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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8650875 No.8650875 [Reply] [Original]

I never cared for him personally but when he started spreading that NEO fud I realized the guy is mental.
When he got called out on why he knowingly spread untrue information, he admitted he didn't want to see NEO catch up to LTC, what a fucking childish piece of shit.

>> No.8651355

thanks just bought 100k NEO

>> No.8651502


>> No.8651558

>Chink lies to make money
>/biz/ is suprised

>> No.8651597

we better not tell them that they make substandard goods and toys with lead paint.

>> No.8651807

This guy is a joke. He always has been. Litecoin is a piece of shit clone. This idiot can't even give a good reason for it to exist, because it shouldn't exist. This retarded piece of shit just got lucky.

>> No.8651977

daily reminder the ltc fud threads are from btrash supporters

>> No.8652183
File: 98 KB, 672x960, 01EEB26E-CA74-4788-AB38-8D2BF816963B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know right?
>Charlie Lee is so annoying
>Unlike flamboyant homosexual chad, Roger Verygay

Charlie Lee is great. Kys OP

>> No.8652589

This guy is literally a man child. His twitter page has some dumb ass dragon ball thing that equates litecoin as bitcoins younger brother when it’s really just the useless clone. It has no value, doesn’t need to exist and Charlie Lee is a faggot who dumped at the top because he knew his regarded project had peaked, and it only took 800$ billion worth of speculative mania for his lottery ticket to pay off. Litecoin is a hackathon project that went mainstream, there are 14,000 other copypasta coins just like his since 2009, literally pure luck his horse made it this far.
It makes me sad this worthless parasite is now set for life after writing eight lines of code and then sitting on his garbage for five years. Truly, there is no justice in this world

>> No.8653544

kinda obvious that they are scared of ltc..

It is only natural when the next bullrun starts that ltc will leave bcrap in the ashes.

>> No.8653587

Charlie Lee has the most punchable face and the fact that that people still use his shitcoin he abandoned proves how many dumb people there are in the crypto market

>> No.8653668

It's going to take overtake bcash for sure, possibly ethereum if one of the other erc20s gets on coinbase and picks up traction

>> No.8653704

Goku and Vegeta aren't brothers. Also liking DBZ doesn't make you a man child. I know plenty of /fit dudes that are into DBZ and would wreck your NEET ass, myself included.

>> No.8653757

Litecoin does everything btc does but better in every way. I used ltc to buy/transfer my cyrpto back on the December and January bullrun because BTC was unusable. Though both coins are now technologically obsolete as is bch

>> No.8653843

>the avg iq of biz
LTC didnt have fees like BTC so it must be technologically better! It's gonna pass up BTC is marketshare!

You are literally such a brainlet that you don't realize the only reason LTC fees are lower is because it was used less. It is literally copy/pasted source code of BTC with a different logo. Fucking morons on here deserve to lose all of your money. I have no remorse when you neck yourself for being so fucking dumb.

>> No.8653883

so which one are you, spic or nig?

>> No.8653976

Litecoin altered a few things in its code base to make transactions faster and to lower fees. It had less network traffic, but not in proportion to how much faster and cheaper it was. Youre really coming off as an uninformed retard atm

>> No.8653994

>shirt says "JUST HODL"
>he sold

>> No.8654012

why do you care?

>> No.8654163

>added a few things
You mean 2.5min block times instead of 10min block times which means each confirmation is 1/4 less secure. Also this is called ON CHAIN SCALING which is what BCH is doing and in a much bigger and better way. Nooblets.

>> No.8654233

>You mean 2.5min block times instead of 10min block times which means each confirmation is 1/4 less secure. Also
Yes, exactly you dumb fuck. When someone starts forging litecoins I'll care.

Figures a retard like you turned out to. A a bch shill. Any proof of work coin will be obsolete within 5 years. BTC might survive on its name, but it will be considered a relic.

>> No.8654370

>copy BTC code base, change a few variables and call it Lite instead of Bit
>best tech

>> No.8654417
File: 19 KB, 703x911, 1514209797342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any proof of work coin will be obsolete within 5 years.

>> No.8654430

>best tech
>literally called it obsolete
How do people like you even manage to work your Internet browsers?

>> No.8654490

are you really too dumb to understand sarcasm

>> No.8654582

>I know plenty of /fit dudes that are into DBZ and would wreck your NEET ass, myself included.
of course that means you aren't a manchild. OK.

>> No.8655147

Someone's LTC bag are getting heavy.

>> No.8655205

Are u retarded?

>> No.8655328
File: 170 KB, 496x600, gook_image04[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never trusted this stupid gook.

>> No.8656050

The guy runs a btc knock off. What did you expect?

>> No.8656164

>A shill for something literally called “Bitcoin Cash” calls something else a Bitcoin knockoff

God, these btrashies really are fucking retard

>> No.8656224

VIA does everything better than both.