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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8649027 No.8649027 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is preaching to the converted but humanity has 3 options when it comes to money
1. Fiat (jew-controlled and compromised af)
2. Gold, silver etc
3. Crypto

Fiat is a no-go for obvious reasons, but take a look at the 2008 crisis if you have a short memory or if you're 12. Also, we know that if there's a significant hit to the economy and more banks fail, all the government will do is print more and this leads to inflation and thus devaluation of any fiat we hold.
Gold and silver, not really easily fungible, also very prone to being fake and mixed with shitty materials, also its going to be tough to convince businesses to start trading in it, even if it's a viable alternative to fiat, businesses will be wary for the reasons i mentioned and also because they aren't set up to detect fakes etc.but also because of safety and security of the commodity itself. When the oil runs out, which is going to happen soon if we continue using it at our current rate, the dollar will basically be dead, and gold may become relevant once again but it will not be easy to switch.
Crypto, therefore, is humanity's only real viable alternative to fiat, its currently very fungible, impossible to fake, easy to transact, safe from niggers, safe even from nigger-tier governments trying to take it from you (just memorise your wallet and gtfo the country and laugh at your government while you go buy a lambo in E. Asia).

So the moral of the story is that crypto isn't going anywhere because we (humanity) have no other choice

>> No.8649706


>> No.8649794

So everybody on /biz/ is selling and about to an hero just because they put everything they had into shitcoins?

>> No.8649861

If only there was a way to give fiat the transactional properties of crypto, that would be huge...

>> No.8649906


not selling here. gonna let my JNT holding ride into the ground (not much further to go), and gonna use GVT to invest in forex asset managers to take advantage of the fiat war to come. That way I get to stay in crypto market while taking advantage of the shitstorm a brewin.

>> No.8649909

I'm not, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that all the weak hands ate selling.
Only bitcoin makes sense. I got on relatively late (January this year), only waited this long because of a ton of life problems before that. Wish I had got on June last year but got so sidetracked.

>> No.8649961

You still don't stop inflationary mechanisms from being possible whenever Jews want to buy more F16s for Israel

>> No.8650812


>> No.8650841

OP, where you are wrong is thinking that only option 1 is jew-controlled.

>> No.8650863
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if only we could kick the jewcoin off of it's pedestal and get manna, positivity and truth instead of lies and sockpuppets.

>> No.8650954

If you mean gold (or even crypto) is Jew controlled, then the advantage we still have is that they are resistant to inflation.
The modern Jew trick is to defraud us through printing money and to use the US taxpayer as collateral e.g. Federal Reserve. If we can prevent that Jew trick then of course they will find another but we take back our freedom at least partly.