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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 389 KB, 750x1397, us-debt-graph-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8657112 No.8657112 [Reply] [Original]

Is neo-liberalism a sustainable economic model?

>> No.8657146

Looking at the debt in $ terms is for plebs. Debt/GDP ratio is the relevant metric.

>> No.8657178
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Meh, debt is not that bad as long as your country has decent GDP. The US is nowhere near as bad as Japan though.

>> No.8657179

what "national debt" exactly means? I'M TIRED of that BS

>> No.8657188

No, we need to return to a national socialist ethno-state, put anyone of Mesoamerican or Middle eastern decent into camps, purge or apartheid those making less than 6 digits as useless members of society in order to better accommodate rapid growth.

>> No.8657194

Of course! Because 90% of the GDP is composed of lawyers getting paid $500/hr, youtube celebrities, shitshacks costing >$500k and meme companies such as amazon or snap inc.

>> No.8657202

You don't know how to use Google Pajeet?

>> No.8657215

Alright buddy, you tried.

>> No.8657218

>meme company
lol, what are you gonna do commie, nationalize it?

>> No.8657220

>youtube celebrities

Go the fuck outside.

>> No.8657277

You do realize that amazon primarily specializes in putting cheap chinese crap into boxes, right? That's their entire business model. And it's the most innovative and disruptive company the current neo-liberal socio-economic paradigm managed to produce.

>> No.8657304

Great, and as they continue they're displacing middle men like UPS and FedEx with their own delivery services.

I'm not advocating for nationalizing anything, if anything the current paradigm needs to be accelerated.

>> No.8657323

Don't worry, we're on path to 1 quadrillion by 2022.

>> No.8657372


These disruptive moments of left dialectic need to ultimately be eliminated until thoughts to nationalization or giving heed to 20th century revolutionary larpers are obsolete, as even now the blue dogs and reasonable centrists in the dem's senate are coming to agreement with the pro business policies and tactics of the right.

>> No.8657431

I agree. It's why Trump isn't building the wall as it's an example of anti-business policies.

>> No.8658067


>> No.8658103

Who cares, as long as the market stays free and the poor stay poor I'm happy

>> No.8658156

this is socialism

>> No.8658228

Why would you want to stay poor?

>> No.8658265

>being poor

>> No.8658310

Well yea crypto is collapsing...

>> No.8658350

If you lost your money on crypto you brought that shit on yourselves, even at the warning of hundreds of wall street traders and economists you guys decided to still play with fire

>> No.8658353

Ditching the gold currency was the greatest thing mankind did in the 20th century

>> No.8658383
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Did you not see what happened in crypto land with the bitbabies?

>> No.8658400

>wall street traders and economists
fucking boomers and their 2.5% yoy returns.

>> No.8658432

You were just complaining about losing returns on crypto and a victim to the coming displacement of the poor, maybe there's something to consider in what they say

>> No.8658590

That's what happens when your central bank is owned by the jews (roths) and lend you money at an interest.

>> No.8658631

is /pol/ too shitty for you now? is that why we're getting straight up pol threads polluting biz these days? you're not even trying to make it slightly biz related. kys.

>> No.8658666

Sage and hide all leftypol threads

>> No.8659168

That goes both ways stormnigger.