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8601851 No.8601851 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck this piece of shit ERC-20 token with no github page can raise 150mln USD during the bear market?

>> No.8602537
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BIggest ICO in Europe, no one know

>> No.8602549

no its not fucking mumbai streetshitter

>> No.8602671

Shitskins are only interested in lunching a shit in moon ICO

>> No.8602801

Legit Project. I believe the majority of the money came in November and December though.

>> No.8602822

Because crypto is a bubble

>> No.8602836

It pretty much is

Lol yeah, good luck with it.

>> No.8602846

I have 4 asic rigs mining this coin and getting over 25 million a day, no one person should every be able to mine so many of any coin in 1 day and thus is the fundamental problem with Bankera, the price is doomed to be extremely low.

>> No.8602918

> mining a premined centrally issued coin

Ok nice shitt fud dude.

Why don't you go ahead and explain why the project is not legit instead of being a catty fag.

>> No.8602923

According to
There are 25,000,000,000 total coins, its quite strange that you are able to mine 0.1% of the total coins so fast

>> No.8602977


Bonus points if you can do it without mentioning that the guy is lithuanian because i dont give a fuck

>> No.8603236

CEO is also ceo of spectrecoin which should raise red flags immediately if you read anything about it. There are plenty of scam allegations against the exchange.

Their advisors were deleted from the website, most of their videos from social media are gone, ICO targets were changed before the end of ICO, they have no github activity.

Their acquisition of pacific private bank is shady and there is obivious connection between ceo of bankera and PPB.

And Lithuanian central bank is already investigating the project.

>> No.8603263

that is just fud. spectrocoin and spectrecoin are totlly diffetent projects.

>> No.8603350
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Yeah whatever, i was talking about spectrocoin exchange. Which obiviously is VERY closely connected to this project (just look at the team of each project, its fucking obivious).

>> No.8603368

I've read the spectrocoin claims, they are not credible and the guy who went on the forums being alarmist about them was clealry involved in shady skirting of their card rules and was caught trying to blackmail them.

The ICO targets were not changed. They clearly did not reach the target they had set and were open about this.

Not sure what information you have about acquisition being shady or what that is supposed to even mean but the acquitision is already done and operations are still going forward.

Only material thing you mentioned is the Central Banks investigation which remains to be seen. Assuming it was held to violate likely worse case is eventual reimbursement to investors given EU regulations (although in fairness that would be a long painful process).

In any case no reason to doubt it right now.

>> No.8603418

Okey, please tell me. They didn't reach the goal and you cannot see their smart contracts, so you don't know what kind of things they can do with all the coins they got. Normally, all the ICO's uploading the code and even if you are dumb and have an access to google it, you can understand what kind of power they have.

>> No.8603852

If u invest in this u deserve the loss

>> No.8603936

Cool edgy smart fag