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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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857251 No.857251 [Reply] [Original]

So Is it going to turn out that "buy bitcoin" is not a troll?

>> No.857264

What makes you say that? Wouldn't this make buying bitcoin even riskier?

>> No.857276
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>openly start a war
>for a virtual "currency" that isnt trusted by most people

Was that block size thing really so important that they risk to kill the entire project?

>> No.857313

It had to be done sometime.
Maybe it's not the best time, but it had to come.

>> No.857323


Sounds like they are trying to kill it to me, theres a lot of people who are buying it just because they wont be able to make any more of it and the demand will cause the value of each coin to go through the roof.

If you tell people there wont be a ceiling, that there will always be more bitcoins made.. a lot of people are going to dump a lot of coins that they assumed were going to be worth 100x that in 50 years.

Ill put it this way, no fucking way Im getting on board now. Their main problem was its too hard to buy the shit too, its not accessible enough.

They need an ATM that doesnt charge more than 50c to a dollar per transaction and it needs to spit out a piece of paper with your code and everything you need etc.

Needing to use a computer or have a phone is horseshit and limiting it extremely.

>> No.857504


Larger blocks does not mean no ceiling bro. The max coins are still 21mil.

Nobody is sure who to trust because Andresen and Hearn might have ulterior motives. Some people are wishing for Satoshis return to steer the ship.

The ultimatum is this, if by 2016 75% of nodes are XT ones there will be a switch to the larger blocks. As for now all your btc will still be valid.

Theres alot more info about it on btctalk