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File: 266 KB, 640x560, cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8637177 No.8637177 [Reply] [Original]

>Jesus died on a cross on good friday
>Bitcoin died on a cross on good friday

>> No.8637213

But bitcoin should moon in three days and save neets from wage cucking.

>> No.8637234
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Jesus rose from the dead and then Christianity became the world's largest religion

>> No.8637244

Bitcoin will rise from the dead on Sunday and April Fool's Day

>> No.8637270

The crucifixion was a false flag operation.

>> No.8637305
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BTC will resurrect and the whole world will hear about it.

In the end we will all be blessed by God!

>> No.8637345

Bitcoin to $7777 Sunday

>> No.8637415

If you haven't bought Jesus Coin, even just a little, it will be difficult for you to find peace of mind.

>> No.8637451

It's Thursday dude...

>> No.8637461

BTC shall rise

and so shall ETH


>> No.8637689

And the DEATH CROSS is tomorrow.

>> No.8637701
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The Romans killed him you fucking troglodyte

>> No.8637713

Bitcoin will rise from the dead and become the world's largest bubble and JUST EVERYONE

>> No.8637731

The Romans carried out the sentence but it never would have been delivered if the jews didn't beg for it.

>> No.8637747

Yeah, because of jews.

>> No.8637758

all in on BiblePay

>> No.8637766

>I wonder who could be behind this post?

>> No.8637770
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I'm honoring the fallen God by not spending cash for 24 hours while he hangs from his cross. I will patiently and faithfully await his return on the third day.

>> No.8637795

>he still doesn´t understand that bitcoin is the Messiah that Jews have been waiting for.

>> No.8637801

Does this mean this was the 3rd chance people had to get in low? Denial like Simon Peter, and when the resurrection happens they will doubt us like Thomas did Jesus until finally we ascend to the heavens?

>> No.8637802

Jew alert

>> No.8637803

Mark 15
>9 “Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate,
>10 knowing it was out of self-interest that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him.
>11 But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead.
>12 “What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked them.
>13 “Crucify him!” they shouted.
>14 “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.
>But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”
>15 Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.
It was totally the Romans who wanted Jesus crucified! Nothing to do with the Jews at all goy.

>> No.8637843

Matthew 27
>24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
>25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

>> No.8637862
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Really makes you think

>> No.8637930


Kind of propaganda desu. The high priests wanted him dead because he was rebellious, he was more a threat to them than to the romans authority. But the romans prefered to keep their puppets in power and so it would be also in their interest the get rid of him. So they would have been more than complicit and willing in his execution, instead of "I guess if thats what you wanted...".
Markus taking the blame completely from the romans was probably to spread christianity more easily in the roman empire and also to not get in trouble.

>> No.8637958

Deathcross already occured on large exchanges.

>> No.8637963
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Really puts some juice in the thinker

>> No.8637990

Read the Talmud. The Jews brag about forcing the Roman's hand. They even say they gave the government 40 days to find a witness of Jesus innocent and could find no one. And then the story of Onkelos relates that Jesus is being boiled in excrement.

Jews are so evil they killed their own messiah and then blaspheme him in death until this day.

>> No.8638072

2pm Good Friday here

>> No.8638254

Good points anon. I'm somewhat understanding of his killing, be it unrighteous, due to its declaration in scripture that he would be betrayed by his own people. Further, as far as it has been made aware to me, it was necessary for the Christ to die on the cross.

The blaspheme is purely evil and disgusting, and is an extension of the pharisees who sought his death. I am shocked that to this day they still exist and have followers. Talk about refusing to confess wrongs, and accept forgiveness. I suppose what was declared by the crowd after Pilate washed his hands proved to be truth.

>> No.8638596

The whole Jesus narrative is a fucking invention you pindicks. Jesus did “miracles” like healing the sick and blind the same way charlatans have always done in poverty stricken shitholes. Don’t recall Jesus ever healing an amputee but he was good at casting out demons. What a load of shit. If he truly was Devine he couldn’t LD have revealed penicillin or germ theory or the steam engine - things that would actually help people. But no - he told them washing your hands before eating was a stupid man made tradition. The bloke was a fraud but thankfully the story about him is bullshit too.
T. Former Christian pastor with a divinity masters.

>> No.8638611

“If he was truly divine he could have revealed...”

>> No.8638621

Who, the Jews and Romans?

>> No.8638654

God works in mysterious ways. God could also just make a magic machine that solves all our problems for us, but clearly that's not in His plan.

>> No.8638782

Birth foretold by prophets
Mother visited by angels
Born of a virgin
Birth attended by magi
Attempt on his life
Warned by angels
Flees to Egypt
Child prodigy
God commissions him with a voice from heaven and rad dove
Heals the sick
Turns Water into wine
Walks on water
Casts out demons
Raises the dead
Foretells his own death and resurrection
Hangs out with 12 blokes and a prostitute
Gets crucified but is taken down early doesn’t have his legs broken but is stabbed
None of the tens of thousands that believed in his miracles give a fuck
Only a couple of women are witnesses
Temple veil torn in 2
Sun stops moving solar eclipse
Dead saints get out of graves and walk around Jerusalem
Nekminnit - raised from the dead
Walks through walls
Flies up to heaven
Apostles start doing miracles like above
Jesus has to appear to new apostle to sort out their theology
Church abuses kids, wages war and argues about the trinity for the next 2000+ years.
Sounds like made up bullshit to me

>> No.8638799

>God works in mysterious ways.
Grow up faggot

>> No.8638854

>Jewsus killed by jews
Thats a good thing, now for the Jews and christcucks to kill eachother off and Europe will be saved
Oy literally the globalist religion

>> No.8638889
File: 31 KB, 409x409, 6ED86312-0B13-49F2-B44F-6CCD8F4FEFD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Christ was an Avatar of oneness with the ALL
>mfw Christianity and religion teaches explicit separation from God which in turn separates us from each other
>mfw we are all connected and God is simply the collective of ALL THAT IS
>mfw the purpose of this life is polarity integration
>mfw experience is the reason for creation
>mfw Jesus is probably kinda bummed out how his message was totally co-opted

Just live the 6 heart virtues and FOLLOW THE MESSAGE NOT THE MESSENGER

t. Former Orthodox Chrisitian

>> No.8638950
File: 3.07 MB, 3258x2349, Disputa Del Sacramento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the case for Christ or watch the movie if you feel strongly that it is made up bullshit.

The life of Jesus Christ is the most attested event in the ancient world.

>> No.8638967
File: 7 KB, 213x213, Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jesus was a threat to the jews
>bitcoin is a threat to the (((banking))) system

In hoc signo vinces

>> No.8638978

Are you still Christian?

Do not let the doctrine of men rule over the word of God.

>> No.8638979

Not an argument.

>former pastor
Wow, a former heretic thinks his conception of Christianity is bullshit. Who wudda thunk it?

>> No.8639004

Christianity is the ultimate cuck religion.

>get raped
>apologize for it
>offer to get raped some more

>> No.8639036
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>Apologize for it
Why are you straight up lying?

>> No.8639056

>doesnt know own religion



>> No.8639103
File: 103 KB, 645x773, 1518251754063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No apology in verse
I wonder why you're making shit up.

>> No.8639107


holy shit i wish i were a jew. they truly are the master race desu

>> No.8639133


Ah you're mentally handicapped. Sorry.

>> No.8639153
File: 138 KB, 417x516, 1519420602460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna resurrect as Bitcoin Cash with Bitcoin Jesus Roger Ver as it's prophet.

>> No.8639157

it was the jews

>> No.8639173
File: 97 KB, 600x600, 1515611211972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check those righteous dubs too!

>> No.8639176

Umm...n-nice dubs anon...

>> No.8639177

A strawman AND namecalling? Still no apology!

Nice Reddit spacing, btw. Maybe you should fuck off back.

>> No.8639316
File: 54 KB, 540x540, cfe49a329b44ce85690e4c18ddc89513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamb run confirmed on Easter, TY BASED JESUS.

>> No.8639661

Hell is in your future if you don't except Christ as god anon. Don't think your minuscule mind is on the level of god's, you are too proud and think too much of yourself, one of the many folly's of mankind.

>> No.8639952

Accept your lord and savior Roger Ver and repent of your sins corecucks! Your end is nigh!

>> No.8639961

dubs dont mean shit.

>> No.8640128

Kikenvermin Extermination NOW!!!

>> No.8640180
File: 63 KB, 500x750, 54_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double double
Jews in trouble
Crypto bubble
Dreams in rubble.

>> No.8640202

Double double dub dubs

>> No.8640309

What happened to you?

>> No.8640344

the sanhedrin rejected christ's message long before the gospels were written.
sure theres a fair amount of saltiness in there against the jews, but it was mutual

>> No.8640434

Man I just don’t know man, I feel the draw towards it still but you don’t know what I’ve experienced spiritually, I really do question the church. I feel more connected to Christ than ever before and I wish to be just like him because he KNEW. He Knew and that was that man.

>> No.8640774

I hope you find your way, and your answer anon. If it helps, I think that emulating Christ is the short answer and all our attempts at codification and organization are just window dressing. Not saying churches are bad, but it’s an accessory after the fact and more of a means to an end. Idk if that makes any sense. Best of luck out there.

>> No.8640985

bull in 3rd April
mfw teeka was right

>> No.8641169
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>3 days

>> No.8641223
File: 159 KB, 1251x1280, IMG_20180321_170319_044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but he came back three days later.

>> No.8641254
File: 51 KB, 500x419, love of Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8641310

That poem made me kek like a motherfucker

>> No.8641326

Jesus saved cryptocurrency.

>> No.8641456
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>> No.8641472
File: 973 KB, 312x213, itshappening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8641490


>> No.8641506

get the fuck out of here with your jewish mysticism and shove the kaballah up your faggot ass.

>> No.8641595

Guys....check Binance. The low was 6666.66 oh my god

>> No.8641639
File: 250 KB, 878x599, 1511188481469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what goy, what are you some kind of conspiracy theorist?

>> No.8641692

Kill yourself Muhammed

>> No.8641731

>six sixes

>> No.8641984

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
It's that simple anons, God's mind in beyond our conception and thus we couldn't expect anything else other than absolute simplicity and perfection at the same time.
All one has to do is to Believe in that fact.
Read the Bible anons, have a go, it will change your life.

>> No.8642281


>> No.8642286

Jesus isn't real.
Neither is Bitcoin.

>> No.8642289
