.8670708

>it's a multi-million dollar ponzi
>there's no feasible way any new people will make money

>> No.8670746

The genius part of this whole thing is that once these retards buy into it they have to keep scamming new people even after they realize they've been scammed. They're desperate to make their money back and are trapped in the ponzi. It's actually genius.

>> No.8670754


nice fud


nice fud


nice fud

big keks

>> No.8670841
File: 250 KB, 978x550, Screen_Shot_2018-03-31_at_7.44.01_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, we just try to make you rich you ungrateful faggots

>> No.8670893

>Nope, we just try to make you rich
Said no one ever.

>> No.8670937


>> No.8670970
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you forgot the "ungrateful faggots" part

>> No.8671026
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10,000 ! eth

>> No.8671035

I'm not the faggot that's going to prison to get his ass torn out.

>> No.8671069

Quick maths:

If you buy in now, your BREAK EVEN point is at around 20,000 eth, i.e. the contract needs to double.

For example, 10ETH today buys you about 576 tokens (taking into account your 10% in-tax.

At 20,000 contract, your 700 tokens will be worth 10.38 ETH, taking into account your 10% out-tax

You will make 3.8% profit if the contract attracts a further 10,000 ETH.

If the contract hits 45,000 ETH in total, then you will make just over 50% profit.

To double your money you will need a contract with 80,000 ETH (8x the current size)

It's been going up several 1000 per day lately, who knows where it will stall.

>> No.8671088

holy fuck, only winners are the ones who got in early, what a retarded thing to get in now

>> No.8671199


>> No.8671242

Yea it is pumped to high heaven, but honestly who knows how big it will get? I didn't get in at 400-1000 due to security concerns and a general sense of unease gained from the discord - you get banned for discussing the maths of it, essentially, and questions about security are just laughed off. It's a funny thing for sure but god damn I wish I went all in, haha.

>> No.8671255
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>> No.8671308
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>> No.8671318

I feel it's still quite early.

>> No.8671336

Nah, no one wants to make a fraction of a penny.

>> No.8671360

heavily shilled here right now. Makes me think it'll dump

>> No.8671372

Friendly reminder: In most western countries, advocating for or knowingly participating in a ponzi scam is a federal (or providential) offense. If you are in a country that requires itemized tax reporting (IE: USA) you may be audited and caught.

This shit is serious business. It's not like 'pump and dump' and other security-based fraud that is being overlooked due to the way cryptocurrency is classified. Ponzi scams are not unique to securities law and you can be prosecuted.

>> No.8671377

wiki for all you dumbass niggers who dont know how it works

>> No.8671458

Post the wiki for federal prison survival

>> No.8671493

how many "western countries" can you name?

>> No.8671577

Quite a few, but I don't feel like going through that work. Most of the Eurozone has these laws. As does the United States. Australia as well.

>> No.8671714

Its gonna get hacked eventually so who cares

>> No.8671798

friendly reminder the market-cap is only 8.5 million USD at current eth price of $396.
bitconnect's Mcap peak was ~6 billion; it's copy-cat clone was davor with ~1.8 billion
POWH3D is decentralized so it's immune to the regulation which killed bitconnect AND it has a better return model.
start to take profits when we hit 500 million market-cap and you will be rich.
all of this information is easily verifiable; if you don't get on now you WILL be upset in the future.

>> No.8671814

>compare this ponzi to other ponzis that collapsed
Wow great strategy.

>> No.8671821

you're a dumbass non-coder who has no authority to say this.
see: >>8670679

>> No.8671839

smart contract=/=ponzi or pyramid scheme idiot

>> No.8671854

>thinks that human nature has changed enough to avoid falling into the exact same trap that has been working time and time again since the ponzi has been invted
i got in at 2k eth
you will be upset you didn't get in at 10k eth when we hit 100 million market-cap; i guarantee it.
what do you do for a living, anon?

>> No.8671857
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see you at 10,000 eth!

ethergoo.io IS MOONING


all those tx in just 1 hour

>> No.8671877

now THIS is autism

>> No.8671883

first crypto idle game thats a ponzi

you wait till the normie housewives fomo in



>> No.8671897

You're telling me people make money in the beginning of the ponzi and everyone who joins in after makes nothing.

Smart contract is a contract and this ponzi uses it.

It's like you PoWH retards don't even know what you're talking about and just regurgitate everything in the shill kit. Oh wait.

>> No.8671952

no, i'm telling you that the people who don't take profits accordingly don't make money. the people who think it will last forever.
no shit the earliest people make the most money and have the safest r/r. the point is, it's fucking early! if you take even 30m and look into as many metrics as you can think of i promise you will see the potential. this is the easiest 3-4x minimum. do i have to make an image for you or something? maybe a spreadsheet?

>> No.8671996

.000000000000001 ETH great profits.

>> No.8672026

What makes you think it will go up that high, though? I am not morally against pyramid schemes (in before "but it's nottttt a pyramidddd scheemmmmee, mommmm he called it a pyramid scheme again!!")

But there is niche appeal to this thing, it's basically just 4chan users and some rich paedos.

>> No.8672046

A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of future payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products. This is not a pyramid scheme unless you would argue all cryptocurrency exchanges that sell currencies and have referral programs are.
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator provides fabricated reports and generates returns for older investors through revenue paid by new investors, rather than from legitimate profit of financial trading. Operators of Ponzi schemes make false promises and guarantees offering short-term returns that are abnormally high. POWH is open source and you can review the contract code yourself for any exit scams. we already had 2 hackathons and multiple independent Solidity developers have audited and closely reviewed the contract, and no bugs or exit scams were found.

i would advise you shut the fuck up and DYOR before making an ass outta yourself

>> No.8672082
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Sminem is in!

>> No.8672095

imagine bleeding in alts without being invested in 3d and recovering lol

>> No.8672102

/biz/ - Pyramid schemes and gambling

>> No.8672106

>A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of future payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products. This is not a pyramid scheme unless you would argue all cryptocurrency exchanges that sell currencies and have referral programs are.

You trade valuable ETH for valueless P3D tokens. You have "masternodes" aka ref links.

>A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator provides fabricated reports and generates returns for older investors through revenue paid by new investors

You are fabricating your gains and are making money off new people deposting ETH into the contract.

Now go fuck yourself.

>> No.8672159

we're in a bear market; everything is bleeding. tons of autistic "investors" finally realizing they were never good at investing to begin with. as soon as the dumbass youtube personalities hop on, this thing is taking off because it will be one of the few ways (for now) that will actually make ETH.
this, coupled with the fact that humans will always fall for the same thing over and over and even if there is a dump, there will be bagholders ready to shill the next generation down the line. since dividends are paid in ETH, the best strat is to buy a big chunk early (aka now) and never re-invest so if it does crash and your tokens are worth 0, you will still likely break even with divs.
but what do i know, i've just made $1500 in 4 days

>> No.8672192

>i've just made $1500 in 4 days

That's the problem with p3d shilling, it's unfortunately always a case of "if you had bought in a week ago..."

It scales very poorly from this point on. To make the same gains of 800-10,000 contract, we need to go from 10,000 to 180,000 or so.

>> No.8672194
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>the best strat is to buy a big chunk early (aka now)
The absolute state of powh faggots

>> No.8672223
File: 42 KB, 263x468, Rice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just feels goog hodling your crypto in PoWH3D, even when bear market you still see your investment stable or growing

>> No.8672268

>You trade valuable ETH for valueless P3D tokens.
its a dapp.
>You have "masternodes" aka ref links.
>You are fabricating your gains and are making money off new people deposting ETH into the contract.
nobody can fabricate ETH. everyone gets divs from any activity in the contract (buyng, selling, or token transfers)
i dont see what point youre making. just accept that youre stupid to day trade and leave /biz/ forever

>> No.8672285

No youtubers will shill it unless they want to be arrested for promoting a ponzi

>> No.8672290

>its a dapp.
You still exchange ETH for garbage P3D tokens.
>You have "masternodes" aka ref links.
Your definition of a pyramid scheme includes that part.
>nobody can fabricate ETH
I didn't say you were fabricating the ETH that people dumped into the contract. You are fabricating what you've gained from it.

Now do everyone a favor and kys.

>> No.8672302

Really? No wonder Trevon James and Craig Grant are shilling this.

>> No.8672315


This - you think "normies" will ever get into it? No one with any reputation would be seen dead promoting this.


It is a pyramid scheme, and that's fine by me. Just understand that it's not going to be fucking mainstream, lamo.

>> No.8672331

Really. Thinking youre clever by making it an "ironic" ponzi doesnt protect you.

>> No.8672404
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>> No.8672422

These guys make me laugh, they literally dont like money.
This shit is like money found on the street, but you brainlets wouldnt pick up 5$ from the street saying its a scam.

>> No.8672483

>haha you guys don't like money
>lol just join and put all your eth in the contract
>come on do it

>> No.8672527

you have 0 legit arguments and probably hold btc waiting for a miracle to happen while we get rich.
just what i said, lmao

>> No.8672577

Scroll up retard or check the other 10 threads. This shit is about to collapse and your tears will be hilarious.

>> No.8672597

you're not wrong, but you're also not late if you buy today. that simple.

>> No.8672614

>under 10 million mcap
>about to collapse
lol you're going to be filled with regret in a month it will be glorious. think of me, won't you?

>> No.8672625

>not late if you buy today
His point was that it's already too late. Top fucking kek.

>> No.8672629

Gonna wait out for the tears in the next couple days

>> No.8672642

Nah, I'll never regret joining a scam.

>> No.8672648

>its symbol is a pyramid

>> No.8672658

Nah, I'll never regret not* joining a scam.

Sorry didn't mean to get your hopes up :')

>> No.8673530

all good mate, some people don't enjoy money and that's okay

>> No.8673590

true that was a bit misleading. i meant that he is not wrong in the sense that all previous buyers have an advantage over you.
but that's not mutually exclusive to the fact that it's not too late to double if not triple your money. 3400 token holders and you all think the party is over? honest to god, i can't wait to post threads laughing at people in June when i cash out.
if i was a faggot, i'd make a trip and screenshot it. but i'll post it and if you're lurking, you'll know.

>> No.8673608

Friendly reminder: if you put money into this ponzi you lose 10% and another 10% when you withdraw. The dividends are .000000001 ETH and you will never make your money back.

>> No.8673617

>3400 token holders

I wonder how that compares to real coins. Most are on exchanges, I guess, so it's hard to know how many individuals own them.

P3D can't ever be on an exchange, am I right to think that? You'd lose the whole essence of it with the divs shit.

>> No.8673626

It's satisfying to know that a portion of the profiteers will have huge fines and/or jail time, and everyone else will lose money as bagholders. I've been alive long enough to see this happen rampantly in two asset classes, and about to watch a third. God damn... it's going to be glorious.

>> No.8673715

> Friendly reminder: In most western countries, advocating for or knowingly participating in a ponzi scam is a federal (or providential) offense. If you are in a country that requires itemized tax reporting (IE: USA) you may be audited and caught.
>This shit is serious business. It's not like 'pump and dump' and other security-based fraud that is being overlooked due to the way cryptocurrency is classified. Ponzi scams are not unique to securities law and you can be prosecuted.

>> No.8674028

also just realized this is likely inflrated due to people self-referring and taking advantage of the 30% masternode bonus. even more "bullish" (i feel terrible saying that about a scam but it's true)

>> No.8674181
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kek prison, again nice fud, do you get paid for this?


nice fud, cya in a month, muh cries about not getting into pyramid in early phase (((now)))

nice fud

nie fud

nice fud

u wut? i guess you are the fat finger idiot that makes retarded trades on etherdelta, learn to math mate, it's all in the contract not so hard

nice fud

bwahahahahah this


tfw not knowing how to profit


>powh is scam

>> No.8674301

the crash on this will be spectacular

>> No.8674323

>the best strat is to buy a big chunk early (aka now)
aka 2 weeks ago
dead in a month once people realize dividends aren't shit

>> No.8674491

Just throwing in my 2 cents on powh3d
I lost .8 eth to powh shadow, but I stayed with the discord and joined asap when powh3d came out. I just want to make back that .8th that I lost, currently, I have turned .059 ETH into .43 ETH so i'm halfway there. desu, everything in crypto has its risks, this one doesn't seem so bad.