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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8663160 No.8663160 [Reply] [Original]

At least we tried /biz/. Sold the majority of my stack, still holding 150k JNT

>> No.8663235

you are dumb and weak as fuck nigga

>> No.8663269

Give us your etherscan URL. I know you didn't keep all of that on the exchanges. Prove to us that you moved that much JNT.

>> No.8663277

the lower it goes the more I buy
I have almost 100k now, I donf give a shit nigga Im not selling, its not like I dont have a top tier income
People are really fucking dumb for thinking the fundamentals changed for the worse

>> No.8663293
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>> No.8663300


>devs explain that fundamentals have changed for the worse
>some guy larping on 4chan says they havent

Idk who to believe desu

>> No.8663315

>i didnt understand yazans posts
ok retard

>> No.8663334


>hey guys we had to comprimise...
It is you who did not understand, fool.

>> No.8663351

ok retard

>> No.8663395

uh anon we went from a near guaranteed moon to basically praying institutions dump their money into volatile jBonds instead of the safer asset-backed JCash. as someone with 100k+ jibbies im kinda pissed off about this

>> No.8663461

At least it isn't too good to be true anymore.

>> No.8663478

mm now we in the slums with the rest of the shitcoins

>> No.8663491

The DGB ghetto is getting bigger every day.

>> No.8663503

OP are you the anon who had like 400k jibbies and scooped some funds from your 401k to pay for em?

>> No.8663538

It went from too good to be true, to pretty fucking good still. You retards have to realize that the market cap is $30 million. $1 billion is a fucking 30x.

>> No.8664269

Tokenizing wont reflect in mcap anymore. The insitutions will clearly prefer jCash over jBond if you are able to comprehend the change of the project.

You can play around with your new and shiny jBonds but it wont go anywhere

>> No.8665229

DBC brainlet here, getting more used to the smell everyday