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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8587489 No.8587489 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more quintessentially wagecuckish than coming home from your wagie job and not having the energy to do anything productive with your free time?

>leave job
>get commute through underground, seeing shitloads of Staceys who consider me an ugly disgusting loser
>underground train is crowded as fuck
>tell myself I am better than all these people, I will not stay a no name wagie, I am smarter
>feel tired and depressed (no matter how little effort I put in to work) at my tiny flat
>change out of uncomfortable as fuck shirt and work trousers
>tell myself I will work after eating
>if I am eating I may as well get the laptop out and browse the internet as I do it
>spend the next fuck knows how many hours on the internet, browsing 4chan and the same few other sites and mindless youtube shit so I can use my hands to eat
>on most days, the food is junk food I bought on the way home to binge on and make myself feel better, while telling myself it's the last time
>realise it's somehow 10 pm
>have to choose between sacrificing sleep and doing something productive or sleeping and admitting the day was a waste
>compromise and tell myself I'll read a book in bed, reading books is productive, that's what society tells me!
>read 20 pages of a "classic" book I don't really enjoy and get too tired to read more
>browse internet on phone for 2 hours

>> No.8587607

no energy because you sleep like shit ,blue light will fuck your sleeping pattern.

try to fall asleep organically, take zinc magnesium + ashwagandha before bed.

>> No.8587652

i have been on uemployment for 6 months

and i have not done shit

its not about the job anon,

its about doing

>> No.8587655

you're probably not getting enough sleep and/or have a shitty diet, wagecuck.

>> No.8587664
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I decline every job if it requires public transportation such as down town banking jobs. Crowded trains and metros are inhuman places. Minimum requirement is to commute by car.

>> No.8587670

Not sure about the zinc magnesium and ashwagandha, but blue light sure is bad for your sleep.
Just read this

Try to avoid screens for the couple of hours before sleep, but if you must, at least install f.lux.

>> No.8587683


pretty standard wage slave routine

50 more years of that, and you will be happy to die

>> No.8587726

Last year was our chance to break free and we fucked it up.

>> No.8587752

mush wagie, mush! only 15 more miles to go!

>> No.8587848
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Easiest way to have a much higher quality of life is to move to country side areas where rents and house prices are one fifth of city areas while taxes on salaries are pretty much the same. That is like cutting living costs close to zero

>> No.8587856

how do you like living n toronto?>

>> No.8587864

Dear Wagecuck,

Even if you had more free time, you would waste it like >>8587652
Jobs at least keep you someone productive, because you are forced into it.
How to be productive for yourself? I don't know. Watching YouTube videos about the topic might be a good place to start. Jordan B had a good one. And reading the best books about how people have moved from where you are to being productive might be a better thing to do with your time than reading classics.
Focus on the solution to the problem.
Then write a guide here on how you did it cause I am in the same situation.

Tell you one thing that worked for me for a while though : just don't eat some days.
Without the interruption of a sit-down meal there is no excuse to start the YouTube binge. Just drink water till you feel full. You eat too many calories anyway, it will be healthier, and hunger keeps your mind sharp

>> No.8587889

I feel this
The heart of the problem here is that you and I alike are always fucking tired all the time
How do you fix this?

As a kid I always had a bunch of energy and like many kids was never tired.
Now I've come to acknowledge the sad truth I read somewhere in the internet once, that:
>Now you can't remember a time when you weren't at least *kindof* tired

>> No.8587907

you fucking imbecile, this is true for 99% of people