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File: 322 KB, 919x472, Bitfinexed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8636405 No.8636405 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8636419


>> No.8636420

Looooooool bitch

>> No.8636425

whats mean

>> No.8636442

he had an heart attack.

>> No.8636445
File: 86 KB, 263x400, bart-simpson-psd-450102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Means he couldnt take the negative tweets so he shut his account down

>> No.8636454

In short: I'm getting sued. Sorry guys, but I can't afford to preach against the evil empire anymore.

>> No.8636461

Or they killed him

>> No.8636483

CIA niggers got him

>> No.8636485

Proof or larp.

>> No.8636492

If they don't sue them, I wish someone will allocate some Monero into dealing with him

>> No.8636498

oh i'm not him. just copied that from discord

>> No.8636518

Probably death threats. I remember a bunch of threads on here when he started talking about Tether and articles showed up in Bloomberg how it was his fault BTC was falling.

A lot of people were saying it was his fault for bringing attention to tether and he was just a jealous cuck that was ruining everything for everyone.

This was all of course ignoring the fact that he was probably right and even if he is a jealous cuck (He is) he happened to hit upon a huge fucking problem and people were mad it was being brought to the attention of everyone.

>> No.8636539

lol i cant believe he took down the whole market. what a mad man

>> No.8636546

Fake and gay.

>> No.8636562

Daily reminder that this kid dumped ALL his buttcorns at 2k and in a fit if complete asshurt, he tweeted fud hundreds of times a day for over a year to try and cope with the fact that he missed the biggest bubble in history

>> No.8636579

BitFinex'd is only followed by stupid conspiracy theory retards who want to feel enlightened and "red pilled" by pretending they are "in the know". If you follow BitFinex'd and think it's solid, you should quite crypto forever.

>> No.8636636

>you should quite crypto forever.
What if I never owned any digital pogs to begin with?

>> No.8636643

>retards who want to feel enlightened and "red pilled" by pretending they are "in the know"

Like everyone who thought they were going to beat the normies by early-adopting crypto?

>> No.8636671

>finex goes fiat confirming tether is legit
>finexed gets finexed
its perfect ending desu

>> No.8636793

what's the discord?

>> No.8637036

Whats this mean tho. Who cares he went private.

>> No.8637308

this he's the CryptoCobain of the current year

>> No.8637498

except tether is starting to look legit at this point

they have a new bank in Puerto richo where you could see billions sitting in it.

BTC going down dont seem to bother the people behind pumping it cause no one is trying to overtake it