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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8602322 No.8602322 [Reply] [Original]

>hates niggers because they're lazy
>despises the idea of working

>hates Jews for being manipulative and greedy
>constantly scamming and shilling shitcoins

>calls women shallow whores
>only treat women as sex objects and only use money to attract them

>hates normies for being self-obsessed and narcissistic
>want the social approbation and praise of normies and think they're better than them

>want to end fiat money
>only care about the dollar value of crypto

>> No.8602355

>loves moos
>poos in the loos

>> No.8602500

>fucking jews

>> No.8602571

nice one op

>> No.8602793

autism, the post.

>> No.8602813

I mean he's not wrong.

>> No.8602820

The uncomfortable truth /biz/ and 4chan have to face.

>> No.8602856

>only care about the dollar value of crypto
That's where you're wrong shithead.

>> No.8602860


T H E Y C A N ' T H A N D L E T H E T R U T H

>> No.8602898

>hates niggers because they're lazy
has a full time job

>hates Jews for being manipulative and greedy
never scammed anyone

>calls women shallow whores
impossible to find a faithful woman that wants to take care of kids

>hates normies for being self-obsessed and narcissistic
doesn't care what other people think

>want to end fiat money

>> No.8602922

Poltards are low iq and easily brainwashed, what do you expect

>> No.8602932

>hates niggers because they're lazy
I don't mind "them"(not necessarily niggers, anybody) being lazy, I do mind them being violent criminals

>constantly scamming and shilling shitcoins

>only treat women as sex objects and only use money to attract them
I don't associate with women

>hates normies for being self-obsessed and narcissistic
I hate them for being collectivists who are boring to converse with.

>want to end fiat money
>only care about the dollar value of crypto
fiat value is currently king of dictating purchasing power, but yes, eventually crypto will be a bigger part of the world economy

>> No.8602972

it's almost as if the people you're describing in statement 1 and statement 2 aren't the same people
left or right, a pathological inability to distinguish between individuals is a strong marker for sociopathy
in simpler terms, you're literally subhuman yourself op

>> No.8603173

You're talking to people who seriously believe in conspiracy theories.

>> No.8603203

>doesn't care what other people think

>> No.8603214

>caring about praise of normies
stopped reading there

>> No.8603287

4chan is not normie, touche faggot

>> No.8603327

Some boards certainly is rife with them. Electionfags, 8cucks, tech illitarate stormtards, tumblrfatties looking for drama, redditors looking for latest ebin maymays. Only a few boards is entirely untouched by them. It's not 2005 anymore.
And lets not pretend anons don't care what anons think. Everyone on /biz/ would love to smugly shove their soon to be™ success into the anons who doubted them.

>> No.8603334
File: 16 KB, 411x337, 1515924724263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP sounds like he's talking about biz. The only /pol/ thing in there is the Hitler face.

>> No.8603731

Assumptions - The post

>> No.8604442
File: 40 KB, 700x700, 29365842_2034703533517267_1199094484297191689_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The uncomfortable truth they'll never face you mean