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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8557097 No.8557097 [Reply] [Original]

who the fuck even comes here anymore?

there is way less activity than before. the discord pajeets left, theres only like 1 "btc will never be below $X,XXX agaIn" thread for christ sakes.

barely 1 sminem thread, no bog threads. this place is dead. its over, we can all go home.

post your last post itt


>> No.8557126

That means dumb money got it
we return to mean now

>> No.8557142

Are you seriously complaining that the pajeets and trash threads are gone? All that's left is for linklets to kill themselves then we are golden.

>> No.8557150

>says the dumb money

>> No.8557152

IDGAF as long as the artfag that turns hunnies into frog monsters sticks around tbf

>> No.8557157

We're finally going back to old /biz/ which was originally a slow board. It's much more comfy.

>> No.8557194


>> No.8557195

i doubt we will ever go back to old /biz/ unless youre a newfag. old biz is discussion about stocks, starting a business, frugality threads, tax minimization and inspiration. there was probably 1 or 2 crypto threads at MAX. thats the old biz, too many /pol/acks now

>> No.8557336
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wrong. /biz/ was started to keep crypto talk out of /g/

>> No.8557435

Yeah well then the bull run came and /biz actually got rich, those other things never got anyone anywhere

>> No.8557442

Wrong. With a couple of threads max, not an entire board