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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8629684 No.8629684 [Reply] [Original]

$.29 incomming. How are you feeling about LINK now?

>> No.8629705
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>> No.8629735
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Enough is enough

>> No.8629743

BTC shitting itself and gobbling up another 5k on the cheap

>> No.8629786

can not wait till EOY to laugh at all the linktards. Wait I can already laugh now

>> No.8629827

Best box in the business.

>> No.8629853
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anndddd... $.29 reached. That was faster than I though.
Next stop, $.25. ALL ABOOOOOARRD!

>> No.8629855


>> No.8629869

Still on track for $1000 EOY

>> No.8629919
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volume is increasing.

the trend will reverse soon.

>> No.8629921

only if hyper inflation of the dollar occurs.

>> No.8629926
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LINK is intrinsically worthless. Node operators can be paid in existing cryptocurrencies. Just look at the testnet right now, it only accepts ETH instead of LINK lmao. It means that ETH can easily be substituted for it, that is, if someone wants to fork the token to accept ETH (an established cryptocurrency instead of some fucking ERC20 token made with a two-man team), LINK is basically useless. That is besides the fact that everything LINK aims to do can be easily done by cryptographically signing the data from the API source.
>muh next ETH

Link, 5 months in: 35 cents (3.5x ICO)
Ethereum, 5 months in: $5.50 (17x ICO)

Uh oh, pissed stinker incoming HAHA.

>> No.8629948

Link did like 14-15x 3 months in and ETH didn't have to deal with the entire market shitting the bed 4-5 months after ICO.

>> No.8629951

At 20 cents i put another 5k into this, will put me at 50k link.

>> No.8629999

I'm officially back to my initial investment. Don't know if this is the time to sell before I go into the red, especially since fiat pairs will boost BTC and big alts like NEO while probably fucking my linkies further.

>> No.8630061

This has me worried too.

>> No.8630064
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>stinky linkies

>> No.8630077

200 euro will get me another 1000. Very tempting.

>> No.8630121

better to spend it on EOS

>> No.8630129
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>thx just bought 100k moar

>> No.8630148


>> No.8630172


>> No.8630195

you're going to regret it, but hey, it's your money

>> No.8630214


Better buy anon

>> No.8630218

this. Quads don't lie.

>> No.8630257


Your get used to it. I’m -20% right now, crossing into the red was scary but now I’m just dollar cost averaging and buying a small amount of crypto every two weeks.
I never had more than 10% of my net worth in crypto, the rest is all in solid ETFs. Keeping your % allocation in check gives you strong hands.

I think the bottom for BTC will be 6-4k. Link and alts will bleed like mad during that time. Gonna just steadily buy and not try to time the market. If we’re patient (like, months - years) this will all just seem like a missed buying opportunity.

>> No.8630275

>the absolute state of LINK fags

>> No.8630288

I won't. Delegated proof of stake is the politically weakest system and EOS is being shilled by the mainstream media. Not interested at any price.

>> No.8630336

>“The bottom will be x”
>”This crypto can’t go lower than x”
You people really don’t have a clue what you’re talking about and just making shit up it’s comical.

>> No.8630347

I've been holding since SIBOS. I was used to it and very hopeful with SXSW and that previous conference. Now when Sergey is finally trying to get publicity and engaging supporters things are only falling, not just due to the entire market (which is bad enough) but relative to other alts as well. Fucking Byteball is above LINK again.

>> No.8630424

LINK price right now is literally meaningless. If it fails it will go to zero as it has no backup usage. If it succeeds it will singlehandedly spark the smart contract revolution. So a good estimate is somewhere between 0 and 1000+ ie. totally random

>> No.8630452

Considering that right now no crypto has use cases outside of trades (e.g. XMR and drugs), that says nothing.

>> No.8630470

Am I the only one who only invested in this shitcoin during the initial pump back in September?

Bought near ICO price, sold the pump, never again thouched it.

Thanks, stinky linkies.

>> No.8630532

With btc being the way it is now nothing is going anywhere.

I never get these posts. Come back when link is crashing while everythings else is going up. Then you can talk.

>> No.8630557

>I never get these posts. Come back when link is crashing while everythings else is going up. Then you can talk.
It dropped 20 ranks on Coinmarketcap in about two weeks though

>> No.8630577

Huh? If you don't think cryptocurrencies have use then you should drop your bags immediately.

>> No.8630619

me too anon

>> No.8630637


>> No.8630665

I'm not saying that I don't think they have use, I'm saying no alt has successfully delivered on a promised use and implementation. To say LINK will hit the moon if it delivers is meaningless when any alt would do the same if it actually managed to deliver.

>> No.8630690
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>> No.8630709

nobody cares about you making 500 bucks

>> No.8630785

I feel great. I am holding the future.

>> No.8630868

Yes. All or nothing.

>> No.8630878

LINK $999.99 EOY

>> No.8630915

im not selling