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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8594224 No.8594224 [Reply] [Original]

How do we help him /biz/?

>> No.8594242

he got married,
he's beyond help.

>> No.8594253

Pump xlm/nano/ other Reddit coins

>> No.8594256

Tell him to hold no matter what. We don't need any more people sinking this ship.

>> No.8594274

All married women cheat. Why would any guy get married?

>> No.8594292

thanks just sold 100 wives

>> No.8594295

This has to be a larp/bait right?

>> No.8594298

He's fucked either way. When crypto goes back up in the future and her initial investment would have 30x she is going to sue him for forcing her to sell.

>> No.8594319

What a cuck, but really he should have listened to her and gave her more say on when to sell as the money came from her inheritance. But she is beyond retarded for being up 2.3x and upset. Waahhhh, i didnt sell at the absolute top, wahhhhhh.

>> No.8594325

Men are slowly figuring it out. Might take a while for every simp and white knight to jump on board

>> No.8594354


lmao It's never even going back to 15k/btc.

Desperate faggot.

>> No.8594366

Hahahahaha holy fuck they’re up 3x and she says he owes her another 3x because it was once at 6x. Women were a mistake. This guy is fucked.

>> No.8594367

Invest for the long term or not at all.

>> No.8594375

>reddit user
>wife DEMANDS him to pay her

So a cuck, married a cunt who's gonna control him, because well, she's a cunt and the cuck's powerless

Big deal, those guys get it deserved for being so fucking weak

>> No.8594380

>we never took out profit
sounds like he'd fit in around here, what a retard.

>> No.8594473

Actually I'm a lawyer and have seen this case before, many times actually. It ALWAYS happens. The price always goes over the panic point. It might take 10+ years but it will happen. The spouse will sue. The counterparty will get screwed over in varying degrees depending on the state.

>> No.8594499

LOL what is this cuckoldery

>> No.8594505

it was just a hypothetical

what kind of scum asks their significant other to take money out of their 401k and give it to them to make up unrealized gains, that's ridiculous if true

>> No.8594567

what a fucking loser, if my bitch got inheritance it's ours now.

>> No.8594827

It is just fucking sad how much men have fallen.

>> No.8594842

so this is the power of selective nostalgia

>> No.8594919

i fucking hope he sells at the bottom and finds out the bitch has been cheating on him with tyrone

>> No.8594971

He should divorce her and take half her money

>> No.8595056

You used to be allowed to smack some sense into your woman if she stepped out of line and noone would fault you.

>> No.8595093

even when wife beating was more widespread it was always considered the mark of a low class brute

>> No.8595096

>you used to

stop, youre 15. you werent even alive in 2001

>> No.8595160

There's a difference between smacking some sense into a woman and beating her.

>> No.8595161


>> No.8595199

>it is currently 2.3x value

>> No.8595211

lol if his wife was stupid enough to not realize how long it's gonna take those index funds to 2-3x then he probably shouldn't give her analysis much thought.

>> No.8595250

If he's the one who told her about crypto then by her own logic, all of her gains belong to him since he's the one who told her to invest in the first place. He should sue her for all of her gains. Stupid bitch. Proof that women are children who want their hand held through each and every single decision

>> No.8595327

My dad works for bitcoin and said its going to crash

>> No.8595354
File: 39 KB, 616x462, Roastie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind this post..

>> No.8595363

Pathetic larper neet. In the end BTC is going to 0 and you are killing yourself

>> No.8595442

>I work in the ER as a trauma surgeon and everyone who gets in a car gets in an awful accident and nearly dies.

>> No.8595556
File: 104 KB, 682x682, 2DA7D862-0093-462C-8755-A8C8E4DA0DD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up faggot and drink your soy.

>> No.8596200

This. Still more than they initially invested, so what's the problem? Part of the risk of investing, retards.

>> No.8597083
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>> No.8597147

its funny because he was the greed, she was the fear. Together they made good collective decision meeting exactly in the middle. They should trade forex together.

>> No.8597169

>we were out of town and did not get a chance
which one of you larpers wrote this?

>> No.8597221
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>> No.8597246


>> No.8597264

>that last sentence
he's a lost cause

>> No.8597296

>she wants him to sell from his 401k because they lost unrealized gains
>he's posting a thread asking for advice
oh my god I'm out

>> No.8597303

What does it even mean to owe your spouse money?

>> No.8597333

This is why you don't gamble when women are involved

>> No.8597423

its means you and your wife are hillary supporters

>> No.8597431
File: 520 KB, 1440x1406, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using the money from your wife
>'Help, what should I do?'
Use your own money next time

>> No.8597757

>all women

>> No.8597869

What a fucking bitch, it's not like she has lost money, she is still in profit but yet wants what she could have made because she didn't sell, fuck her. That's like me telling biz, fuck you you cunts owe me because you said tau was going to $5 and I held from 10c to $1.50 but didn't sell because of biz advice. What a cunt of a women, if he wants some real advice, I would cash that shit out then divorce that bitch taking half her inheritance and those gains. Women are fucking unbelievable.

>> No.8597897

He's full of shit and he lost money because pretty much everything is lower now than it was in December. So if he just held after being in December he is down a bare minimum of like 40%.

>> No.8597953

kek 2.3x in a few months and his wife wants him to pay her back for lost theoretical gains despite this. just lol

>> No.8598023

His wife wants him to pay her $60k