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File: 69 KB, 952x541, screenshot-www.reddit.com-2018-03-30-18-11-16-947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8647922 No.8647922 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related:
Reddit realized how the REQ burning mechanism works.

>> No.8647940

The REQ tokens are “loose” in the sense that they could fall out of your wallet and be burnt at any second. He’s right about that.

>> No.8647954

I don't really give a shit about req, but is that all a joke or is there some actual random burn mechanism? If so, how come exchanges haven't delisted it yet?

>> No.8647967

Wait, it isn't burnt if you use it? It's just some random guys REQ gets burnt?

>> No.8647974
File: 1.32 MB, 200x200, 4574586856856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways, they're "here for the tech, not the money".

>> No.8647991

Why would scam exchanges stop scamming?

>> No.8648011


>> No.8648042

>we take one for the team

>> No.8648073

>not loose it
Plebbitor, I...

>> No.8648077

I also thought this was a meme like locking in prices. Not a req holder

>> No.8648110

It’s not a meme it’s their burn protocol. It searches all active wallets and burns a portion randomly from a wallet to support the network. This way there is no centralized mining for network support

>> No.8648152


>> No.8648194

You guys are spreading this shit to plebbit? Might cause an actual dump there. Link the thread, I'll help

>> No.8648243


Why would you trust anything anybody says here.

>> No.8648286

Explain what's going on here as well. fud or not?

>> No.8648451

It's true, I just want to help the redditors realize it

>> No.8648673

Not a big deal though, its not 10% burn, its much lower. When your wallet gets hit it won't be choosen again for a long time. If you're lucky your wallet will never be affected.
Other cryptos have miners or staking rewards that essentially cause inflation, while req has a similiar effect through burning.

>> No.8648879

burning causes deflation not inflation.. at least get it right if you want anyone to believe this retarded shit

>> No.8648956

Inflation causes your money to be worth less, we agree on that.
Getting your tokens burned does the same thing in a way. You have less tokens now, so they are worth less.
Its really not too difficult.

>> No.8648994

Everyone quickly !! Save your hold to burnguard address burnguard address is here 0x4763a5095715763789120a8b34944335546c17e3

>> No.8648997

retard. a coin is worth more if other coins are burned. it's not about what you own, it's about what a coin can buy you

>> No.8649031

It's a meme dude

>> No.8649091

>inflation reflects a reduction in the purchasing power per unit of money – a loss of real value in the medium of exchange and unit of account within the economy

i.e. the opposite of what burning tokens does. retarded board

>> No.8649130

Fucking hell Redditors are walking cringe factories.

>Are you here for the money or are you here for the tech?

Gee I dunno, but I'll give you a hint. I'm not a 400-pound fedora-tipping euphoric neckbeard. You tell me.

>> No.8649135

I have 1000 tokens, then 100 get burned. I have 900 now. Go explain the redditors how that is a good thing.

>> No.8649181

i'm not talking about whether it's good or not i'm talking about whether it's an inflationary or a deflationary mechanism idiot

>> No.8649187

It's more like taxation than inflation then

>> No.8649215

yeah that's more accurate

>> No.8649836

Don't know why I'm surprised to see such post on leddi

>> No.8649940

It's a fucking meme you retarded nigger. Of course your tokens won't get randomly burnt. Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.8649967

Please do not post my Reddit commits on /biz/

>> No.8650132

Wow this is real shitty just bought a new laptop and randomly got some coins in my wallet burned... it gets real hot too... now I got burn spots on my laptop WTF Req.

>> No.8650449

My god, I don't know who is the worse mouth-breathers, this here or reddit.

>> No.8650487

1 punkt

>> No.8650544
File: 67 KB, 750x722, 1492110718280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when i literally started this meme but no one will believe me now because it went out of hands

>> No.8650588

Coin burn has made my electric bill sky rocket, eff off req. Between that and it burning up mt word files and losing tons of work, I'm afraid it burned out my laptop fan. Ugh, cypto is ruining my life.

>> No.8650660
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1511053900075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this market

>> No.8650783

It's not a joke anon, don't listen to the paid shills. I had 30% of my stack burnt

>> No.8650819

Kill yourself, please.

>> No.8650957

My sides haha. They even deleted the comment

>> No.8651232


Fake news. The burn process doesn’t use any resources from the burnee. The network simply ceases to recognize a small, modest portion of their coins as spendable.

>> No.8651718

Everyone else REQ ent up in price. So total happiness increased.