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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 208 KB, 900x900, Giancarlo Devasini - Bitfinex Chief Financial Officer .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8568343 No.8568343 [Reply] [Original]

It seems Bitfinex is about to Exit Scam. Hasn't processed Bitcoin withdrawal for OVER 4 DAYS.

Continuing from thread yesterday:

Proof: >>8553071

Nothing new happened since last thread, still stuck on processing.

Yesterday support said he re-queued my withdraw.

Wrote another reply to support after 12 hours had passed today. That's the supposed "guaranteed" upper time-limit for cryptocurrency withdrawals.

Sickly worried right now. What the hell is going on?

Tell me your experiences please.

>> No.8568377
File: 31 KB, 566x512, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck anon, I hope that this gets sorted out from you. Can't say that I've seen anyone else with this issue.

>> No.8568738


>> No.8568756

>unironically moving btc

just withdraw ltc or eth you dumb cucks, and swap on coinbase

>> No.8568764

fucking niggers, I have a 1.2 btc withdrawal that I can't get out. WHAT THE FUCK AMIGONNADO??

>> No.8568792

I wish you good luck, anon. Hopefully they'll do something soon enough.

>> No.8568961
File: 59 KB, 802x943, Bitfinex KYC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just received this email.

Note that all I have ever done is deposit Bitcoin to the exchange with the expectation that no limits should be imposed as they wrote on their website.

Well, I guess they want to fool people into depositing and force them to verify. Very intruding demands.

I'm unsure if I'm going to give them all this info seeing as so many people report not getting verified even after sending their documents and passport scans etc. I've seen this standard email posted by other users, too bad I had already deposited my BTC by then.

Thinking Bitfinex might use my ID for illegal things. What is your opinion?

>> No.8569014

i don't care even if i have positions opened on bitfinex.

just use ltc to move value and you're ok

>> No.8569051

Holy fuck that reminds me of Bitgrail. And basically means they are taking extra time to fix something broken

>> No.8569086

>that email
what the hell? this has never happened to me.
When did you make your Bfinex account? did you enable all those security options in settings?

>> No.8569312

I made it late 2017, all security things are enabled.

>> No.8569438

Oh well, looks like I'm out of the crypto game.

RIP my 9.5 BTC


>> No.8569623

3 Years of small investments each month down the drain

>> No.8569733


>> No.8569751

Sorry man if not LARP but don't save cryptos on exchanges

>> No.8569819

Turns out some government regulation might have been nice, huh?

>> No.8570016

Just answer their email with the information they asked. Why is that so hard?

>> No.8570091

Its a stalling tactic because they can take months to verify him.

>> No.8570775


this, also shakes out any actors that won't be able to verify themselves for any reason >> free money ...

>> No.8570908

Anon, if you deposited almost 70k worth of BTC, you should have realized that they have anti-money-laundering rules and procedures.. Since you only deposited and withdrew without any trading, it must have matched the pattern of money laundering in their system

>> No.8571109
File: 8 KB, 402x65, Cannot place new orders. Your account is likely frozen due to security concerncs..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an error from them before I even could trade though, so your theory doesn't match up.

Every other exchange I've used will let you withdraw a certain amount per day, like a daily limit.

Also here's the error message if you're wondering.

>> No.8571152

Well, they probably automatically require KYC for such amounts

>> No.8571165

Hey OP, I was able to withdraw coins just a minute ago, this issue is related to your account and you will get your money back if you solve the task they gave you. If they don't answer just complain on the subreddit until they do.

>> No.8571181
File: 13 KB, 586x332, btfwithdrawal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.8571209

That's ironic because his account is probably frozen because of AML policies. Guilty until proven unguilty...

>> No.8571247

hi Achmed !

They got a request by a government agency to hand over as much information from you as possible.

reason is that some government or government agency thinks you are involved in either terrorism funding or serious criminal money laundering.

I've done this myself when I worked for a casino site.. Government gives us a call that they suspect player X is a criminal or whatever.. We have to hand over as much information of player X to the government as possible. This also includes fishing for information ,, similar as your email.

>> No.8571267

More like taking their sweet time to rip off people who will not like to cave in to those ridiculous demands. Most likely operating on fractional reserve and living on a borrowed time. Fuck those scammers, lol.

>> No.8571316
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 1522072270272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either way you are probably fucked as they can simply freeze your payment or account or whatever till they have the information they want..

Also don't try to swing a false ID, that is not going to work... they have already seen every possible trick in the book.. I can assure you that.