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8658114 No.8658114 [Reply] [Original]

The NSA knows who Satoshi is and won't tell us

>> No.8658161
File: 487 KB, 2048x1536, satoshi-fuck-you-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8658164

Not him.

>> No.8658171

>posting meme satoshi unironically

>> No.8658181

He had a beautiful mind

>> No.8658215

What a vulgar little person. Satoshi would never behave in such a crude way

>> No.8658216

wouldn't that mean Trump knows?

>> No.8658234

Everyone knows dumbass it’s Nick Szabo. He’s just asked his buddies to cover for him. So no one directly outs him. But it’s him

>> No.8658304


>> No.8658333
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>> No.8658416

looking back at these fully grown men, they look like boys.
It's like they went through two puberties with equally radical results.
Boys to Men to Bogs.

>> No.8658511
File: 16 KB, 312x420, U5drH6SMmxpgdSV3gKHXR4SHKjW8B6P_1680x8400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tatsuaki Okamoto and Tony Eng.


>> No.8658611

NSA ultimately created bitcoin with a lot of ideas stretching back to David Chaum. It was released in 2008, right in and after the financial crisis. Coincidence? By the time the fourth turning of this generation reaches climax towards the end, it will be 2025-2030 and fiat will have collapsed. By then, so many corrections and a full understanding and implementation of cryptocurrency will be out in full force.

Edward Snowden had this to say


Because anything put on the blockchain is permanent and one way, it is visible. Who says they don't have a backdoor and can reliably detect 100% of activity on the blockchain? Also a manipulation going on for groups, primarily banks and institutions to get as many bitcoins as possible.

>> No.8658651
File: 240 KB, 1200x775, Finney_Hal_Fran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got em

>> No.8658740

Is that Hal Finney?

>> No.8658793

jesus, if he is satoshi, what a cruel world

>> No.8659014

Yeah it's not good looking at someone like that in that position. Posts I posted aren't necessarily true, but food for thought. It'd be nice to know without a doubt who was behind bitcoin. RIP Hal.

>> No.8659073
File: 29 KB, 194x259, 227D5930-D087-4177-B06E-E76479176B94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlie lee. I mean think about it isnt the fact that litecoin is bitcoins test net and not a competing crypto a strong case that chikun man is actually @realsatoshinakamoto

>> No.8659086

I really liked this guy..really cruel when you're active and healthy and you get something like ALS.

>> No.8659090

Why is high end "fashion" so bad today? Also, high end architecture. That's one of the ugliest bars/lounges I've ever seen.

>> No.8659091


>> No.8659311

RIP dude

>> No.8659418

For the 1000th fucking time. I will repeat it again for all you retarded children.

>BCH inner circle had Satoshi's keys
>BCH inner circle wanted Gavin after he was ousted from Bitcoin development
>BCH inner circle needed Gavin to help bring credibility to their project
>Gavin would not join until he saw proof of Satoshi
>BCH inner circle panics - because first rule of inner circle is to not speak of inner circle
>Regardless, they needed Gavin so CW volunteers
>CW meets with Gavin in private and provides signature
>Silly Gavin has such a large erection from excitement he accidentally goes public saying he met Satoshi
>Gavin's misunderstanding: he thought he met Satoshi, but in reality he met a man who is part of the group with Satoshi's keys
>CW has no choice but to go public and make a fool of himself on BBC, gets shit on every day since
>Takes one for the team, inner BCH circle praises him as a hero
>In the long term it does not matter
>BCH inner circle has Satoshi's keys regardless

Watch the last 5 minutes of CW answering questions during the Satoshi Vision conference. If it's not obvious that they are willing to dump the 1mil BTC if need be to ensure BCH, you cannot be helped.

>> No.8659433
File: 18 KB, 217x228, satoshi-nakamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8659589

cashie delusion

>> No.8659630

He probably set his phone up on a tripod and said "capture", closed his and sucked on the cigar.

>> No.8659646

what if
wait guys what if
satoshi is the NSA

>> No.8659716

>satoshi nakatato

>> No.8659780

I think this might actually be roger. hi roger.