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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8647461 No.8647461 [Reply] [Original]

Time to accept that financial domination isn't coming our way.
It's all about lifting now.

>> No.8647647

is this a Bitcoin CASH post?

>> No.8647700
File: 89 KB, 1008x1260, 08FFC985-0B8B-4614-9F1B-71BF51AC9AFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMW to the gym brah. Bitches love a sikkunt with or without the mills.

>> No.8647847
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>tfw shit tier genetics will never give me this body and the endless stream of roasties to fuck.
Why live?

>> No.8647904

>muh genetics
it doesn't matter who you are, you will look better if you lift and you will also notice a boost in your confidence. You will never get anywhere playing the defeatist.

>> No.8648012

I've had that body and better, before I burst a disc in my lower back. I'm not lying when I say that's just not enough to get you laid. There are stronger factors at work.

Women look at social status and resources over physical form. So it's either wealth or elevated position among peers, or better yet both.

>> No.8648024

I can lift heavy but I can't lift these feels

>> No.8648050

>muh picking heavy things up and putting them down

>> No.8648157

/fit/biz/ can you hep me out with two questions during my /cut/ phase, pls no bully:
1. what's a good alternative to keto diet-wise? I did keto for 6 months and lost nearly 50lbs but it was hard to sustain. i've moved to a low-carb diet (149 g per day) over the past three months and am averaging ~1lb weight-loss per week. Just want to see other options. Current TDEE is around 3600 calories.

2.HIIT vs. low-intensity duration cardio: I currently cycle HIIT (2x) then Low-intensity every other day. I'm wondering if I should just drop the low-intensity run all together and just go full HIIT.

>> No.8648254
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>muh genetics
Hit the gym you lazy sod

>> No.8648307

I know, I already lift and it's done nothing to help me get laid.
Have no power and influence either and I'm ugly with poor social skills.
Some people are doomed to be forever alone, I'm one of them.

>> No.8648665

Fasting. It sounds obvious but people overestimate how hard it is.
If you fast for 16 hours a day (4 hours in the morning, 4 at night, 8 while you sleep)
you will lose weight quite easily.

>> No.8648740

Identify your achilles heel (beer, soda, chips, pasta) and eliminate it

>> No.8649099

I hit the library
*unsheaths cape*