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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 68 KB, 877x613, funfair-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8664491 No.8664491 [Reply] [Original]

At this point I've come to accept that I'll never see my money again.

Bought at 0.09

I cannot fucking believe it. I geniuenly thought it was a good project. It had a good team, good technology and was generally not looking like a pump and dump.

Unbelievable, I got fucking pajeeted

What's the most painless way to kill yourself? I lost a lot of money with this and I am sick of crypto and all of it's ponzi scam coins.

>> No.8664507

Funny you should say such a thing because I’m thinking of putting in 10k fiat before eom release

>> No.8664519

> crypto
> good project
pick one

>> No.8664529

It was obviously shit anon. Don't blame crypto you were told here it was shit.

>> No.8664540

You realize everything crashed and you're judging the future success of a coin based on the current negative sentiment that all cryptos are currently experiencing?

Please, go on... Tell me more.

>> No.8664562

if you hodl crypto these days you're a loser basically... day trade based on scam value, news, etc. fun fair is not a "good project"... none of them are...

>> No.8664570

quit your bitching.. im still waiting on sexcoin to stop being a dead broken pos coin.... oh sure they still post on the bitcoin forums but anything past that is dead in water. you're at least could still come out in a year

>> No.8664580

All I had to do was look at the fucking NAME to know it's a pajeet shitcoin. Look at that fucking LOGO, for christ's sake. You really are brainlets to throw money into that obvious scamcoin.

>> No.8664592

Your problem is basing the value on usd and not sats, especially in bear market. And i say this despite knowing that fun is a shitcoin.

>> No.8664619

The project is good and not a scam but don't think the big gambling companies will let the little FunFair in. The fun holders will gamble within themselves in shitty sites

>> No.8664651

But I read about it and it sounded like a good idea.

It made sense. Casinos and customers would show interest.

>> No.8664665
File: 106 KB, 634x683, justedbelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll eventually rise again..I swear. If any coin will reach 100x status from here on out, its this one! Just believe!