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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8552541 No.8552541 [Reply] [Original]

You know what's funny? Investing in mining hardware companies is actually better than investing in the coins themselves.

>> No.8552563

>not just buying the cards and selling them on ebay brand new when demand reaches its peak for 3x the price of a burned out one used for mining
It's like you don't even want to be rich.

>> No.8552573

>2.5x in a year
instead of 8.5x in a year if you had bought bitcoin

I don't think so buddy.

>> No.8552578

except AMD

>> No.8552580

not really, but NVDA was definitely a top tier stock to hold for 2016-2018

holding BTC or ETH would've been better though but what retard has his whole portfolio in crypto anyway?

>> No.8552583
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>he pays capital gains tax on all of his profits


>> No.8552595

That's a gpu company

>> No.8552602
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Well, Price is about to dip so you should pull your profit. BNB is about to go MT gox exit scam and the general public figure out it was a ponzi.

>> No.8552603


you know what's even more funny?

you could have bought mining hardware in early 2017 instead of shares of the hardware company, and made 20-30x your investment back instead by mining ETH

>> No.8552623
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fucken love NVDA stocks. bought in between $10-17. comfy AF.

>> No.8552638

20-30x? probably would be a lot more than that if you just held it all and payed for bills with fiat

>> No.8552643
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All these triggered coin holders losing money. People still use video cards not Crypto OP had some high quality bait here.

>> No.8552661

whats funny is you think video cards are why nvdia rose so much

>> No.8552662

That shit is about to fall

>> No.8552673

That happens, everything in crypto goes down. Binance is not a small player exchange. Source?

>> No.8552684
File: 4 KB, 560x384, zork-the-great-underground-empire_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool. Are text adventure games going to come back in fashion? Do you have insider information?

>> No.8552687
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pic is you.

>> No.8552694

>200% is more than 800%

>> No.8552698
File: 5 KB, 310x162, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kicked out of Japan bumping and dumping there own coin.

How you think this is going to end anon? Ask the king

>> No.8552730
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Op invested in something real not tulips

>> No.8552744

Tell me more about what some random old white dude thinks!

>> No.8552759

Google it

>> No.8552873
File: 19 KB, 703x911, 253616wfdhj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you dumb cunt. i posted how i bought NVDA between $10-17 and it made me rich. NVDA being Nvidia stocks you fucken brainlet. you didn't even read my post did you pajeet. kys.

>> No.8552974
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Look at this thread the binance shills are going on a smear campaign


Because of this thread


You think these people are competent individuals that should be trusted.

Literally. these are the people in charge of meme money.

>> No.8553187

Keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile I'll take 8.5x yearly returns instead of 2.5x. Coping so hard you actually convinced yourself you're smarter. Yikes.

>> No.8553240


You flipped the btc chart upside down. I have some bad news for you

>> No.8553909

Tell this to my dpw bags

>> No.8553962

>burn out
It's funny to me that you think this is real.