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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8640453 No.8640453 [Reply] [Original]

I'm killing myself if we experience another bottom. I'm down 80% of my initial investment and the next 2k drop on BTC will completely wipe me out. Please do something wall street and pump this bitch soon.

>> No.8640471

>please do something Wall Street

Oh they’re doing something bucko prepare your mothefucking anus

>> No.8640497

Post proof (even if that means the gun/helium tank time-stamped of course) and I'll send you eth

>> No.8640499

just remember it takes something like a 400% gain to make back an 80% loss. :)

>> No.8640614

I'm sorry to hear about your loss OP. There are plenty of way to make money, just be patient and way for the next opportunity. Just forget about crypto completely if it helps

>> No.8640804 [DELETED] 
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going out with a shotgun blast to the head if I get wiped out in a further drop in price

>> No.8640902
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Don't make investments if you can't handle the loss. That's gambling 101.

>> No.8640934

buy ETH.

>> No.8641555

Fuck Wall St. The only reason btc exists is to put an end to their corruption.

>> No.8641638

>the absolute state of IOTA bagholders

>> No.8641730

stop it

>> No.8641744
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>> No.8641753


>> No.8641755

It's all over
We were warned and we didn't listen

>> No.8641937

It wasn’t a warning it was a threat, they are coming for us now.

>> No.8641950

Op think about 3 years from now, none of this will matter. I lost 90% of my initial, but tomorrow is going to be a new day.

>> No.8642118
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>> No.8642185

Shut the fuck up your dumbass

You're here on /biz/ in a bear market
You'll have the opportunity to buy into cyrpto at crazily low prices when it's all said and done, and all you have to do is buy low and maybe wagecuck a little
There will be people in the nearish future who will kill themselves because they WEREN'T here to experience "another bottom"

>> No.8642250
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>meanwhile in the catalog

>> No.8642617

refer to this thread OP >>8641565

>> No.8642703


typical FUN investor

>> No.8642738

Wall Street has it's own issues to deal with right now. Expecting them to come riding to the rescue with earnings starting next week is beyond a pipedream. Or ever.

>> No.8642794

Do it now. kys

>> No.8643188

we already got a shotgun video can you be more creative

>> No.8643202

ummm...link plox :3

>> No.8643209

Sell. We're gonna go bear market for a year or two.

>> No.8643394


just search /R9k/ shotgun suicide. Only happened just over a week ago.

>> No.8643488

Fuck me I've just watched it. Poor guy.
Left an awfully big mess inside his room as well.

>> No.8643557

Dude it's going down to 2-4k.

Does "wiped out" mean negative net worth? Bitcoin may bubble up to 35k within the coming years, unless you leveraged, just hold.

>> No.8643684
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>he's trying to commit suicide

>> No.8643691



>> No.8643701
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>> No.8643765

None of us can stop you, but I promise there are more things in this world then you're small amount of money that is lost. Don't kill yourself over this.

>> No.8643770
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We have yet to see the "Slam Dunk", you could be a real hero OP

>> No.8643803

OP, you're one of those idiots who laughed at me when I sold my BTC at 7,5k, aren't you?

I can't feel sorry for you. I sold at the right time, you called me "weak hands" and now I'm the one who's winning.

>> No.8643818


But nevertheless, you shouldn't kill yourself over this.
I've faced worse situations in my life and survived. What one man can do, another can do.

>> No.8643825

Dubs checked

>> No.8643831

You're both weak hands. Kys

>> No.8643859


>weak hands

BTC is going to 1k. Dude. It's over. Just face the music and take what you have left.

If you don't sell now you're just an idiot.
If you DO sell now, you'll be thanking me later..

>> No.8643886

>Buy at 19k, sell at 6k
Never change /biz/

>> No.8643892


Rest in peace for real dawg. Bitcoins trajectory is clear, we're only delaying the inevitable and lying to ourselves at this point.

>> No.8643898

Exactly, everyone sell so we can get this over wi...i mean everyone sell because its going to zero!!

>> No.8643899


I didn't.

And even if I had done that, selling at 6k is STILL better than selling at 0-1k which is eventually coming.
Only a fool sticks around and "hodl"s hoping for a rocketing that is never coming.

>> No.8643921
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You're gonna feel silly when you get to the gates and they tell you that you would have been fine if you just waited a couple years before promptly casting you into the fire.

>> No.8644537
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