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File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, hacker-programmer-working-with-data-code-in-a-dark-room-hackers-desk_r5btgt1bl_thumbnail-full01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8554940 No.8554940 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ways to make a living as a programmer that don't involve wagecucking?

>> No.8554949

rob a bank

>> No.8554954

mr robot episode one

blackmail pajeet pedophiles with child pornography

>> No.8554977

suck dick

>> No.8554985

invent bitcoin

>> No.8555039

same shit that do involve wagecucking, just do it on your own without project managers and companies

>> No.8555105

But how? I work in silicon valley and literally every company I've worked for has made their money not by selling a product to customers but by scamming investors into giving them money.

>> No.8555122

ding ding ding

>> No.8555159
File: 172 KB, 1093x789, kekexchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

build a dapp

>pic related

>> No.8555164

Make connections, get in shape, have some psychedelic experience and become a "founder"
You'll be a billionaire in no time

>> No.8555166

I'm too autistic to know how to deal with people though. My only real strength is programming, but I am really good at it.

>> No.8555174

see >>8555166

>> No.8555191

>Make Undertale
>Literally get rich with pixel shit while talented developers don't even sell a single copy of their game
>Re-release the game every 2 years on a different platform
>Get even richer
>Laugh your ass off at the people putting actual work into their games

>> No.8555200

Create a project and team up with a charismatic sales guy to pitch it to people.

>> No.8555207

create cheats for online games and sell them

>> No.8555216

I don't know anybody like that, because all my friends have similar levels of autism and social anxiety as I do.

>> No.8555263

I'm a charismatic guy with 3/4 of the way through an accounting degree who would love to make both of us a steady income off of your programming skills

>> No.8555310

muh graphics are so important meme

>> No.8555392

Any non-theoretical ways to do it? I'm looking for a concrete way for somebody like me with 8 years of programming experience to make a living without having to be a wageslave for the next 30+ years?

>> No.8555438

make an indie videogame that doesn't suck ass

>> No.8555439

As a fellow programmer who made it a few years ago (by poor-country standards mind you) now there is nothing left. Only high-risk/high-capital stuff. You are much better off wagecucking in the programming field, especially if you don't like dealing with people.

>> No.8555458

That's basically my life goal, but there's so much competition in that space now that even good games don't make money anymore.

>> No.8555470

>make an indie videogame that doesn't suck ass
He can make a 10/10 game..problem is getting more than 5 people to see it. There are tens of thousands of indies released every month.

>> No.8555489

It's so simple man. You know how students use quizlet to look up all of their school work. Well make a website that takes those quizlet answers into a more searchable format. Then fill your site with ads. And if you want more content, put your own ad up offering to buy completed homework from students for tiny amounts of money

>> No.8555518

advertise a job position, give them shares in your company as payment.

>> No.8555530

Make a REALLY good game, put it on steam and gog, shill it on social media. If its good at least some people will buy it.
Alternativelly, you can simply include furry porn and milk a patreon forever.

>> No.8555547

>If its good at least some people will buy it.
Yeah, and maybe I'll make a total of $5k for 2 years of work.

>> No.8555551

I'm working on some power armor. Need a good programmer to make it work.

>> No.8555566

>power armor

>> No.8555569


>> No.8555578

Everyone knows cave story and undertale. I'm not saying it is easy but if you are autistic enough there is always a way. Although until it gains traction and you build a rep as a dev he'd better make games as a side thing and as not his main job tho.

>> No.8555603

Just be an independent contractor, idiot

Do you know Model-View-Controller?

Congrats, every company in the world can now use you

>> No.8555606

A good game takes, at the very least, 2 years of full time 60+ hour weeks to make. There's no way anybody can do that on the side while working a full time job.

>> No.8555619

That's still wagecucking. I've worked both full time and as an independent contractor at different jobs and it's the same shit.

>> No.8555628

>what is cavestory
5 years tho and released for free
I bet he didn't bitch that much. Maybe this is not for you afterall.

>> No.8555651

Yeah and he was pretty much the pioneer of modern indie games. He had zero competition at the time and if cave story was released today it probably would've been ignored by everybody. Also I'm pretty sure he was a neet and had all the time in the world to work on it during those 5 years.

>> No.8555653

What do you want then, passive income?

Write a program that either generates income or something people will pay you to use


>> No.8555694

No, he worked on something related to printers (dunno if selling them or tech service), and worked on it on the evening.
He didn't do it to monetize it tho, so if that is what you are after the furry or incest porn games might be your safest bet. Those sell well for some reason.

>> No.8555707

No, I want to work on something that I have control over rather than working for retards on some product that has a 100% chance of failure after the VC money they scammed out of investors runs out.

>> No.8555734

Pretty sure you have to be a degenerate furry yourself to make something like that. That would be like asking a fag to photograph playboy centerfolds.

>> No.8555756

Then put your money where your mouth is and start your own company, you fucking retard

>> No.8555779

That was the whole point of my question. What kind of company/product can make money in today's economy?

>> No.8555810

Something that stops internet companies to stop censoring conservative outlets and promoting socialism

start with that

>> No.8555991
File: 50 KB, 720x960, FEC14CBF-CDDC-4474-B85E-CC38D212D973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I’ll share with you the keys to a hit commerical success, but don’t spread it around
>Develop for Windows OS
>Make your game lightweight, a toaster should be able to play it decently
>It’s going to be a horror game
>It doesn’t have to be scary, just dark, I mean literally dark
>have a story, keep it loose, that gets the viewer interested in the mystery. It should point to some mystery that will be explained either in a much later installment or never at all.
>style over substance, make sure it looks good, or at least better than the 2 cent clones floating around the steam store
>I said viewer because you’re aiming for the Youtube demographic that plays anything that is: episodic, and spooky
>this means children, so your game should be easy to pick-up and drop. Difficulty should scale with playtime in a session so future runs feel rewarding.
>keep the story open for sequels as long as you need the cash
Remember me when you’re rich

>> No.8555999

That's not really a problem that can be solved by one person. Google and Facebook are too powerful.

>> No.8556051

>too big for one person
You know Facebook was basically a one-man effort, right

>> No.8556072

Facebook wasn't trying to take down a giant industry leader. Their only competition was myspace, which was a real piece of shit product at the time.

>> No.8556078

just use a black background with greentext and type cd a lot

>> No.8556108

You're a man of can't instead of a man of can.

You will never make it, not because of anything external, but because of yourself.

Change yourself first.

>> No.8556156

No, I just think it's a waste of time to work on a problem that's literally impossible to solve.

>> No.8556171

You’re being delusional here
He has a solid point and telling him to waste effort and then harping on him shows you probably don’t understand how massive Google and Facebook are. A better suggestion for >>8556072
would be to create something those companies would want to buy from him. Not very likely, but a lot more likely to happen than your suggestion.

>> No.8556315

Chances are, you're probably not that good of a programmer.

But you don't have to be to make money. There are kids that have made millions with basic/mediocre programming skills by making low-hanging fruit type stuff like phone apps, very basic phone games etc.

There's a goldmine in crypto so why not program something in this space.

>> No.8556326

if you make a meme game streamers will pick it up and it will shill itself

>> No.8556338

Examples of stuff to make for crypto? That can be made by 1 person and can be monetized?

>> No.8556366
File: 72 KB, 604x516, 1513589463066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make ~$6k/mo off a crypto project, sometimes more. I wont tell you tho. Im a one man team and my code is literal garbage.

>> No.8556386

Is that passive or active income?

>> No.8556406

Plenty of stuff. Make trading bots and sell them to noobs, make crypto listing/ranking websites etc, make your own DAPPs.

If you don't care about ethics there's a lot of easy money to make also by scamming, and you can use your programming skills to automate a lot of that.

>> No.8556411

Semi-passive maybe. The project can run itself but im actively working on it full time trying to drive up income as its my best shot with more room to grow. Competition is already coming out of the woodwork and this is the last thing I can do. Im putting all profit into crypto and hoping by next year I can retire in the sense of having $500k or so. Just confirming theres probably lots of crypto stuff to do. You could make more doing a dapp or eth game or even launching a coin without delivering on any of those.

>> No.8556494

>or even launching a coin without delivering on any of those
Isn't the SEC starting to crack down on ICO scams though?

>> No.8556538

I don't really see any practical use cases for crypto other than speculation though. Has there even been a single coin in crypto that's been used for anything but speculative trading?

>> No.8556572

I wouldnt suggest just exit scamming but even if you tried your hardest and failed, youd still walk away with like a giant chunk of whatever you raised. Youd have to pay yourself for your time.

>> No.8556580

And likely prison time as well.

>> No.8556605

Probably just like all those kickstarters that failed to deliver or delivered a sub optimal product.

>> No.8556623

The difference is that kickstarter projects aren't selling you highly regulated things like securities.

>> No.8556754

wage cucking is the only way

>> No.8556859

Nigga just code trading bots and sell it here

>> No.8556943

what does a trading bot do exactly?

>> No.8557003

Why haven't you implemented this my man? Easy money

>> No.8557031

sniff your asshole

>> No.8557118

I better get to work then.

>> No.8557153

Well, that's how it's done. All the "muh anxiety" or "muh autism" excuses you crap out isn't going to change that.

>> No.8557161

Why wouldn't you want to wagecuck as a programmer? Hear me out here. I'm not a programmer but I know several. The ones I know the best turned down an offer from Google.

As a programmer, you do 2-3 actual hours of work a day and will usually start around 80k as being mediocre. The people that do program have this work ethic/mentality and it can't be broken. is $150/hour not good enough for you?

>> No.8557185

80k annually is not 150 bucks an hour.

>> No.8557197

>What is chegg

>> No.8557207

More like actual 10-12 hours a day and when the time comes being chucked into training your pajeet replacement.

>> No.8557248

Average salary for programmer's in Germany is about $47k. 80k? lmao, maybe after 20 years.

>> No.8557258

make software people want and sell it

>> No.8557267

Like what?

>> No.8557284

You suck at your job then. Getting replaced by an indian...

Also as I said I know several programmers and have at least talked to dozens... They fuck off over half the time they are there in every company. I've worked for multiple fortune 500s. This is their work culture. I'm actually jealous. You are just trash at your job, literally 20% as efficient as the people that don't suck.

>> No.8557293

why the psychedelic experience?

>> No.8557294

True, programmers make average salaries in most wealthy countries in Europe. They only have relative high salaries in USA and poor countries (like they have say 1500 euros where the average is 300)

>> No.8557295

games are probably the most straight forward if you can make something good. could always make a porn game which is even lower hanging fruit.

problem is games require more than just programming skill if you're doing it on your own (and you should if you want it to be profitable)

>> No.8557298

Your country sucks then.

I adjusted for 2 hours of actual work per day, which is what the ones that aren't shit at their jobs do. If you deny this you don't know the culture or are actually shit at being a programmer.

>> No.8557313

You sound like you have no idea what you're talking about. No job that pays $80k is going to let you get away with working 8 hours per day at the bare minimum, and in most cases they're going to want even more out of you. I've never had a job where I could spend most of the day doing nothing, and I've been doing this for 8 years now.

>> No.8557317

Make some useful web tool. I use this thing called pinboard.in to store my bookmarks. It's really simple but it works and isn't annoying. Guy who makes it probably does pretty well off of it.

>> No.8557322

*with working less than 8 hours

>> No.8557326

I don't deny it. What you said wasn't very clear. It just made you look bad at math.

>> No.8557338

Problem with programmers is you guys trash on marketers and finance guys, but when it comes time to actually build something without having one of those guides holding your hand through it, you're fucking clueless. Programmers are like hamsters in their ball. Absolute fuckery outside of it.

>> No.8557361

Lol at u talking trash without knowing my situation. I am a programmer but I never wagecucked a single day..I worked for myself out of college and built stuff that I live from even today. Those are the stories I hear from programmers I know. Small companies (the vast majority in non capital cities in Eastern Europe) work you hard. What you say is kind of true but only in big established companies. The pajeet stuff I keep hearing about in the USA.

>> No.8557379

You suck at your job prolly. I'm not being an ass but I've worked at 3 fortune 500s. Our programmers started around 80k for each one. The lowest was 72k. All the programmers admittedly fucked off 70% of the time. They had game rooms next to their divisions in one of the companies with fucking arcade games and shit. I'm not even kidding.

I'm still pretty bad at math tho.

>> No.8557431

>You suck at your job prolly
Yeah, that must be why I get recruiters from dozens of startups a week trying to get in contact with me and why I've never spent a minute of effort trying to find a job in my life.

>> No.8557460

>the vast majority in non capital cities in Eastern Europe
Well those countries suck then and the job markets are fucked there. I was walking about the US job market and US corps, which is my fault. I didn't realize you lived in a shithole.

You do have the pajeet stuff somewhat right though. I did the make/buy calculations to outsource for one position I had. It is sometimes cheaper to hire 4 retarded pajeets to write shit code than 1 decent programmer working 30% of the time.

>> No.8557464

Recruiter here. We fish just about anyone. As long as I sell you, place you, and you can hold on to the job for 3 months I get paid. It's great if you are actually good, but, most companies realize millennials don't stick around anyways so if you leave in a year or two it doesn't look bad on me.

>> No.8557471

And since you are so important and good at your job those recruiters offer 80k/year right?

>> No.8557522

I make $100k, which doesn't really get you much in the SF bay area, but I've never had a job that paid less than $80k in my career. I'm not even sure how that's relevant to the thread though.

>> No.8557641

If you read back all I stated originally is that in the US a decent programmer can easily start at 80k a year and fuck off 70% of the work day. Since they all do this it is basically soldiering and is the norm for their field. Unless of course you fucking suck at your job and have to put in more work or accept lower pay to compensate. You have never had a job that was less than 80k in your entire career so you are just confirming what I said. It is relevant to the thread because I was asking OP why he wouldn't want to wagecuck as a programmer, since I have seen what they do and it is pretty cake.

Does that clear it up?

>> No.8557657

Also man, I'm in accounting. Move the fuck out of Cali they are fucking you so hard with the taxes. Go to Texas, and enjoy 0% state income tax. They are where most corps are migrating now.

>> No.8557671

You just need to find the next "cryptocurrency" thing, which will make you a millionaire without efforts. Can take from hours to decades of search until you find it. Good luck.

>> No.8557674

Yeah and my point was that you can't fuck off for any amount of the day, at least not at a startup. If only for the fact that you're usually working in a tiny room with 5 other people around you that can always see your screen, including the founders of the company. I've worked for 6 different startups and this has been true in every single case.

>> No.8557687

I very much doubt there is another one..

>> No.8557706

Why don't their bosses tell them to do some work? Isn't anyone accountable in programming? Aren't their goals and deadlines?

>> No.8557725

I don't know the exact % of programmers that work for startups versus large corporations or at least established private businesses, but I imagine that would be a very small minority.

I'm saying that for any programmer worth his salt he can get a gravy job starting at 80k a year. Working at a startup I think is niche, but ofc that is an exception to the average programmer that will get employed by a large firm. I didn't know you were trying to specify the work culture of a startup only. I don't think that reflects the average programmer, or at least not the easy opportunities for most programmers right now.

>> No.8557747

And I'm saying that's demonstrably false and that this is probably underage bait from somebody who's never worked a day in his life.

>> No.8557762

trading bots?

>> No.8557785

Why not just make bots for task that make money? Like write a miner and spread it.

>> No.8557795

I'm pretty sure writing and spreading malware is illegal.

>> No.8557798

*if you get caught.

>> No.8557810

There are goals and deadlines ofc. The goals and deadlines are made based on previous projects that use work-hours calculations. These calculations, which I have actually fucking done in cost accounting, assume an 8 hour work day is 8 hours of work. If literally everyone in the company's division or field only does 2-3 hours of actual work a day it is fucked. The calculation is adjusted unintentionally for their soldiering, which is a known phenomenon in management.
>Why don't their bosses tell them to do some work?
Their bosses are/were also programmers. If they aren't they think programmers are fucking magic or some shit because they have a business administration degree and are brainlets that got shoed in. If they are they know the culture and think it's normal.

It has gotten so bad that like I said in some previous post we are literally outsourcing 4+ retarded pajeets to write shit code and save money instead of hiring a single US programmer. That's the calculation pretty much. 4 pajeets =< 1 us programmer/

>> No.8557827

Now I think you are trolling or ignoring previous posts.

>> No.8557861
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If all the sudden outside managers came in and made them work harder, would they just quit and go someplace else?

>It has gotten so bad that like I said in some previous post we are literally outsourcing 4+ retarded pajeets to write shit code and save money instead of hiring a single US programmer. That's the calculation pretty much. 4 pajeets =< 1 us programmer/
So pajeets are even worse? I mean if 1 US programmer only works 3 hours a day, and it takes 4 of those to equal one American, then that means pajeet only gets out less than a hours worth of work per day and is still cheaper?

>> No.8557865

>can't program
>learn how markets work
>program trading bot, learning and failing, takes 2 year
>works, earning money

How hard could it be for a genuine programmer?

>> No.8557883

Yes, I know... it was a thing that happens only once in each generation.

>> No.8557928

The work is mostly about solving problems, usually there's no point in hammering on the keyboard all day unless something was mismanaged and it's never productive long term. Competent management knows this and gives programmers time to work things out in a relaxed environment. You only think it's easy because you're a faggot who knows nothing. The reason successful companies have ex programmers as managers is because no one else understands how to use programmers productively. As a client you want someone that considers all aspects of your demands and then implements it in a tidy and fast way not 4 pajeets frantically mashing together copy pasted code to make something that appears to work for a while.

>> No.8557934

I don't know, but there is an AI ETF. I own a little.

>> No.8557951

Exactly, most of a what a well paid programmer does amounts to de-bugging

>> No.8557956

So what do they do when they are thinking? I'm an engineer which is why I'm interested. I need time to think through problems, but I mostly do it on my own time unfortunately. At works sometimes I'll take a breather to think, but, I don't have that luxury. I gotta keep moving. I can't imagine my boss being okay with us playing ping pong for 70% of the day.

>> No.8557961

1. Be a programmer.
2. Walk the streets at night and suck dick for crack.
3. Sell the crack.

>> No.8557981

>So pajeets are even worse? I mean if 1 US programmer only works 3 hours a day, and it takes 4 of those to equal one blah blah
I think you misunderstand. When I say outsource we are usually literally outsourcing/offshoring to fucking India. The 4:1 shit is kind of a joke, but not really. That's about what it seems to be, and I assume they work their little pajeet asses off all day 8-12 hours, which I could be mistaken.

>If all the sudden outside managers came in and made them work harder, would they just quit and go someplace else?
Yes or intentionally fuck off to get fired. It would just be some office space shit.

>> No.8557992

Hack the registry of deeds
Get your self a sick house
Hack the UN
Make then invade the congo
Hack fedex
Make them ship the diamonds to you
Hack De Beers
Make them pump the price of diamonds

>> No.8558012

>Yes or intentionally fuck off to get fired. It would just be some office space shit.
You think this culture will backfire eventually? I have to imagine it is hard to stay profitable or competitive against other countries as they improve and out pace in shear work ethic.

I mean I understand that you can't get a full 8 hours out of most people, it's just part of being human. But, 30% is pretty bad.

>> No.8558031

A decent programmer shits gold nuggets in 2-3 hours, things that mediocre programmers would take literal weeks to do if they can even do it at all.

It's something 'legacy' managers really struggle to understand, just like why hiring more programmers usually makes things move SLOWER, instead of faster. But it's the truth

Companies don't want to lose these guys by busting their balls.
I know, I am one of them.

>> No.8558041

I'm saying programmers fuck off 70% of their day because I've been straight up told that by multiple programmers for multiple corporations. I've also been explained the work culture of programmers when talking shop to dozens of colleagues that were fucking programmers and they openly admit it. They watch youtube and play ping pong or shitpost most of the fucking day.

I'm not trying to say a knowledge-based job needs you hammering at the keyboard the entire time you are there. I'm saying that most of the day being an active "fuck off" period has evolved into the norm. You know I could be wrong but as I said before I've talked to A LOT of programmers and worked for more large corps in my life so far than most people.

>> No.8558042

>Get job at extremely tech illiterate company
>Write scripts to automate your job duties
>Do nothing

>> No.8558057

>You think this culture will backfire eventually?
I have no idea. I just do the calculations for whether or not to outsource.

Big picture my opinion is that as shitholes like India and China continue to develop we won't be able to exploit them so thoroughly for cheap labor and will have to go back to reshoring and domestic jobs. I really don't know though, I just know what is going on right now because I've seen it.

>> No.8558103

Programmer here. I would love to work at a place like this. I haven't found any so far :(

>> No.8558228

Look for large manufacturers, esp automobile industry.

>> No.8559125
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It's really god damn hilarious how terrified softwareonly babbies are of pajeets.

Maybe you should have picked a real profession kiddos

>> No.8559143

You're very wrong. I'm a network engineer and have had several jobs paying 120K+ where I LITERALLY would go days on end doing absolutely nothing, just browsing the web. It actually gets to the point where it's boring as fuck despite the fat pay check.

>> No.8559186

What does network engineering have to do with software development?

>> No.8559200

Don't listen to those fools. You're right. IMO corporations give the illusion of some insane power. But as history has shown time and time again corporations are as fickle as the average Joe and have been beaten multiple times before by 1 individual but people still repeat the same crap that they're "too powerful". A USB stick with an infected malware can literally bring down any entire corporation.

>> No.8559238

>you always have idiot management, middle management and project managers in your way
>they are never working
>they do not know the tech, or both to know it
>they are just making life your project and your work shit
>meetings going nowhere all the time, where they have forgot everything the next fucking meeting
>instead of just dealing with the customers your self doing proper interaction design and whatever, you always have those shit people there fucking up everything. This includes having you make shit over and over again, because they never really fucking got what the customer wanted in the first place
fucking never again, I am so fucking fed up with all those freeloaders

>> No.8559262
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>he's too autistic to interact with other human beings and therefore gets assblasted about people who actually can

Every single time

codemonkeys man
when will they learn

>> No.8559401

How did you escape it? Do you make a living independently now or did you just change careers?

>> No.8559413

competent management has not existed since the fucking 90ies. They only think about saving money today, and think this is like working in a factory pulling a lever all day. You have to use your head. There is too much management, middlemanagent, qr, project management+++++ (none of these really know what the engineers are doing, and they usually don't care to know either). The more bloated it gets, the worse it gets everywhere. Big enough, and then nobody fucking knows what they are doing.

This is why you can have tiny teams, out competing dinosaurs such as microsoft and google, and why companies this size life off buying up more streamlined products from other such small companies... only to ofc destroy them... it's very relevant with esp ai these days.

And they you got these brilliant managers to decide to outsource project to shitholes such as india, with codemonkeys usually lit pulled in from the street. An job interview usually consist of
>you know c?
>you learn you learn! you are hired
all these projects, gets fucked. there is no hope for such countries

>> No.8559479

well I am here ain't I

I'm abusing the system a bit right now, and I have spent a couple of years on the dark side now. expanding my own field of experience a bit. I am however planning on jumping back again. we have the contacts and everything got so many years in this now, right now it's a bit about what product. Also moved away from former languages with I consider dead now and unfortunately is very widespread if you intend on wage cucking(c#, .net shit boring slow and bloated).

never again, this time it's back to decided tech for our selves, like we used to do. sometimes I just want to go back to the fucking 90ies where as a fucking kid raked in so much money on this, and we decided everything our selves. it was only competent people I worked with, one boss nothing more. we kicked everone's ass. it was always funny when other competing companies from all over the globe, realized how few we actually were and how young, no education. yet they couldn't even get close. streamlined, optimized and n obody in our way

>> No.8559489
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Does anyone else hate people like OP?
>wants easy answers
>ignores good advice
>constantly negative about every possible solution
>has a massively inflated sense of self worth
fuck you OP you'll never escape wage cuckery because of your turbo faggotry.
Almost every product on earth that was successful was sold thats how money is made. It doesnt just appear from nowhere people have to exchange it for something of value and in the massive amount of noise on the internet you need to stand out some how. People dont consume shit they have never heard of from some random self-entitled faggot on the internet. They need to be sold on the idea which either happens face to face or with some clever marketing.
It is totally possible to make it as a solo programmer but you are going to have to break out of your gay little echo chamber and go sell some shit. Just read some indiehacker stories.

>> No.8559521

>dark side
infosec if you didn't understand, it is extremely important today as you all know. You must know this and you must know it good. And the only way to.... you get this not spelling it out

>> No.8559578

>get a few people
>start your own shit
>if you really don't want to code and are just a lazy faggot, then you hire people eventually

you need contacts and if you are rather new, this is hard but not impossible. IE use your contact net from the university then, this is so important, you won't get around without contacts and you won't get granted a project unless you have some credentials and people that can vouch for you. As time goes this becomes more easy and you get more and more known.

Sure the chance is still that you come up with some magical project of sorts that simply sells it self, but again contacts, contacts, contacts

when you work for your self and got all those annyoing fuckers that are just dead weight and cludder away, it's not wagecucking anymore. Then you are free to do your job, becomes more like hobby again then, passion is back that is for sure

>> No.8559752
