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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8665574 No.8665574 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8665619

You guys choose to date whores and then get bitter when they treat you like shit.

How are you different from girls who date bad boys and inevitably get burned?

>> No.8665650

>How are you different from girls who date bad boys and inevitably get burned?
Elementary my dear anon,
I don't talk to women, and by extension I don't date them either.

>> No.8665669

>Elementary my dear anon

Holmes never said that in the books.

>> No.8665694

He never married a woman either
really makes you think doesn't it

>> No.8665773
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>Being married for 21 years is quite an achievement
So this is what it has come to...

>> No.8665800

>You guys choose to date whores and then get bitter when they treat you like shit.

fuck off with that reddit attitute

men dont choose anything, women allow themselves to get dated by weak soyboys to they can get the divorce money

>> No.8666054

I get what you mean but it's not like you have no say in the matter.

>> No.8666281
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Men acquire capital by working, and women acquire it by deceit because they have no concept of honor. It is somehow justified because women see themselves to be "worthy" just by existing, while men deem themselves "worthy" by their achievements or merits.

It is better explained in larger archetypical concepts like men being active and women passive, ying & yang, and so on.

Well if you were weak, dumb, self-centered and emotional being, what would you do?

>> No.8666357

I agree they are entitled, but I think the reason for using guys is because it's 100x easier than doing it themselves when they can just use "being born with a golden vagina" to get it for free.

>> No.8666363
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>Well if you were weak, dumb, self-centered and emotional being, what would you do?
I'm already all 4 of these
and I don't even have a vagina
why live

>> No.8666449

Thanks for the chuckle.

>> No.8666473

My parents have been together sinxe highschool and got married after college, I think they broke 30 years a couple years ago

>> No.8666637
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nothing wrong with this
the weak should fear the strong

>> No.8666717

>even answering this fucking whore seriously without getting money from it
Fuck this faggot, literally giving advice on how best to fuck over her husband for free

>> No.8666881

I have huge respect for my parents staying together for 30+ years. My Dad busts his ass wage cucking all day, and my Mom makes sure the house is clean and a hot meal is waiting for her Husband every day after work, while doing part time herself.

>> No.8666968

>I offer up this juicy story: In 1996, a California woman won $1.3 million in the lottery and filed for divorce 11 days later. She didn’t tell her husband about her windfall, and two years later her husband found out all about it and sued her. Superior Court Judge Richard Denner ruled did not appreciate her shenanigans and awarded her husband all of her winnings. If a judge suspected you were planning to divorce when your husband made these payments, your plan could also backfire. Any good divorce lawyer would balk if he saw such payments prior to a divorce.

>> No.8666982

>talks about honor
>watches anime

>> No.8667004
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x741, on anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is for men of honour

>> No.8667011

Women are a plauge on society. As soon as we can artificially create humans by cloning, there will be no use for them anymore and they can all be sent to the gas chamber.

>> No.8667022

Natural Selection. People don't seem to realize that the X chromosome has been selected against a lot less than the Y. Women are nigger-tier because they have gone through far less selection pressure

>> No.8667028

Yeah that's exactly what it is. You have all the say in the matter. That guy decided to be beta bux. If he was a man that his woman was actually attracted to she wouldn't even be thinking about this

>> No.8667056

>Women "allow" themselves to "get dated" by soyboys blah blah blah....
The mental gymnastics of this one

It's also this kind of shit

Unironically stop dating salty whores.
You guys don't seem to understand that there divorce comes because the two people start to hate eachother, and then the money grabbing and swindling, not the other way around
You've never been close to or in a divorce, and more importantly the time before one

>> No.8667063

Clearly ending women's sufferange so they stop fucking with men's wealth should be a topic ripe for conversation on biz. Sure, women working increaces GDP, but in bad ways, like increasing crime rates, increasing obesity, debt spending (one of the leading factors internationally in a countries deficit spending is the percent of women that regularly vote).

Biz needs to officially adopt the desufferege of women is a plank in its economic policy.

>> No.8667064
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Every day, I see anons pining for the most syphilis-tier Instagram webcam whores, and then wonder why women ignore or burn them.

Why does the average anon have such bad taste in women?

>> No.8667079

Was it really they or was it one or the other? Probably the mother.

>> No.8667091

Hitler was fucking based. Be proud of your nation, in your own nation. Beaners BTFO'd

>> No.8667094
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>> No.8667110

I like looking at instathots, but I don't ever want to talk to them or even touch them. Hell, they shouldn't even have names.

>> No.8667125

You should become a trap