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861533 No.861533 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder if you're not majoring in STEM then you're a degenerate

>> No.861554

ITT we pretend its 2012

>> No.861565

I'm starting my last year of a focus on Chem at a two year college next week. I have a feeling that after I finish I still won't be able to get a decent job and it will end up being a waste of time and money.

>> No.861566

"Amazing is the poverty of my ribs!" thus hath spoken many a present-day man.

Yea, ye are laughable unto me, ye present-day men! And especially when ye marvel at yourselves!

And woe unto me if I could not laugh at your marvelling, and had to swallow all that is repugnant in your platters!

As it is, however, I will make lighter of you, since I have to carry what is heavy; and what matter if beetles and May-bugs also alight on my load!

Verily, it shall not on that account become heavier to me! And not from you, ye present-day men, shall my great weariness arise.—

>> No.861567

I hope you wrote this because it is good.

>> No.861569


>> No.861572

Does psychology count as STEM? Please say yes anon :(

>> No.861573



>> No.861584

It's a pseudoscience. So no.

>> No.861585
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White gril at a New England liberal arts school pls

>> No.861587

Well I'm a Pharm sales rep, and I make 150k. I know for a fact most STEM grads make less than 60k. I was a liberal arts grad.

>> No.861589

What major?

>> No.861591

Poli Sci. Sales rep for pharm requires only a BA/S. You will be traveling a lot and selling to doctors. A lot of these docs will just take it because they need the drugs. Some contact you for a drug in exchange for some kickbacks.

>> No.861597

Okay, entering college I know I'm going to pursue a STEM field, but in what specific field will I cultivate the most money and power? It all blurs together for me. Medicine would be easier for me than most when it comes to getting residency, etc. as I come from a family of specialists with many connections. But that takes so damn long.

>> No.861602

You will crash and burn, young one. Worry about finishing college, first.

>> No.861637

>I know for a fact most STEM grads make less than 60k.

Anecdotal evidence but the engineers I've met are some of the shittiest people I've ever. I used to think that engineering was the only way to go but that coupled with what I know about how their day to day activies go really turned me off.

I was interested in petroleum since that's all I know since I've started working but it's not something that's viable anymore and even if I graduated I'll probably graduate into a shit market.

I dunno, just my two cents.

>> No.861642

I am econ major and I need 3 levels of calculus and more math later on If I want to take the better upper division classes.

Am I honorary stem?

>> No.861644

Its not anecodtal. Most STEM workers are not high paying. Engineers are got in the middle of either working with a good salary or making 50-60k. Most engineers don't do shit and the design is always done by someone in a trade such engineering technician/technologist. Petroleum is very risky field. High paying but it goes through boom/bust cycles more than any other industry. You can try phram sales, or technical.

>> No.861645

>majoring into an industry the goverment is trying to destroy
>falling for the viral marketing petroleum engineering

You know they pushed that so hard so they could drive down those crazy salaries and compete with other countries right?

>> No.861674

>Sales rep

What does 'rep' mean?

>> No.861688

Non English speaker?

It is a shortened way of saying "representative".

>> No.861691

branch off into neuroscience and we'll play with you

>> No.861698

Hey I'm gonna finish my engineering physics undergrad next year and I'm gonna go for an engineering PhD. Problem is I'm having a hard time choosing what to go for, anyone wanna give some input?

>Medical technology
>Space technology

As I said, these are both offered as engineering PhD's. What do? I'm equally interested in both.

>> No.861705


Ok you are doing it wrong fam

>> No.861707

>Science, engineering, technology and math
>calculus is math
>Economics is a social science

Id say so

>> No.861714

maybe in things like mech eng or EE you should get work experience over a PhD but in the highly technical fields I'm interested in a PhD is a must. That's just how it is.

>> No.861716

>social "science"

pick one because social sciences are not included in STEM.

>> No.861734

>Getting a degree
>Getting a job
>Being a paid employee

I make more bank in my sleep than you wagecucks ever will

>> No.861736
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>> No.861738

ok what do you do then hmm? how much money do you make? lay out your success for everyone to see right here in black and white

you /r9k/ retards need to die and go to hell and take this shitty wagecuck meme you created with you

>> No.861740


$10k a month passive from downloadable products and design templates
$12k a month in sales from same products in physical format
$2k a month blog income
$2 a month from copywriting
$6k a month from my 'day job' as a graphic/web designer

And I've only just begun. I dropped out of an arts degree a decade ago. Completely self-taught at what I do

>this thread
>implying creative skills can't pay

>> No.861745

STEM anon are Zoidberg?
You're better off with an MS, or M.Eng. Experience is much better than a PhD. If you go for a PhD then you're trying to become a professor. Space sector is pretty much Aerospace, which is dominated by the US military. In other words you'll be helping design military jets or rockets. But the problem is that the industry hasn't recovered since the end of the cold war. You're better off in medical tech at the moment.

>> No.861746

>earns $32k a month for meme work

>> No.861748

yeah and if I want to get anywhere in the medical tech field I'll need a PhD. I've been researching that particular job market and a PhD is most often needed. Very few employers are gonna let people without a PhD fuck around with (often experimenal) medical equipment

>> No.861750

What products are these?

You got any proof, m8. Because it smells like bullshit.

>> No.861753

btw wouldn't it be easier to just snap a timestamped photo of these payments instead of typing it all out? Oh wait no it wouldn't because you're talking shit

>> No.861754

If you want to work in biomedical engineering then you need experience. If its biological/drug then a PhD. Medical tech is vague. Another field I would try is nuclear engineering.

>> No.861758

yeah I've been thinking about nuclear eng myself actually, but I feel like it's a bit risky as the public perception of nuclear energy is shit and plants are getting shut down (at least in europe). The only light in the tunnel is fusion but that's easily decades away so yeah... nuclear engineers can get work in the medical field but at that point why not just study medical tech you know?

>> No.861761

Nuclear engineering will be a thing. India and China are building plants at mass production levels. This will force the West to do the same. The US has a problem with the NRC, not hippies. If you want to do medical tech, then go on and do medical physics. I believe a masters is needed for most jobs.

>> No.861779

Tons of high caliber commercial/private/investment banks hire humanities guys

>> No.861826

>Non English speaker?

Thank you anon

>> No.862014

I can smell your butthurt from here.

It's common sense that stem is better for employability and wealth acquiring purposes. I would have loved to get into philosophy, but I guess that nothing stops me from getting there once I'm retired at age 35.

Or reading the books myself without any institution meddling...

>> No.862030

>I would have loved to get into philosophy, but I guess that nothing stops me from getting there once I'm retired at age 35

greek anon btw

>> No.862880

STEM as a whole isn't better. Engineering specifically is better, physics and math majors do ok too, but everything else is meh unless you plan on going on to med/grad school which the same could be said about liberal arts majors.

>> No.863076

>tfw computer science
at least I can wipe my tears with all these job offers

>> No.863127

I can confirm I am a degenerate

>> No.863139

>majoring in
>child still going to school thinks he can call others degenerates
How bout you start contributing to society and the GDP before making statements like that, kiddo.

>> No.863151


>implying college is worth something

The only thing I needed to break a 6 figure salary is a CCIE

>> No.863153


It's a sales job, what he did in college is irrelevant

>> No.863550

>tfw Chemistry degree

Job offers haven't really been a problem. Finding an actual fucking CHEMISTRY job has, since I don't live in a major metro area.

>> No.863552

I'm literally a rocket engineer (believe me or not, idgaf) and I make the equivalent of 15.75/hour.

Should've been a burger flipper, apparently.

>> No.863554


As someone who did Philosophy, Don't do Philosophy unless you 100% love that shit and no consequences would stop you learning about it.
That's how I am with politics and don't regret doing that because I love it. But philosophy for me wasn't my passion but part of the PPE course (and i liked it too)

>> No.863560

Economics and Law do ok.

>> No.863574

Majoring in geology. The pay seems to depend on what industry you go into, but it's decent. Also, most geologists seem to actually like their jobs

>> No.863580

are you a phd student? because i'm virtually in the same position.

>> No.863581

computer engineering
probably going to have shitty job prospects but at least im better than most, 90% of the class are braindead retards

>> No.863591

>conflating it with freud

>> No.863652

history major here fight me and my future poverty

>> No.863653

Job growth for computer engineering is below average for the next decade. The safest route for engineering is mechanical.

>> No.863655

every fucking retard that "likes cars" is going into mechanical engineering. electrical engineer is where it's at.

>> No.863657

That's the second best thing. But mechanical engineering is the most versatile field. Some kids do it to learn aerospace or nuclear engineering. But EE needs to be double majored with physics. The electronics courses for physics majors are super helpful for future E engineers.

>> No.863661

How is chemical engineering? Is majoring in Aerospace itself a bad idea because of how narrow it is?

>> No.863665

Its not because its narrow. Its due to the fact hte field hasn't recovered since the end of the cold war. A lot of aeroguys designed the rockets, and military aviation the US used. This is why you major in Mech E, with courses involving aerospace. Chem E is very narrow but high paying. You'll make most household products. Just do what you like. Engineering is an okay field at the moment. Boomers and H1-B slaves keep the market flooded.

>> No.863675

>Just do what you like
What I truly enjoy isn't profitable

>> No.863681

I meant in engineering. Also don't go after something you truly hate. You'll an hero like everyone else.

>> No.863682

What's funny is half you fuckers aren't going to be able to make it through a stem degree. Then the majority of the rest of you will hate your job and the long hours at the computer and away from your family. But hey, keep thinking your life will be better than everyone else.

Plus, you have to own your own business if you really want to get paid.

>> No.863683

I guess this is why doctors envy me as a pharm sales rep. I have my own hours and work outside. Plus great salary with bonus.

>> No.863686

Yeah, medical sales are where it's at. Especially if you have a D-cup and a cute face.

>> No.863696

If an equal field. 50 percent women and 50 percent men. But yeah cute, DD tits go a long way. If you're a guy, a bugle works against the sex deprived female/gay doctors. You realized a lot of doctors don't keep up with research and new medical tech. Which is a scary thing because a lot of people assume doctors are on top of their shit. Medical sales is a prestigious field because of the buyers.

>> No.863727
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>all this butthurt from non-STEM libarts depth grovelers

>> No.863749

is studying philosophy with the prospect of law school worth it?