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8556989 No.8556989 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women so repulsed by me?

>> No.8557005

Probably cus you're ugly

>> No.8557023
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They can smell your stinky linky, faggot.

>> No.8557038

because you care about what they think

>> No.8557040


But I see ugly slobs with gf's all the time

>> No.8557090

The old adage

Looks - Game - Status

Pick two

>> No.8557104

you're probably ugly and have that "nice guy" personality girls fucking despise

>> No.8557114

You're absolutely right. Never even thought of that.
Just having 1 can work, but it'll only bring shallow women to the table.

>> No.8557117

>hes nice, but im sure hes really a creep and the nice guy bit is an act!
>yeah he beats me and cant hold a job down but deep down im sure hes really just hurt and is a good person

>> No.8557130
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>> No.8557136
File: 63 KB, 578x254, 9094EE83-D2FF-4B4C-9674-131581CB18D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having the three, you become a chad

>> No.8557137

ugly, weird, socially awkward, no redeeming qualities, small penis, virgin

thats because they have redeeming qualities and or have a large penis

>> No.8557139

you need a social status. Get friends.

>> No.8557160

dude you're pretty disconnected from reality, penis size is just a deal breaker under 6 inches but having a penis larger than 7 doesn't add much

>> No.8557176


Thanks for the rare wojak


>> No.8557183


>> No.8557196

you sound like the exact type of person I mean

what's it like being a virgin at age 30?

>> No.8557265

>"nice guy" personalit

I fell for the "be nice and treat girls with respect" meme when I was younger, but have since changed so it's not that.

>> No.8557334

you sound like the type of person to believe that stereotype even exists.

what's it like having an inability to accurately judge people and situations?

>> No.8557345

damn that looks exactly like me below the neck

>> No.8557366
File: 92 KB, 1035x1280, 7B8639FA-0CD5-4FAC-B741-827B22C7ACD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived off of just game and done me well

>> No.8557367

Well usually people can make up for it with a great personality. You probably suck all around, anon.

>> No.8557389

get dumbbells, stop being a loser

>> No.8557414

If you're like me, it's simply this
socially awkward as fuck (not in a cute way) -> no game -> no status or social capital -> dying alone
Only chance of escape is getting enough money for gold diggers

>> No.8557433
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>You probably suck all around, anon.
That hits in the feels, anon.

>> No.8557549

In order of importance:

1. Looks
2. Money
3. Status

Only true 10s need all three though, a good enough scoring in any of the three is enough for most women though. But only looks get a powerful bond with women (especially the face, a Chad face gives you the Halo Effect that's the cheat code for life)...

Look at Trump, he's one of the richest men in America and the highest status as well... but since he looks like a fat baked sweet potato she's always cold with him.

>> No.8557552

do you work out or going to live life a lazy loser?

>> No.8557604

I do. I started beginning of this year after a long break. Slowly getting back my gains

>> No.8558452

Order of importance changes depending on her mood and age.

Older women are more likely to care more about money and status than looks.

>> No.8558464

"Business & Finance"

>> No.8558513

Gee, I can't wait to hear opinions about women by 4chan's leading experts in the field.