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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8553169 No.8553169 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ will defend this

>> No.8553199

>what are economies of scale

>> No.8553202
File: 5 KB, 205x246, 10562386254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP doesn't understand wholesale pricing

>> No.8553205

Most of the cost is the bottle itself ya dingus

>> No.8553215

OP look into 100 calorie packs if you really want to your head fucked with

>> No.8553217

>buying corn syrup water for any price

>> No.8553223

>drinking soda

>> No.8553226

1000% profit vs 250% profit

>> No.8553232

>drinking this cancer shit

>> No.8553236

What are packaging costs?

The cost is in the packaging and transportation of the goods... not the actual contents of the fluid that is produced for pennys.

>> No.8553259

I'm a simple man, I only drink soft drinks mixed with shit grade spirits..

>> No.8553261

>drinking the liquid jew
i hope you have health insurance Gomez

>> No.8553263


Processing cost is just one side. The other side is that people who only want 20oz of soda, would waste the rest left over. Paying the $0.35 more wasted soda that will go flat isn't worth it.

>> No.8553271

Who the fuck drink this pisswater anyway?

>> No.8553291

>not drinking tap water
>not living where tap water is clean

>> No.8553304

>being a slave to the sugar industry

>> No.8553319

>he fell for the high fructose jew

>> No.8553323
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>whabbb arrr ebobonobies bbborrr sbale

>> No.8553329


thats all you ever really need

>> No.8553349

Not saying this is you OP, but...
Why can't I be rich and successful?
Rich people should pay more in taxes.
>pays for soda
>wage slave for soda
>you basically live to pay your soda bill monthly

>> No.8553379

Also on the future I truly believe there will be a monthly subscription to soda, people will have a soda machine like McDonald's in their houses.

>> No.8553383

it always surprises me how dark fanta is in the rest of the world. pic related is how we get it in the UK.

>> No.8553405
File: 288 KB, 1300x1024, bottles-of-soft-drinks-in-a-uk-supermarket-E3WXDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related.

>> No.8553409
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>not drinking unsweetened almond milk

>> No.8553414

hmm, it appears you have discovered that oz of corn syrup water aren't actually a commodity to end users

>> No.8553419

OP, it's the overhead. They're paying .02 for the liquid and the plastic. Overhead to get it into your hand, and market it, are what makes up the cost.

>> No.8553432

anyone with enough future orientation to use this service doesn't drink soda in meaningful quantities

>> No.8553436

Enjoy your phytoestrogens

>> No.8553504

>Do you have to worry about eating too many almonds?
>No, not really. I'd be more concerned about overdoing your intake of flaxseeds and soy, both of which have about 2,893 times and 792 times (respectively) more phytoestrogens than almonds do.
>Both phytoestrogens and almonds have important places in the human diet. But as with all things, you'll want to consume them in moderation to maximize their benefits.

>> No.8553523

But would consume other drinks with higher quality for less

>> No.8553529


>calls other people soyboys
>drinks milk and eats cheese

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8553544

>not living where tap water is clean

Do you even understand why you have cleaner tap water in Europe? It is because most of the pipes were put in after WW2, meaning from the 1950's to the 1960's. US pipes are older. That simple. Give it a few more decades and Europe will have the same problems as the US.

>> No.8553547

the 35th amendment will mandate a soda faucet be installed in every american home

>> No.8553552

Amazon, one click soda refill.

>> No.8553560

>having a tap
good goy

>> No.8553573

was just thinking this. what difference is there to make ours so much lighter

>> No.8553606

don't drink me or my son ever again

>> No.8553627
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>> No.8553633

I'd guess some UK regulation on food colourings. I'm not sure what it's like elsewhere in Europe.

>> No.8553637

you're thinking of soy milk brainlet

>> No.8553645

Absolutely. It's ridiculous that people still drink this type of crap.

>> No.8553651
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>most of the pipes were put in after WW2
u fockin wot m8

>> No.8553671

I think it's that American/3rd world fanta doesn't have any juice

>> No.8553678

Looks too much like real orange juice. Might trick American consumers into thinking it's healthy.

>> No.8553706



>> No.8553713

It's light in most European countries.
Only mutts blacked their for obvious reasons.

>> No.8553771

You think whole europe has newer pipes than the colonies because of WW2? top kek the coping

its clearly not because of regulations, laws against pollution, constant controls, updates in infrastructure

>> No.8553799

Goes to prove how cancerous and cheap that fake orange colored shit is.

>> No.8553814

Looks like poisonous chemotherapy crap. Why do you harmful yourself, OP?

>> No.8553826
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good goy! dont forget to activate it

>> No.8553840
File: 59 KB, 453x439, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for literally toxic sugar liquids
I wouldn't even drink that shit if I was paid to do so

>> No.8553851

You've discovered that transaction frictions mean marginal cost does not always equal marginal benefit. Sometimes economic profit exists. You're a fucking genius OP

>> No.8553853


Not like there is much difference between 0% and 5%

Remember not to eat the toy within your kinder egg, kids. Oh wait, we better ban it in the USA just in case, too much danger.

>> No.8553868
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>> No.8553870

It's not even real sugar, it's HFCS crap. I can't get over how ignorant people are

>> No.8553882

>what is economies of scale

>> No.8553885

I meant how ignorant the people who drink it are, not you whom I replied to*

>> No.8553955
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It's not as if HFCS is really all that much worse than what they claim to be "sugar" in other products.

>> No.8554019

Lmfao all these fags talking shit about a tasty beverage. Can't enjoy a sweet once in a while?

>> No.8554021

In Europe They make it with actual juice and orange. It stems from WWII Germany where they had to invent their own pop with local ingredients because they couldnt import coca cola. Afterwards it became a hit and is now owned by Coca Cola. The American product using it's branding is no way related to Fanta at all. It is more like Orange Crush just a bunch of artificial flavouring and colouring. Canada has it but with Tangerines I believe. And I think you can get real Orangina in the USA. I know you can in Canada.

>> No.8554037

European Fanta is just soo, sooo much better though anon.

>> No.8554047

True, would like to try it one day.

>> No.8554073

>its clearly not because of regulations, laws against pollution, constant controls, updates in infrastructure

No it is not. Prove me wrong. Better yet wait and see when all your pipes start failing. That said you also don't have as many lead pipes because of WW2.


>> No.8554085

Coca Cola always owned it. Sneaky jews played both sides of the war.

>> No.8554415

It is capitalism, let the market do its thanggg

>> No.8554439

unfortunately, it's not a "once in a while" treat, at least in modern times. i completely agree with you, ya know, moderation n all. but we are exactly talking about the folks who drop on down by the pharmacy for doc's egg cream on the occasional afternoon.

>> No.8554550

It's delcious. And orange is a fruit.

>> No.8554583
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>The prepackaged 100-calorie box contains six snack packs with 22-25 crackers in each for $.42 per pack. The regular box produced 16 snack packs of 22 crackers each for about $.12 per pack.

god damnit america

>> No.8554599

>doesnt understand the concept of bulk. You buy more you get more for less.

>> No.8555535

>walking around with a 2 liter in your hand

>> No.8555624

>They have to specify caffeine free on orange soda because of the Sunkist Jew
Fuck this earth

>> No.8555667

sunkist puts caffeine in their orange drank?

>> No.8555673


>> No.8555742

Yes, like 80% the amount Mountain Dew puts in per the same amount of drank

>> No.8556702

>local ingredients

>> No.8556727
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>TFW no blue fanta

>> No.8556784
File: 2.07 MB, 2576x1932, 20180325_195927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DG has got you covered

>> No.8556996 [DELETED] 

>wageslave at mark
>in drink isle, you can buy a 2L coca-cola bottle for $1.00
>in the front of the store, a 16 oz. bottle costs $2.19

I live in America.

Take a guess which one sells out WAY quicker?

>> No.8557008

>wageslave at mart
>in drink isle, you can buy a 2L coca-cola bottle for $1.00
>in the front of the store, a 16 oz. coca-cola bottle costs $2.19

I live in America.

Take a guess which one sells out WAY quicker?

>> No.8557071


>poison aisle

>> No.8557110

If you've ever gone into a DG for any reason other than to mock the poor you do not belong on this board. My old job required me to enter DG's from time to time, they're such disgusting shitholes. No one with any self-respect would ever go insside one.

>> No.8557151

OP here
(One of) my jobs is at DG and i agree, the people that shop here are horrendously poor

>> No.8557812

Best fanta I ever had was in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, they make a flavor that's really similar to Champagne cola which is a very popular west Indian beverage that I can guarantee no one has had.

If you like sweet drinks I highly recommend looking for the flavor when abroad or trying out champagne cola in either NYC or a predominately Black/West Indian neighborhood because those are the only places I've ever seen it sold.