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8607022 No.8607022 [Reply] [Original]


What the hell is the hyperledger and why is it being shilled so hard?

Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.8607489

It's like a ledger except its hyper

>> No.8607548

Hyperledger is a private version of ethereum.

>> No.8607579

It's the Chainlink killer

>> No.8607667

This is unironically the crypto killer. Or the end of the crypto dream, to be precise.

>> No.8607723

Its a general use blockchain and framework for business applications. This is where the real technology is other blockchain applications other then major cryptocurrency chains are made moot by it, have a nice day.

>> No.8607960


So its complete shit.

Either way private still is attractive to companies and governments because it lets them stay in control and be as corrupt as always.

>> No.8608172

it's what the banks will be using alongside chainlink. didn't think it was weird that out of all the blockchains out there sergay picked ethereum and hyperledger?

>> No.8608233

"Private" doesn't mean single-use. It can be simply industry-wide. Blockchain immutability still stays intact. And it makes more sense than using your tokens.

>> No.8608255

oh you....

>> No.8608428

In that case who verifies the transactions in the blockchain?

>> No.8608479

this is what i dont get. what is the difference between hyperledger and a google spread sheet?

>> No.8608536

Nodes. Each organization runs their nodes, if one goes offline, the data is still safe, if one gets hacked, it gets invalidated by the majority rule etc. just like in crypto. Except without tokens and traders.