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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 324x324, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8603978 No.8603978 [Reply] [Original]

Who is even still paying for this pile of trash?
I'm seeing tens of millions of dollars flood in every day keeping it from tanking to 0 where it belongs.
Literally what the fuck is wrong with people?
Shitcoiners were once smart internet people but you're all fucking stupider than normies now holy shit. This world is fucking doomed.

>> No.8603999

Everything turns to shit when normies swarm it. Haven't you learned this yet? kek

>> No.8604027

Literally all the normies I've ever tried to talk to about crypto think it's a ponzi scheme. Nice try.
the only logical conclusion is that you retards are taking out loans and trying to pump it to get your losses back. Sad!

>> No.8604102

Sub 100 IQ aka normie detected

>> No.8604218

Crypto is a financial cult. They don't want to leave because they believe voodoo magic will guide them to a new future.
Don't expect 0 because some people genuinely think God Satoshi will save them

>> No.8604265

There is a battle between two parties. Here we know them as the bogs and sminem. It is real

>> No.8604327

B-but if we r-read the hymn on page 346 of the Cryptonomicon together and praise the mighty falling wedge the bull run will commence.

>> No.8604334

BTC is far from trash. Go play with your alt coins, junior.

>> No.8604553

>he thinks 100 is the cutoff

>> No.8604595

yeah decentralized currencies are fucking stupid useless cult shit

I, however, love fiat currency that inherently bleeds value no matter what. That shit is awsome, fucking LOVE IT. I also buy little bits of companies that are only traded on speculative value and not by how much the company actually makes, that shit is awsome too. I hedge myself in shiny heavy rocks that are traded 100x over their use case.

>> No.8604612

>t. underage faggot that doesn't understand how anything works

>> No.8604772
File: 139 KB, 500x363, 1519280768775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying less than 10k for $1m by 2021 is stupid

>> No.8604825

it might actually have a chance then if it got the tax benefits of a religion

>> No.8604928

you newfags are so fuckin dumb, BTC is the king and will be for some time to come. sry your to dumb to see the flippining will not happen with ETH. 0 evidence only speculation in a highly speculative market