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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8660852 No.8660852 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically lost my whole life savings because of /biz/

>> No.8660856

Congrats on this srsly

>> No.8660867

>taking financial advice from strangers on the internet

>> No.8660868
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some OC for you my green fren

>> No.8660880
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maybe your real life savings was the frens you made along the way

>> No.8660890


>> No.8660893
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have a hug

>> No.8660941
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>> No.8661017

But you added a cool new word to your vocabulary. UNIRONICALLY. Just think, you will have UNIRONICALLY in your vocab bank for life now. All thanks to /biz/ ironically.

>> No.8661033
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real men make their own luck

>> No.8661038

Didn't tell you to sell moron

>> No.8661052

please tell us how
cause if you been doing what ive been saying thats impossible

>> No.8661062

this but ironically

>> No.8661064

Maybe it was not all /biz/ maybe a bit was you, ye?

>> No.8661070

That's your own fault. Should have left at least 5k in your bank account.

>> No.8661073
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>> No.8661092
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Are you going to an hero your self?
dont forget to live stream if you do

>> No.8661134

Any update about the bcconect guy?

>> No.8661162

depends on how big your life savings was

>> No.8661188

> taking ”””investment””” advice from biz retards

>> No.8661370

take out a large loan, seriously things will work this time friend

>> No.8661385
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it was just a prank bro

>> No.8661488

No, you lost your savings because of decisions you made yourself that you read about on an image board where are the majority of posts are people shitting on each others internet money coins.

Learn about risk management. If you don't then you don't have what it takes to create a successful income in the financial investment field.

Not trying to be mean on degrading but that is how it is.

>> No.8661500


>ppl took off with ur money
>and are buying hookers and blow in vegas right now
>just a prank bro

>> No.8661539
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>went on the internet
>read some stupid shit on /biz/ and reddit
>consider them at a finical advice
>lost everything

>> No.8661546


>> No.8661593

>taking advice from 4chan on anything
>taking advice from /biz/

kys desu

>> No.8661733
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should've shorted at 100x leverage like I told you earlier instead of cashing out. Investing takes courage and discipline desu

>> No.8662091

I'm sorry op. please accept my sincere remorse

>> No.8662197

its not a place for low iq retards, or maybe it is? fuel the cycle

>> No.8662209

did this moron OP actually buy crypto??!

>> No.8662390

don't worry fren, money isn't everything, go on with your life having learned something

>> No.8662421

>100x leverage

You know that even the slightest spike up could liquidate your entire account, right?

>> No.8662460

it's only lost when you sell anon

>> No.8662474

Doesn't it depend on how much you stake on it? Never did leverage, but if you stake 10 BTC doesn't it need to move at least the equivalent of 0.1 BTC to liquidate you?

>> No.8663256

I havent lost it yet but i also cant cash anything out because of tax reasons. So kind of the same boat

>> No.8663275

>Blaming others for your mistakes
If you're so good at doing what other people say just walk in to some traffic, please.

>> No.8663297

Its okay anon, $50 isn't that much money.

>> No.8663319

>yeah some guy killed me because he said i should jump of a cliff and i did it

>> No.8663333

>I unironically lost my whole life savings because of /biz/


>> No.8663346

>I unironically lost my whole life savings because of /biz/



>> No.8663615

I know this is preaching to the converted but humanity has 3 options when it comes to money
1. Fiat (jew-controlled and compromised af)
2. Gold, silver etc
3. Crypto

Fiat is a no-go for obvious reasons, but take a look at the 2008 crisis if you have a short memory or if you're 12. Also, we know that if there's a significant hit to the economy and more banks fail, all the government will do is print more and this leads to inflation and thus devaluation of any fiat we hold.
Gold and silver, not really easily fungible, also very prone to being fake and mixed with shitty materials, also its going to be tough to convince businesses to start trading in it, even if it's a viable alternative to fiat, businesses will be wary for the reasons i mentioned and also because they aren't set up to detect fakes etc.but also because of safety and security of the commodity itself. When the oil runs out, which is going to happen soon if we continue using it at our current rate, the dollar will basically be dead, and gold may become relevant once again but it will not be easy to switch.
Crypto, therefore, is humanity's only real viable alternative to fiat, its currently very fungible, impossible to fake, easy to transact, safe from niggers, safe even from nigger-tier governments trying to take it from you (just memorise your wallet and gtfo the country and laugh at your government while you go buy a lambo in E. Asia).

So the moral of the story is that crypto isn't going anywhere because we (humanity) have no other choice

>> No.8663898

except that a couple months ago every coin biz shilled actually mooned. ALL of those coins crashed, OP just didnt take profit. he scammed himself

>> No.8663947

>listening to indian street shitters to get rick

>> No.8663986

this and this and this and this

>> No.8664005

Audible kek

>> No.8664020


>> No.8664040
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should have bought index funds faggot

>> No.8664287
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>> No.8664315

> "Investing" in non-physical meme money based on 1s and 0s

>> No.8664661



>> No.8665014

>slagging 1s & 0s using 1s & 0s

>> No.8665073

How much was it, maybe everyone here can chip in and restore it

>> No.8665084


>> No.8665109

that's the issue. i invested in 1s only and skipped the 0s.

>> No.8665124
File: 42 KB, 680x510, 48e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares, hugs are free

>> No.8665275


>> No.8665302
File: 23 KB, 226x223, 1CC741B3-FBBF-48B9-8C39-26366BB3A8F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks man Ive had this grainy JPG since forever