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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 512x512, Request-Network-REQ-Launches-Game-Changing-Platform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8652058 No.8652058 [Reply] [Original]

Hahahaha this shit is pure comedy. Not only price dumped but they also lost some coins. And to think this coin was shilled so much lately on biz.

> /biz/ - Business & Finance
> burn your own money

>> No.8652076

Its like buying petrol brfore engines were invented.

Too early but good idea

>> No.8652078
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>> No.8652082

Stop fuding. The price dumped because sergey can't keep his cp promoting opinion to himself and eth dropped.

>> No.8652105

he pulled out on purpose. If you use link as an oracle to make a req payment both your req AND link get burned.

>> No.8652182
File: 50 KB, 346x288, Scarves are for Fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how it works.

First they burn the white paper, then your tokens. After that, they relocate to Majorca, eat stinky cheeses on the beach and listen to Cher at the Disco. Oh, and Lambos.

You'll remain a server at Olive Garden, listening to Frank Sinatra Jr.

>> No.8652306


>> No.8652382

Kevin, bitte... es heißt Mallorca.

>> No.8652515

Cut the middleman. just put your cash on fire and value of rest of your fiat will go up.

>> No.8652594

this is so true

>> No.8652667

you should know it is a risky investment

people say burn is good because price will go up, which is true

however, the risk is that your own tokens will just be burnt

its just fair imo

>> No.8652712


I'm not kidding.

Can someone explain this token burn thing to me? How it works? And whether this is real.

I own no REQ but I wanna be able to educately make fun of them

>> No.8652743

imagine you have a paper and a lighter, now use the lighter and burn the paper

thats how token burn works, paper = tokens lighter = request main net

>> No.8652790

the fud gets worse and worse... the price wont fall becasue of you fudding on /biz...

>> No.8652809

In order for other investors to profit someones tokens have to be burned
Its a bit like a lottery but you can protect yourself if you get burnguard+
You qualify for burnguard+ if your wallet has over 100 000req then you can buy it for 199$ and install it to your hardware wallet so your tokens cant get burned and you can just sit back and watch your tokens value rise

>> No.8652819

I just got a text saying half my coins got burned, WTF? What could have prevented this? anyone know where the coins go after they're burned?

>> No.8652823

i heard that at the end of their roadmap they wanted to burn all the money in the world. is this true? sounds like some project venus shit.

>> No.8652863

I thought my req was safe in my nano ledger, but I came home and my house was burned down WTF

>> No.8652894

Some companies aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some companies just request to watch the world burn.

>> No.8652901


I sincerely have no idea if I'm being trolled.

>> No.8652955

Just check out the request github the burn smart contract is public and its not like the req team didnt announce this several times already
People taken by surprise are the kind of retards who dont research and instead buy and hope.
Well with req they got lucky they found a real gem by accident but for all the wrong reasons
Just get burnguard+ and chill

>> No.8652972
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Guys I was doing some research after my coins got burned cause I wanted to see if I could geo-locate the lost tokens

Turns out over 50% of my burned tokens ended up in this area in India? What the FUCK? How is this legal

>> No.8652974


>> No.8652987

REQ is a fcking scam

>> No.8652989

Oh i forgot to mention alternatively you can simply buy the fireproof req to begin with
Theyre discontinued but you can still get some on ebay

>> No.8652992

part of the plot. ww3 is happening

>> No.8653008

You are being trolled, everyone on this board is retarded. This is the new shady sunny meme.

>> No.8653018


Does the package come with physical warranty?

In case my house burns down like >>8652863

>> No.8653045

Sadly not but you should definately get an insurance
It will pay for itself with your req profits

>> No.8653070

You dont quite understand the scope of this project. They not only will burn all the money in the world, but if we are unlucky mainnet will burn the whole world to the ground

>> No.8653104


Where and how do I send the money?

Do you have any insurance recommendations

>> No.8653132
File: 12 KB, 245x206, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I know some of you are putting your REQ tokens in your nano ledgers.


I put mine in my ledger, and it started BURNING ALL MY OTHER COINS! WTF. It turns out the REQ burns can spread to other coins, because thats how fire works. FUCK I LOST HALF MY LINK AND ETH

>> No.8653183
File: 526 KB, 1187x954, B6347C3A-5812-470B-8ADE-288D4FF480F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck....

I just got my letter in the mail. I’m part of the burn pool. Hold me bros, my tokens are done for. How could this happen to me? I’ve only got 100 tokens, there’s one billion total...the odds were so small. I’m part of the burn pool. This is the worst day of my life.

>> No.8653257

No but seriously lets say you want to buy pepe plush and the merchant wants USD while you want to pay with bitcoin
To do this transaction you will have to pay a 0.01-0.005% fee
From those 0.005% fee in bitcoin req tokens are market bought and then burned
The request token is the fuel for the network to run but normies wont have to buy req tokens to burn themselves it happens silently in the background and the required tokens are market bought and not randomly selected from wallets
The tokens have to be burned so the profit for the network usage is shared equally between the investors who all together “own“ the network
Another reason for this is so the network qualifies as a non profit so it can acquire a monopoly and noone will be able to compete with the low fees since regular companies like paypal have to make profit and maintain a company

>> No.8653280

Lol I thought the gains goblin was a meme, but req built it into the network

>> No.8653466
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>> No.8653609
File: 207 KB, 640x1136, 095599C9-3631-44FE-A9D0-5BE8D4C475C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz is no different than a giant Fox News community forum, full of idiots that try to fuck with the market.