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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 269 KB, 1228x1162, Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 11.30.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8625692 No.8625692 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.8625713


>> No.8625731
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is someone named "crypto _____ " right about anything?

the answer is no anon, however bitcoin will hit ATHs someday.

>> No.8625741

He shills his bags and needs to satisfy his cult members with positive news, to keep them paying for him drawing lines on charts.

Of course he is wrong.

>> No.8625744

What kind of an argument is that? If you zoom out long enough everything seems flat.

>> No.8625747

deluded retarrd

>> No.8625755

Kek, are people this deluded

>> No.8625756

>nearly 1000% annual return is a pretty conservative estimate
damn. I think it will get there within 5 years but I'm not that bullish. Maybe if all the banks started shilling crypto as a safe haven during a market crash.

>> No.8625767

Lmfaooooo I love the delusion

>> No.8625779
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>let's just zoom out so much that we can't see the complete meltdown currently in progress

>> No.8625798

thats the beauty of fractals my friend

Anyone else remember when bitcoin hit 1k for the second time back at the start of 2017? Do you remember how massive that bull run felt at the time?

Now if you zoom out to the overall graph its just a little spike way down at the bottom. Funny really.

>> No.8625810

Wow. This is impressive even for cryptofags. This tells me there will be money in buying every high volume dip and immediately re-selling it.... all the way to the bottom.

Wow. Apparently I'm not the only one, the chart is a fucking staircase of delusion, heading straight through the floor.

>> No.8625814


>> No.8625849

Zoom in.

>> No.8625856

We just need a TOP 20 economy to enter inflation and 10% of their citizens to turn to crypto (in order to avoid hyper inflation).
Latin America is struggling, if Mexico, Argentina or Brazil (all with hyper inflation not so long ago) go through something like this, $100K by the end of the year could actually happen.

>> No.8625863
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>> No.8625890

oh look another desperate bull projecting his views on the chart

>> No.8625905
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lol wtf

this is some next level TA

>> No.8625931
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Lmfao not realizing the world's economy is going to shit

>> No.8625950


not if bart simpson blocks your path. fucking eternal bart market

>> No.8625962


>> No.8625979

I've made almost half a million dollars following cryptoyoda's advice though.

>> No.8626001

It will, once (((they))) wriggle every single satoshi out of us.
They have all the time in the world, so you might need to wait 10+ yrs to see BTC ATH.

>> No.8626045

What's interesting in this thread is the amount of people who truly believe there is no change it will go up again.

It's like the inverse of $20k when bulls thought it would never crash.

>> No.8626059


>> No.8626068


love it when people act like "they" or "wall street" are some collective consciousness out to fuck everyone up, or have a singular hivemind driving it all. you might have taken the bog meme too literally.

they are individuals, thousands of them in hundreds of companies all who want a profit. they are greedy too. they aren't waiting 10 years.

>> No.8626077
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time to sell when you see shit like this

>> No.8626104

See that thin green line?
That is what hundreds of blns look like. All the suicide victims, all the scammers, evry single ponzi scheme and hot potato game. It's all there.
Flocks of normies selling their estate to buy ATH, poor students spending their loans on crypto. Millions of sleepless nights and retirement savings spent in seconds at x100 leverage.
See how insignificant it all is?
From here it really is. Just a thin green line

>> No.8626111

What? How? I just started following him. Was it alt coin advice or signals? Curious how you made such a fortune.

>> No.8626136

Thousands cannot orchestrate this madness. It takes a bunch, maybe 10 master manipulators to time the news, draw the graphs, wash trade billions etc. The companies either get baited or used as tools directly

>> No.8626138

He was spot on about altcoin bull rally back in May/June. He predicted a few different 10x's just a few days before they mooned.

>> No.8626333

Look at what he said about DGB in late June/early July.

This idiot is what is called "shovel seller" in regular markets. Prime example of P&D. He makes money not from the market, but from those who are stupid enough to think he is an expert.

Cryptojoda, Polk, Wolfofshitoniex - they all do the same.

First they collect followers and clean off their wrong calls by simply deleting them. If you point it out, they say "TA is not perfect, we all make mistakes on them". As the market is bullish, they are right more often than not.

Then they demand to get paid for their stuff in a "secret group".
After this, they buy a coin with predictable news up ahead.
Next step is shilling the coin first to the "followers" in the "group", then to the public a bit later.
Watch pump, dump on them all the way up and down.
Tweet "look my call at X, we made X.000 moniez, plox join mah private group, only few spots left!"

Those fuckers will have a nice spot in prison...

>> No.8626399

DGB went higher at the end of the year. If he's a scammer, then how was I able to make money as an outsider solely by reading his tweets?

>> No.8626469

100k at least eoy

>> No.8626490

Possible top is actually 1 million per bitcoin.
But likewise bottom is -5 million per bitcoin, in that case Satoshi Nakamoto will personally knock on your door and take your firstborn and your left kidney away

>> No.8626502
File: 117 KB, 1910x1000, 104997409-5ED5-BL-Soros-020818.1910x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you saying we should collapse a big country's economy, subvert the media, shill their citizens and business on bitcoin being the best way to safely pay for daily expenses, pump it so they all get dupped into buying in and then sell the top???

>> No.8626698

here's a good article describing how something like this might occur


>> No.8626817

the octuple inverse megabart is a bullish signal

>> No.8626927
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Because when he tweets, he has influence on the market. Then, it is simply a matter of either being too late and exiting at a loss or making it in time, to make a profit.

Did you never asked yourself, why you never see such a behavior in regular markets?
Answer: because it is deceptive and manipulative.
Another description would be "illegal".

>> No.8627017

Yeah because a guy with a hundred thousand twitter followers can singlehandedly influence a $500 billion market.

>> No.8627026

>Did you never asked yourself, why you never see such a behavior in regular markets?
Who is Warren Buffet.

>> No.8627104

>Muh 50K because decimal system
why do anyone follow these twitter schmucks except for keks

>> No.8627140

>Yeah because a guy with a hundred thousand twitter followers can singlehandedly influence a $500 billion market.

With just about 10 billion USD liquidity in total, where almost every shitcoins has about less than 10 million USD in luquidity, this is exactly what they want you to think.
Go on sucking their cocks. Everyone with an actual education in the field and experience in markets call these faggots what they are: future inmates in federal prisons.

>yet another Buffet-argument
If you really need to be educated, why black wednessday was the fault of the torries and their backwards monetary policy, not of a speculator betting on the inevitable event that this policy cannot hold up for long, you should put your money into beanie babies.

>> No.8627160

Maximum delusion
Crypto cùcks are like religious IDIOTS

>> No.8627203

Polk doesn't belong in this list at all. He is legit one of the best poker players in the world and his poker strategy videos are very good.
He is maybe a crypto noob but certainly not a scammer like these other twitter idiots.

>> No.8627205

speaking truth here

fucking hate all those crypto__faggots

what is more funny is all the getto niggaz and white trash tron plebs using random crypto__ handles after they fomo-ed into the market in November 2017

>> No.8627229
File: 21 KB, 400x400, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a normie text me saying that i should check out TRX, and that he wants to invest a few thousand into it.

Is this a bullish sign biz?

>> No.8627291

>With just about 10 billion USD liquidity in total
If this is true, then that's a good reason to believe it will reach $50k and beyond this year. I'd say what's far more delusional is thinking that crypto isn't going to revolutionize banking and commerce on a global scale in the next few years.

>> No.8627312

>I'd say what's far more delusional is thinking that crypto isn't going to revolutionize banking and commerce on a global scale in the next few years.
it isnt

Its a way to launder money at best and a way to make money off idiots at worst

>> No.8627328

Oh yeah bro, him and larperofpoloniex are biggest crypto traders heros, hands down to the master of technical analysis on social media, senpai.

>> No.8627329

Are you a boomer by any chance? I bet you also thought smartphones were nothing but dumb expensive toys 10 years ago.

>> No.8627350

>muh internet tokens

>> No.8627366

>muh stock market

>> No.8627371

u seem upset

>> No.8627472

>He is maybe a crypto noob but certainly not a scammer like these other twitter idiots.

I dont care what he does in poker - for all I care, he could be a guru in MtG and treating pregnant woman with PTSD, it does not concern what he does in crypto.

He shills ICOs with no background in finance and the last time I checked, he does not disclose relationships and his own positions in what he talks about.
This is enough for me to put him on the same level as every "crypto_____"-faggot out there, that shills his own bag. The amount of credible people is about to go to zero, as no one listens to these, who warn about the dangers.

>> No.8627633

>If this is true, then that's a good reason to believe it will reach $50k and beyond this year. I'd say what's far more delusional is thinking that crypto isn't going to revolutionize banking and commerce on a global scale in the next few years.

Pitch me, why a slow technology with scaling problems could solve practical problems, that you can get around quite fine, if you just centralize them? Decentralization has such a small application, we have problems finding issues where decentralization is preferable in the first place.

Also, BTC alone suffers from a heavy inflation before we may consider it deflationary in a decade or two and it does not solve practical problems. BTC going to $50k is ridiculus. The higher it gets, the more money needs to flow in to get it even higher. And the longer it stays there, the more money need to flow in just to offfset the inflation caused by mining.

Please do not misunderstand me on this. I would prefer cryptocurrencies becoming something like a speculative smallcap with similar legal obligations and rights that come with regular stocks. But crypto is so heavily overvalued and underdeveloped, I would rather put my money into pennystocks than in crypto.

>> No.8627688

Zoom in

>> No.8627845

Well for one thing, the entire world is trending towards a mix of corporatism and oppressive authoritarianism. Humans have a natural yearning to be free, so as governments continue to regulate and clamp down on the internet, there will be an ever increasing demand for decentralized banking and services of all kinds.

>> No.8627889


hmmm well /biz/ is always wrong. and judging the reaction in this thread in comparison to dec when everyone was screaming 100K EOM prolly some truth to it

>> No.8627921


yes, if earth's population was 100 billion

>> No.8627987

>decentralized banking and services of all kinds

Regardless what or why you think about governments this way: every person who wants to avoid governmental overview or availability, is still always in need of a generally accepted means of storage of value and transformation. This led to the development of currencies.

And with cryptocurrencies, you have the typical henn-egg-problem. You need adaption for them to become actual currencies, but you cannot expect adaption without them being currencies.

>> No.8628012

>renewed global media coverage
When are you retards going to realize that the normie wave has already come and gone? This shit is never breaking 11k again

>> No.8628063
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Bitcoin doesn't need to do anything other than sit back and enjoy the fireworks. It already won, what you are seeing is a series of copes along the way.

>> No.8628485

screencapped all the doubters
we are in fucking stealth phase you faggots
i still cant buy a goat or a cow with bitcoin and my chickens got no bitcoin wallet so wait till the dumb money comes in it will be glorious when all nocoiners kill themselves

>> No.8628502
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nibba is about to be fanged

>> No.8628981

>accidentally an entire country
We can do it.

>> No.8629138
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>first sell off

>> No.8629242

It's not impressive you fucking poor piece of shit. You think it is because you're new and shit on the street. It used to be common for biz anons to have years of experience. Goddamn you migrant scum. Goddamn you all.

>> No.8629274

>zoom out to a 1 million year time frame
>See nothing has even happened yet we haven't even begun!

>> No.8629468


Yes, know why? Because this is the future of money, it's that simple.

>> No.8629862

Idk who this fag is but bitcoin will almost certainly reach 50k some day