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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8642948 No.8642948 [Reply] [Original]

So I went to reddit, and was talking about how HODLing is a bad meme. I was just telling them that you shouldn't HODL, and sell, and buy back at the dip.

Then they all got mad because it was contrary to their beliefs. What is up with that place?

>> No.8642970

They're cultists, just take a quick look at coin-specific subreddits...holy shit

It'll be hilarious when they eventually sell at capitulation prices

>> No.8642989


I actually can't wait till HODL stops working, wether that's now or the next bullrun.

>> No.8642996

>is namefag
>"So I went to reddit"
Not buying this desu. You have to go back

>> No.8643002


>> No.8643006

You need to go to reddit these days for crypto info and shilling.
If it's for /biz/ I don't see the problem here.

>> No.8643010

Reddit is full of idiot bagholders who downvote anything that isnt a blatant shill.

>> No.8643025

Because a ton of people get burnt trying to time the tops or the bottoms. People with jobs can just cost average by buying the dip. This is under the assumption that crypto market will definitely continue to go up in the future.

>> No.8643030

Reddit is absolutely useless for information. Just use news aggregate sites like https://cryptopanic.com/

Reddit is a complete echochamber of normies who think they're intelligent. Don't trust a single thing you see there.

>> No.8643041

Oh btw ICX looking good for another breakout soon.

>> No.8643047

Hey, Michlan. Here are some threads for you:

>> No.8643050
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.35_[2018.02.21_09.25.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the solid advice, anon.

>> No.8643072

>HODL, and sell
yes this isn't how HODL works
when you've no idea what you're doing hodl is simple and historically profitable(unless you're here from the bullrun)

>> No.8643073
File: 538 KB, 1200x1200, P3P3meshup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to say something bad about crypto and you get insta banned

>> No.8643077

I stopped using cryptopanic because HODL retards ruined the voting system, instead of upvoting really good news they upvote shill posts from shitcoin maximalists on reddit or else.

A shame, because the site used to be really good.

>> No.8643119
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1520773416619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully before the next bull run.


>> No.8643121

It really has become a cult. Question the almighty crypto, and everyone shits down both legs.

>> No.8643145

Because posting with a name is offensive. Also stop avatarfagging

>> No.8643153
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I believe those people that traded from BTC to ETH would have prefered to HODL

>> No.8643328

>wondering why people don't want to gamble
I wonder

>> No.8643345

you are so cute please be my gf

>> No.8643350

Avatarfagging violates global rule #13, so you know what to do.

>> No.8643444


>> No.8643630
File: 953 KB, 320x320, 1521486302441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not posting best girl

>> No.8643714

Because its easy to say holding is silly in a bear market.

But if you weren't a holder would you have sold everything when it dipped back to $1000 from $2000? $3000? $4000? $5000?

Holding has been a great strategy for the last 4 years.

I would bet the majority holding since 2015 has done much, much better than the people that attempted to actively trade Bitcoin/usd during that time, even after this bearish period.

>> No.8643725

That's how I knew liveEDU was a joke other than there white paper. Upon release they sent out an email urging people to HODL. That's a retarded fucking meme for adults to use, not funny and a bunch of other faggot stuff. If you use HODL you're a fag.

>> No.8644072

Reddit think ETH will pump to 1500$ in a few weeks

>> No.8644189

HODL works in a strong trend. trouble is a lot of people seem to have trouble telling the difference. last year hodl and btfd could have made you millions, this year it will bury you (unless you hodl short and sell the fucking top).

>> No.8644514

but everyone is such a pro trader

I feel like 90% of the community has an ego problem and want to think they're master traders