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864853 No.864853 [Reply] [Original]

Where is the government supposed to even get the money to give people a "basic income"?

How would this even work ? They would have to literally print money. I can't see it working outside of some ideal communist utopia.

Is basic income a thing that is even possible or is it just another reddit meme from people who want free stuff?

>> No.864866


Taxation you unbelievable retard

>> No.864870
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>implying people are going to work and contribute to taxes if they get a guaranteed 2K per month just for existing

>> No.864876

honestly you should learn basic economics before commenting, lurk more faggot

>> No.864878

it works for 'straya m8

>> No.864884
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have you heard of taxes?

>> No.865011

Let's give all 250ish million adults in the US a nice 12k a year basic income. That's gonna cost you 3 fucking trillion which is nearly the entire federal budget. You'd need to gut social security, veteran programs, medicare, health etc and defense (all of which are political suicide btw) and you'd still be short a couple hundred billions. What are you gonna do, tax the rich because that worked so well in France?

>> No.865031

Would I get 2k a month still if I kept my job? If so I would keep my job. If not I would quit this fucking God damn job so fast.

>> No.865041

literally communism

>> No.865064

not 2k per month you fucking faggot
just about enough that you could live a frugal live but not enough to do everything you ever wanted

>> No.865066

Can't google?


>> No.865077

I hate poor, worthless people so much.

If you're poor but have a job and strive to become more, then I have mad respect for you.

If you're just a lazy bum then I'd rather watch you die than give you a single fucking penny.

>> No.865087

The idea is that corporations automate almost everything, putting most people out of work, but still producing and selling the same amount of goods and services.

They will therefore make profits that can be taxed.

>> No.865110

Yes being a wagecuck is such a meaningful life.

>> No.865117

So 2k a month then

>> No.865141

Well you could always just be a gutter rat if you don't want to work. I hear there are some open dumpsters in your area too.

>> No.865175

Could also take money from you rich assholes.

>> No.865217

There was an experiment where I think a canadian town provided basic income to people. They lost the basic income if they got a job. In the end employment increased, while social tensions decreased.

>> No.865260

going full communist:
The GDP per American in the labor force is about $84,000

I don't know if that includes taxation or not.

So how much should go to profits, and how much should go to a worker's salary?

>> No.865282

>meaningful life
This is a first world meme

Life is about survival. If you didn't have the comforts of modern day society, your ass would be wolf food.

>> No.865352

>Life is about survival.

Kek, no. If smart people believed that (thankfully they dont/didnt) we wouldn't have the comforts of the modern society in the first place. People like Tesla or Einstein would just be busy stuffing their wallets instead of making progress for humanity.

>> No.865417

Smart people survive and they survive so well that they enable losers like you, who would otherwise die, survive.

>> No.865432

It's inevitable. The only question is when.

Despite what some people ( >>865417 ) would tell you, it's not possible for every able-bodied adult to work skilled labor or own a business.

These things don't happen in a vacuum where you make them happen by sheer force of will. For you to get a high paying job, that job has to exist and there can't be qualified applicants willing to take 1/3rd of the salary. For you to run a business, somebody has to buy your product.

Automation is eventually going to make employment of any kind a very difficult proposition.

>> No.865448

>they would have to print money

...you didn't hear about how the US central bank poofed tens of billions of dollars (85 at its peak iirc) into its account MONTHLY for years to buy those shitty mortgages and securities that caused the whole recession in the first place, right?

We're printing money erryday bb

>> No.865462

>waaaah life isn't fair

God damn you sound like such a pussy

>> No.865481

>They would have to literally print money.
that's how governments spend right now

>> No.865498


they take it from the rich and give it to people that actually need it

>> No.865506

careful with that edge son

>> No.865511

Yes Jamal needs $2k a month for his Lamborghini car payment and food stamps he'll cash in at a fucking gas station. Oh and lets not forget his $400 jordans he desperately needs. While I'm having to work my fucking ass off 8-12 hours a day. I mean I guess he deserves to be payed and have unlimited free time to smoke weed and fuck my wife on the side.

>> No.865515

Wait a second, but why should the government or any entity with guns take money from say Steve Jobs (even though jobs was a big asshole) who started the personal computer industry with the Apple 2 and redistribute it to Job Steves who is content to sit on the couch and stuff himself with burgers and coke instead of doing anything productive for humanity?

>> No.865518

it can work with forced employment/workfare. To bad liberals are too degenerate to realize that for socialism to work, you need a moral and disciplined people

>> No.865520

source you fucking faggot.

>> No.865635


>> No.865729

Yeah cause every poor person is a dumb hoodrat. Theres alotta smart white kids in the south who are fucked for life because they are edged out of scholarships and grants by minorities & middle class kids who couldve afforded school already. Not to mention the abysmal job prospects. Face it, the job market will never improve, we're already making up bullshit do-nothing positions just to employ people, and things get more automated every year. Welfare and whatnot will be abolished and replaced with a minimum income thats fair to everyone. Its an inevitable if you want people to still buy things and keep the economy out of the shitter

>> No.865735


>> No.866118

Lol stop this automation meme

It's not going to be relevant for another 100 years, robot technology needs to catch up

>> No.866131

see: west virginia, arkansas, kentucky

>> No.866133

West Virginia is North

>> No.866144

Tfw I will have cute robots taking care of me when I'm at old age


>> No.866186


more like 200 a month. Enough so people wont starve, and we can get rid of the abused and fraudulent welfare system.

>> No.866248

and how many niggers lived in this town?

>> No.866454

The proposed basic income is 20K a year m8.

>> No.867105
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>> No.867123

try 1300. That was my monthly income without overtime or a second job for about 3 out of the 4-1/2 years of my last job.

As a single person with no children to support, I was able to do fine but could literally build no savings (hence worked a crap ton of overtime and had a second job for several months)

>> No.867128


what society needs is a right to whiteness

>> No.868549


the only jobs at risk of automation are pleb ones anyway

if it gets too bad then the government will step in and outlaw robots

>> No.868573

nationalize the corporations and use the profits to fund basic income

full communism m8

>> No.869149

>the only jobs at risk of automation are pleb ones anyway
well that's exactly the point, its not like engineers/scientists and other useful workers are going to be automated, its the hordes of shitty wageslave work and some others that will simply disappear. Look at how many will be displaced by automated cars, taxi drivers, truckers, and that all gone within probably the next ten years. Look at mcdonalds and other places automating stores, no more cashiers, retail clerks.

Its a good thing to automate these shitty jobs, but people will still need a way to support themselves, and unfortunately not everyone can get an education to become a doctor or engineer. Unless you want a vast horde of unemployable people a basic income is the most efficient way to give them the necessities and keep up law and order

>> No.869179

I just want to live frugally with a few good roommates in a 1br. It's nice to live better than a king of yore would working minwage and still be saving at a good enough pace to retire.

>> No.869204

In name only. Only thing about us that isn't south is the food.

>> No.869208

Yeah thats the thing. Unless yoy want the masses of unemployed "plebs" to lynch all the rich you best give them some basic income. You could abolish food stamps and welfare with 20K a month. Main problem would be medical access which could be solved via going Europe or Canada style healthcare or the gov stepping in and forcing them to stop factoring insurance into their prices bloating the price of the simplest procedures

>> No.869222

We won't be seeing massive automation in our lifetime, most likely.

>> No.869227

People are shit cattle that won't be lynching anyone anytime soon. Refer to Great Depression/Grapes of Wrath, for instance.

>> No.870136

I think if basic income ever came to pass, all of that money will be going to the drug cartels. That's one of the reasons I'd be against it.

>> No.870426

well I guess you could say a lot of it would go to vices, but do you have a problem with it going to booze/cigarettes/vidya/lottery tickets or any other LEGAL vice? If no than that's more of a problem with drug policy and if yes than why do you care or want to decide how someone ruins their own life?

But if the overall problem you're thinking of is people blowing basic income checks on useless crap like drugs or whatever else, then you're missing the point. All that money being spend is going back to the overall economy. From alcohol distillers/brewers, cigarette companies, video game developers, all will see increased sales which in turn would mean more jobs making these things and more profits to the companies involved. Consumer spending drives most modern economies, what does it matter if it goes to companies who make drugs or alcohol rather than companies producing widgets or whatever?

>> No.870462

I have no problem with legal vices, I just don't want my tax money going toward directly funding organized crime syndicates. That's fucked.

>> No.870465

Are you trying to legitimize theft?

>> No.870634

Well then maybe it's past time to legalize drugs. People are going to buy them regardless, might as well have that money going through legal channels through the proper economy, rather than cartels. Barring legalization, maybe a basic income could only go through some sort of designated government account, with it's own debit card to use on only legal items. It wouldn't stop these types of things completely, but would at least be a deterrent.

>> No.870655

No, as soon as you restrict what BI can and cannot be used for, you're violating the basic tenants of it. That's one of the reasons why I'm against it, it brings up too many catch-22s.

Also, politically, it's unworkable, since it needs to do away with all other social programs. And the tzars of each program will fight tooth and nail to keep their jobs.

I wish it were possible, though. I'd love to become a societal dropout for awhile. Fuck working, it's shit.

>> No.870682

>you could abolish food stamps and welfare with 20K a month

Umm no you couldn't. The cost to give everyone in America a 20K basic income is LITERALLY SIX TRILLION DOLLARS. Do the math. 20K*300M= 6 trillion.

This is why I hate basic income faggots. Theres literally not enough money to for this shit.

>> No.870718

>as soon as you restrict what BI can and cannot be used for, you're violating the basic tenants of it
well i guess this is true, adding restrictions and regulations will only increase bureaucratic costs and limit the freedom of the consumer to choose.

>it brings up too many catch-22s.
such as what? at least besides the cartel argument.

>And the tzars of each program will fight tooth and nail to keep their jobs.
True, but I think it would likely be tested on a smaller country, probably European, and than hopefully the rest of the first world will see that it is effective.

>The cost to give everyone in America a 20K basic income is LITERALLY SIX TRILLION DOLLARS. Do the math. 20K*300M= 6 trillion.
>This is why I hate basic income faggots. Theres literally not enough money to for this shit.
Except their is, and this is without the usual (flawed) argument that the Fed is printing money anyway so why not give it to people over banks

Maybe not 20k, that's rather high at least if your talking about the US, but 10k is doable, and their aren't 300 million adults that would receive it, if we assume it will only be >21, that's 200 million
so 10K*200M = 2 trillion
the US spend about 3.5 Trillion last year, so by eliminating most other welfare programs (SS, disability insurance, food stamps etc.), maybe cutting some military budget it's easily doable

>> No.870729

Works in germany .

>> No.870790

>Cut welfare completely to implement basic income
>People are still retarded with their money and immediately spend all their basic income on stupid shit when they receive it
>Never save, never plan, never invest
>People protest on the streets to bring back welfare because basic income isn't enough and the government should pay for their retirement and medical bills

>> No.871022
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>mfw an entire generation literally raised to be completely dependent on government money

Its like people cant comprehend the long term cultural effects of literally giving out free money to everyone.