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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8661903 No.8661903 [Reply] [Original]


what happens in 15 hours?

i know they have enough funds to keep running their operation for 2.5 years

a lot of people are selling the moment they can, i wont. didnt put toom uch in here, like $300. expectations?

i think it will take several months for this shit to go up a good bit

>> No.8661921

Is the token genocide starting already?
The Great Justing?

>> No.8661928

I unironically will be liquidating my position as soon as I can. The sad truth is that Eth has dumped 50% since I invested, so everyone will be cashing out. I believe in this exchange and will buy back later

>> No.8661964

with our shares being crypto but cashed out to fiat by coinmetro, wouldnt this make the total crypto we can convert to a higher total since we bought when btc was higher?

how is eth / btc dump bad at all? if our shares are represented in fiat, then our investment pays off pretty well as some kind of lucky tether

then again youre probably more diversified than i am, all my crypto monies is on this shit x)

>> No.8662200

coinmetro appears and binance moves to europe and announces fiat pairings. they take action, binance sees it as a competitor. i will hold this gem.

>> No.8662258

The ICO was priced in fiat (Euros) Whether you bought in for $1000 when ETH was at 1200 or 400, you got the same amount XCM

>> No.8662300

i might sell 50% of my xcm, then buy back if the price dips or put the funds into another shitcoin.

any date for the exchange going live, or is it sometime april?

>> No.8662485

Lol wut?
How you gonna sell?
Its an exchange token, this will be the number one normie exchange

>> No.8662515
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>> No.8662754

>selling a potential Binance killer
Nigga what?

>> No.8662830

Binance will and will always shit on this exchange. Don't get it twisted

Yea in bull market this may have been a good investment because...hmm what wasn't

Now that the whole market is fucked, who ever can sell their shitcoin the fastest wins because no doubt you will be holding bags

>> No.8662878

Binance is shit. Most people will stop using it purely because it's run by Chinks. Their Android app is fucking awful with UI that was probably designed by a 5 year old. CoinMetro is run by whites for whites. Their Android app is years ahead of Binance and it's only in beta. You'd have to be dumb to not invest into this.

>> No.8662988

Are you serious. Binance app works beautifully. Yea the only negative is it's a chink exchange but everyone loves the CEO. He is an Americanized chink not an actual one. Also the fees are super low, and they put bounties on hackers heads. Trust me , Binance will always be number 1
They have built trust within the community

>> No.8663147

Are we even using the same exchange? The app is actually shit. He may be Americanized but he's still a Chink. The fees are high as fuck, unless you use BNB but even then they are high. And don't get me started on their customer support. I'm moving my shit out of there the second CoinMetro enables deposits.