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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 579x510, erc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8569574 No.8569574 [Reply] [Original]

What did they mean by this..

>> No.8569590
File: 89 KB, 519x778, r-req.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who could be hiding under her skirt

>> No.8569633

Means ERC20 tokens like WET http://www.justgetwet.net/ will soon be on Coinbase

>> No.8569645

Its obviously xrp

>> No.8569725
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>smart contracts

really makes me think

>> No.8569741


>> No.8569770

req and link

>> No.8569774

>now which other ycomb backed startup has an ERC20 token
Really gets the noggin a joggin

>> No.8569785
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>> No.8569800


>> No.8569806

It's REQ

>> No.8569807

Ooooooook Herschel. Keep dreaming

>> No.8569824


>> No.8569873

EOS prepping

>> No.8569909

Req support, only erc20 token that is backed by Ycomb and is able to utilize all other erc20 tokens after mainnet.

>> No.8569920

10k REQ checking in. 2$ coin by Q3 once Norman starts buying bags

>> No.8569974


>> No.8570020

As far as tokens go that would actually make sense to be listed there I can basically only think of OMG, BAT and REQ. Maybe DAI stablecoin.

>> No.8570026

Wait hold on a minute
Could the request platform power This? Fuck being added to coinbase, it could be the platform coinbase runs on

>> No.8570049
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>> No.8570051

BAT is the next coin to be listed..

>> No.8570076

but how would trading erc 20 need req

>> No.8570090


no it isnt you fucking autist. OmiseGO just built the Ethereum Community fund and is giving away grants to new projects.

you have to be mentally challenged to not think its going to be omg

>> No.8570095


>> No.8570096

They would definitely only add proven legit projects. I'm not sure OMG counts.

>> No.8570113

they are adding TRX my nigga

>> No.8570114

That means most ICOs are not securities after all. Or are there any ERC20 tokens that aren't ICOs?

>> No.8570118

Okay little man. But when it's listed just remember u heard it here first and to keep the toaster plugged in while ur in the tub.

>> No.8570122


kek. Vitalik backs OMG and is actively developing for it. KYS midget nigger

>> No.8570133

Holy fuck. Coinbase, Erc20, Toshi. ZRX

>> No.8570134


it's time to decouple from BTC and start the flippening mission again!

>> No.8570142

It's definitely one of the most legit projects. I kind of wish for LINK to be added but that's probably just a dream. Hopefully at least REQ will make it to GDAX.

>> No.8570144


>> No.8570145

>chainlink on coinbase

Did not expect this, but now I know for CERTAIN I AM FUCKING RICH NIGGAS.

>> No.8570156


implying their are going to add a google chrome extension to coinbase.

>adblocker compared to decentralized mega exchange for all of South east asia and japan

Yeah ok lmfaooo

>> No.8570160

i might be wrong but doesnt the project need to finished or some shit for coinbase to add it?

>> No.8570176

U do realize the creator of Java and mozilla is the guy who made BAT?

>> No.8570195

Have a look at the big green dildos and fucking huge volume on ZRX right now.

>> No.8570201
File: 13 KB, 1196x71, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest fuck you to XRP and others.

This is another great endorsement of the Ethereum ecosystem by Coinbase.

These guys aren't stupid as well, they're calling the bottom here. This is where price will reverse.

Just bought 30 ETH, I'm so riding this rage-rally. Let's see how far we get.

>> No.8570202


yes that is very impressive but comparing bat to omg is like comparing a pencil sharpener to a pencil sharpener production factory

>> No.8570237

Anyone who doesn't understand that this news is DIRECTLY TIED TO OMG is fucking retarded

Can you explain what inference you're making with this article?

>> No.8570246

i don't think you're wrong.

I have moved 33% into Ethereum..

haha I like how in january the thought of buying 1000 coins was like a daydream.

>> No.8570247

its gotta be zrx

>> No.8570248

God /biz/tards are fucking morons. Req? Eos? Link? Really guys? Just because your shitcoin is shilled a lot on here doesn't mean shit in the industry, you're supposed to look at who knows who and what they're trying to build vs. coinbase's intended coin diversity.

Here's how it's actually going to play out

>Most likely

>Could happen

>Unlikely but not impossible

Literally everything else has at best a 1% chance of being listed.

>> No.8570250
File: 5 KB, 229x271, zrx binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8570275


yes sir. Jun established the Ethereum community fund to offer grants for other erc20 projects. he along with golem raiden maker and cosmos are creating an infastructure for a complete package of scaling ethereum with each project that is associated with it.

this alone should be the biggest signal that coinbase will offer their listing easily

>> No.8570281

Soon as I saw anouncement had a look at all the possible ERC-20s on Binance and didn't see much movement until I checked in ZRX with those fucking dildos and volume. I've unashamedly just sold off 700 ICX and my remaining TRX to FOMO into this at 0.000072 BTC.

>> No.8570295

holy shit it's zrx.

>> No.8570321

Yeah despite the usual OMG bants (and I love FUDing it almost as much as LINK and ARK) it's a solid project with serious fans amongst big names in crypto.

Assuming they don't just list 1 random ERC-20, and will (either in fairly quick succession or in batches) add a few then OMG is pretty much guaranteed to be one of them.

>> No.8570329

Today I learned that development on Bitcoin and ethereum is complete.

>> No.8570330


>> No.8570335


>> No.8570343
File: 5 KB, 219x264, zrx binance2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: This shit is seriously mooning on serious volume.

>> No.8570351

XRP isn't a ERC20 token you dumb twat

>> No.8570372

~100 eth of volume was me one time buying once news released and selling part by part while it moves up. fuck those slow fomoers

>> No.8570415


>> No.8570433

Recall that the OMG user account mentioned that a significant institution was going to announce that it was accepting OMG soon to signal "something it's doing"

And then CB announces support for ERC20.

Could CB be running on OMG soon?

>> No.8570451

im in at 12500 eth sats.

bought 3000, is this enough?

>> No.8570452

Gotta love the Nano ERC20 memes kek

>> No.8570467


who cares bro we officially made it. its just a matter of time to retirement

>> No.8570472

How does everyone know it’s ZRX? The mooning doesn’t necessarily imply that it will be. I refuse to fomo in without an actual announcement

>> No.8570492

Supporting ERC20 doesn't mean supporting ERC20 tokens.

>> No.8570496


Dude shut the fuck up I have been through every fucking thread on reddit and /biz/ in last 4 months and since the goddam ATH people have been suspicious that this is next listing.

Coinbase tweeted out in January that
" no other coin has done for Ethereum Blockchain was ZRX has."

>> No.8570511

wtf they were saying in front of the senate just 15 days ago that coinbase doesnt sell any ico coins (potential securities)...are they retarded?

>> No.8570515

Req. Use your fucking brains dimwits. Who actually has connection with coinbase, only req. How stupid can you be to think any other especially xrp

>> No.8570530


Req is a literal shit coin that has no place in crypto

>> No.8570538

Same thoughts Anon. 25th May for BAT.

>> No.8570541


Ethereum is an ICO

>> No.8570586

yeah but it went ico much before this whole securities drama

>> No.8570594

Probably the most promising project in crypto, especially after today.

> muhh dump
doesnt matter

>> No.8570613


obvious pump and dump is obvious

>> No.8570680

i got in anyway, just in case

>> No.8570683

A project like this on an exchange like Binance as opposed to the likes of Cryptopia? Maybe.

Either way I got my good entry and have S/L orders in place if it does dump massively.

>> No.8570715

The criteria requires a working mainnet/testnet, OMG doesn´t have this.

>> No.8570765

I'm not going to be greedy this time. My sell order is at 12000.

>> No.8570772

funny shit going on

>> No.8570777
File: 77 KB, 645x729, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn some of yall are serious brainlets. BAT will be added. 1.Its an erc20. 2.coinbase has already mentioned added utility tokens for things like web advertising and online storage. 3.BAT is the only erc20 that has approval from apple meaning that coinbase wont be compliant with the app store if something like 0x or polymath is added.

>> No.8570794

Javascript you fucking dolt

>> No.8570815

Just because you jingle your sack and hear nothing doesn’t mean the rest of us have to sling snot with you. Buy in now or consider yourself REQless.

My Req stays high tech.

>> No.8570859



>> No.8570886

>sell order set at 12000
>wick maxes out at 11828
You dun fucked yourself by anouncing your target m8 the Bogs are ever watchful.

>> No.8570920

I hope this just for the biz meltdown

>> No.8570936


Hahahahhaha you all fell for it

>> No.8570967
File: 48 KB, 1206x561, pumpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be naive guys, the whales in the know have started the prep just now.
You have been warned

>> No.8570974
File: 261 KB, 638x264, Lord_Denethor_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so rekt

>> No.8570977

Confirmed how? Because thinks don't just go straight up and people take profit after a 50% or so pump within an hour? Gtfo

>> No.8570992

I like this chart because it makes a 5% pump look like a 100% moon mission

>> No.8571050
File: 1.90 MB, 500x249, 1A1B313E-DC6B-4A3A-AACD-A452B03A38D6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8571081

If you think REQ will be added why are you saying LINK is a dream?

>> No.8571090


>> No.8571138

Trip fucking confirm, goddamn maybe I should take the 11 Ethereum I just made on that 0x pnd and go to Bat now...

>> No.8571236

>We need more volume, we aren't making much right now so we're adding chuck e cheese tokens

>> No.8571270

>REQ and Coinbase both have YCombinator as investors
>REQ is partnered with biggest accounting company
>Mainnet is completely released already

LINK doesn't even have its final product released yet.

>> No.8571282

Do people ever unironically make decisions based on reply #?

>> No.8571344

while True:
page = get('blog.coinbase.com')
if page.latest_post.time <= now + 1min:
any(word in page.latest_post.body for word in ['announces', 'some other keywords'):
sell tether reserves for btc
buy coin that appears most frequently in body with btc

> if you're not doing this then you will always be poor
> literally like 50 lines of python

I've been doing this for most of the binance coins, shits so easy

>> No.8571428

I have a friend a Coinbase. Screen cap this:

GNT, REP, ZRX, And XRP are being added...Monero is still a maybe.

You’re welcome poorfags.

>> No.8571455

My dad works at coinbase he said your friend is a faggot and everyone hates him

>> No.8571498

It means that you should buy ethereum because you'll have to own some to move your tokens around.

>> No.8571515

Enjoy being poor. Just gave you idiots valuable info...no one will follow. Fucking screen cap this. When those coins are added feel free to make a pathetic post saying “ WHERE ARE YOU ANON WHAT MORE INFO DO YOU HAVE?”

Bye now.

>> No.8571528


lmao rekt

>> No.8571556
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All the time anon.

i am the thing that 4chan hates most, yet you can only thank yourselves for creating me.

>> No.8571584

And yes, REP...not shitty bizcoin wishing well REQ.

>> No.8571605

Most of the coins listed here pumped after the coinbase announcement. Only Trx mooned the other day prior. That should tell you all something

>> No.8571606

once an ico always an ico

>> No.8571623


Uhm guys

>> No.8571626
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Okay still down 90k from ATH. Probably won't change anything. Pic related is one of my holdings.

>> No.8571627

would be pretty funny

>> No.8571646
File: 623 KB, 1749x1466, Image 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8571687

> Polymath
> Golem
You can't be this deluded, right?

>> No.8571701

So you guys think its ZRX because others think its ZRX and are buying because of that, and you're buying because they're buying?

What makes you think they know what Coinbase is doing any more than you do?

Fuck, I wish I had some ZRX so I could make money by taking advantage of this brainlet herd behavior.

>> No.8571743
File: 1.99 MB, 300x225, 1517081601771.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're buying 0X to make fucking money.
Same as BAT.

Lol you kids never could comprehend that this board isn't call /crypto/.. it's called fucking /biz/.

>> No.8571744

sold my zrx days ago : (

>> No.8571791

You're FOMOing into something. Good luck man.

>> No.8571815

lol i was bagholding until 191750 sats.

ill buy back l8r

never change /biz/

>> No.8572133

Do you leave your computer running all the time?