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File: 44 KB, 599x726, Eyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8548740 No.8548740 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8548766

Middle bottom row

>> No.8548771

explain yourself

>> No.8548773
File: 73 KB, 1046x512, IMG_20180319_101138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, see yall later. Guess I'm going back to /fit/ now.

>> No.8548775

is this loss?

>> No.8548808

yep, bottom middle.

>> No.8548820

overlap from left to right

>> No.8548835

I like top left

>> No.8548856

shit, i'm a brainlet. see ya /biz/

>> No.8548857

Was my thought too, however second row don’t follow this exactly

>> No.8548859

Top left

>> No.8548890

IQ invented buy retarded "pcycologist" who want to look not retarded
just tryne it dayly and you wi; be same retarded like em

>> No.8548893

Its top left.

>> No.8548898

It's a tricky answer my dudes. It's top right. Look at them vertically not horizontally and you'll figure it out instantly. So in columns, not in rows.

>> No.8548936


>> No.8548945

>M-Muh patterns
Never gonna make it

>> No.8548958

It took me 3 minutes to figure it and I ultimately went with Top RIGHT. Then when I read all the comments here, my confidence went down hard. Then I saw your comment and I regained my confidence.

I think the answer is top right.

>> No.8548969

why, what's the process going on?
personally i cant figure it out.

>> No.8548976

Shit, jap comics and Chinese have made this hard, there seems to be a different right answer for every direction you read it. Top left. Top right, bottom middle all seem to work.

>> No.8548982

Bingo. The rest of you are retarded as fuck, lmao.

>> No.8548988

>Top left. Top right, bottom middle all seem to work.
no, they dont

>> No.8548993

Top right, I spent probably 15 seconds figuring it out. Am I retarded or smart?

>> No.8549020

This one is hard and it's even harder to explain in words.

The only logical picture is the top right because that's the only one that has been repeated once before AND any other answer would either be a duplicate in that column or something entirely new that shouldn't be there.

>> No.8549073

*I did not mean repeated but "appeared" once before. Also, middle bottom can't be right. Top Right is the answer.

>> No.8549086

i picked top right as well but dont have a 100% pattern i can put in words

its not like you could guess the right pattern for the empty space without choices but with the coices it seems to be the only one that remotely fits any pattern

so for me it was more like cancelling out which ones are for sure not right and top right was the one left over

although i think the key is to focus on the four squares in the right bottom corner. they all are the result of flipping the contents and adding something

in that case only bottom middle and top right are possible. and since in the middle row the big squares are not the same twice it has to be top right

>> No.8549142

Top right. It's in the right direction AND it was one small and one big in the left side (the only combination possible) and two smalls at the right (again, the only answer that follow a patron). Pretty easy.

>> No.8549155

Top right would make sense, but there is other pattern where you subtract size

>> No.8549168
File: 468 KB, 1500x1500, 91kQgNxacVL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top right.

Read vertically starting from left bottom. Each line has two places for squares, left and right side. Imagine that in every case all squares are on top of the line, if they are at bottom, just place them on top in your mind.

Now start from bottom left, all overlapping squares will be substracted from one another. 2 boxes - 2 boxes = 0 boxes, you read them that way. In bottom middle we find out that 1 big box - 1 small box = 2 small boxes. Okay, use that info in the next one. We have 2 big boxes on the left, what we need so there will be only 2 small boxes left? Thats right, one big box and one small box. on right we place just 2 small boxes so 2-2 = 0.

>> No.8549175

top left. three small ones to one big, add the first two to get the third.

>> No.8549177

I think top right is bullshit, and just saying "it's hard to put into words is in no way logical.

I say middle bottom as there is an actual sense of reasoning behind it.

It's simple addition of the first two squares, but what we learn from the middle tile is that the "block" size maxes out at the larger size.

>> No.8549190

Top left is the waveform from left answer
Middle bottom is subtraction from top answer
Top right is the normie right to left pattern answer

>> No.8549195

ah ok that makes alot of sense. nicely done m8!

so above the line means add and blow the line means substract

small - small = nothing
big - big = nothing
big - small = 2 small
small - big = - 2 small

now we have it in a proper pattern

>> No.8549205

*no other pattern that is

>> No.8549224

no. try again. top right is 100% the only possible pattern

>> No.8549294

Brainlets will say anything but middle bottom

>> No.8549308

I did, im 100% sure there are multiple right answers

>> No.8549326

no offense but i really dont think so. those things are not designed to have multiple answers. also that one anon gave us the pattern that applies 100%

see here

>> No.8549344
File: 41 KB, 800x450, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8549353


lets call big blocks B and small blocks b

So by your reasoning BB-bB = bb but bB-BB also equals bb??

>> No.8549363

jo you made one little mistake. you forgot the minus

BB-bB = bb
bB-BB = -bb

>> No.8549380 [DELETED] 

This. This isn't even a difficult one. Anyone who said anything but top right is a fucking moron and should go hang themselves immediately.

>> No.8549401
File: 7 KB, 256x196, asdfff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's top left, right?
Squares above the line are positive, below the line are negative. We add them together and the third box on each row is the sum. The second row shows us that one big square equals 3 small squares, therefore top left fits in perfectly as the answer.

Am I a brainlet, /biz/?

>> No.8549405

But then why are the middle and right tiles of the top row the same, or are we just making up a rule that negatives and positives are displayed in the exact same fashion??

>> No.8549409

is it C? the one at the top right i mean

>> No.8549421

hmm true...
but it seems so perfect

>> No.8549440
File: 1.06 MB, 1684x1191, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_kamiyama_aya__337c541bc87e0c1cf7d0128b4cc8bdcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, have a Remi pic!

IMO it is less about always being substraction on some horizontal line and more about visualizing the blocks together and imagining their interactions, in this case when 1 big block collides with 1 small block, it results in 2 small blocks.

>> No.8549441

But so does saying it's simple addition with B being the max block size. There is no definitive correct answer without making some sort of assumption.

>> No.8549443

fucking retards, stop trying to solve this puzzle, it was tampered with and it's unsolvable;
that's not the original pattern test, OP changed the original...

>> No.8549469

>t. brainlet


>> No.8549499

Truth, the correct answer was flipped. Now guess which one.

>> No.8549509

OP here, well done!

>> No.8549510


>> No.8549541

middle bottom

read from left to right
add first two pictures together to get the third
small + small = big, and big is the max


>> No.8549559

Right, sorry about that.

The answer is top right.

>> No.8549568

Haha, I'm glad I solved it.
Fuck you OP, great thread.

>> No.8549569


Right answer, absolutely retarded reasoning. I have actually designed these tests and virtually you are limited to one “vague ruling” by which I mean you can design the test with one unconventional thing to test for lateral thinking. Like “ignore the lines” etc but in this case you have more than 2, first ignore the lines, second assume that going down to up is subtraction, third is to assume that three small blocks = one big block, when a big block is visually 4x larger. One such unintuitive rule would be permissible, but not three, youre violating occams razor. The answer is top right for a completely different but very obvious reason that anyone who has studied morse code or to some degree encryption would understand. Guessing OP is taking some sort of symbolic logic course or perhaps something to do with Kolmogorov complexity, perhaps secure systems administration. I can reveal the answer but I dont want to spoil it for people still studying.

>> No.8549572 [DELETED] 

Please explain why it makes sense to infer from:
BB - bB = bb
bB - BB = bb

Because it doesn't.

>> No.8549626

Seconding on retarded reasoning. Was trying to figure out how he did it but can't get through it without cringing.

>> No.8549662
File: 205 KB, 900x1400, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_kapuchii__3be9356b0d3a3622b9d893c54ad51d81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. ignore lines.
2. if blocks cancel each other out, except when big block meets small it creates 2 small blocks.

What do you know, it even works horizontally from right to left, or vertically from bottom to up.

>> No.8549666

For me it's the bottom middle.
Add horizontally but it can't get bigger than the biggest block shown.

>> No.8549691

*blocks cancel each other out

>> No.8549770

Doesn't explain bottom row, faggot, you have no pattern for that;
using your reasoning you wouldn't be sure if the last panel is small block big block or big block big block

>> No.8549797

Bottom row or left vertical row.
In other words, your reasoning is incomplete.

>> No.8549859

You need the help of this fine gentleman right here.

>> No.8549865

Top right is the correct answer, and it fits perfectly. You are misunderstanding something, maybe the fact that all the blocks on the right side interact only with the blocks on the right side, and same on the left. Take top right answer square and combine it with bottom middle square to get bottom left square, it works fine. first on the right side 2-2 = 0, on the left one big square cancels the other out, leaves with one big square and small square and they equal 2 small squares, as I have explained.

>> No.8549893

>deducting correct answer from possible answers
And you criticize my way for not being stylish?

>> No.8549928

Intricate semantics have gotten the best of you.
Thread closed.

>> No.8550512

If it's top-right, then the makers made a mistake and allowed a different pattern to exist.

If the big box equal 3 small boxes, and hanging boxes are negative, the top left answer makes this:

0 (-2) (-2)
2 6 8
(-2) (-8) (-10)

Simple arithmetic can solve both to the right and downward.

>> No.8550828

Your reasoning would actually leave one small block on top of the line in the top right.

Spill the beans senpai

>> No.8551396
File: 5 KB, 108x114, 890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- cubes don't disappear or change AND change in size
- mirroring of the row1-2 & row1-3
- pattern therefore it can be only this one
- continuation row2-1 row3-1

>> No.8551421


top right

>> No.8551466

how do we even know what the ""official"" right answer is. OP? Can do you have said answer? Genuinely curious

>> No.8551480
File: 317 B, 127x13, filedeleted-res.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is 4chan biz ... and the jpg really easy fuck with - most scams i know of have been either talked or flung here

>> No.8551485

wrong answer, it's top right.

>> No.8551491

get the fuck out of here with your autist bullshit

>> No.8551537

>first row is probably a red herring
>second row changing to third row is just a flip over the X axis
>in the middle column it does a flip + one of the blocks gets bigger to match its neighbor
answer is probably middle bottom row
am I retarded? it's kinda iffy logic but it's all I got

>> No.8551698

>muh right answer
It's either bottom middle or top right. Both can be justified with decent argument.

>> No.8551785

I got bottom middle when I first saw it and then realized anons could justify top right by looking at it differently.

This is a MENSA test question and it's been confirmed that it works unilaterally and both top right and bottom middle are the correct answer.

>> No.8551818

Middle bottom

>> No.8551822

Hey anon, honored you copy pasted my answer from /sci/ was just about to post it here. Cheers.

>> No.8551855

hey anon op here, the person who told me it was top left is /biz/ kek

>> No.8551863

Look at it from bottom to top for each row. small building + small building = nothing, small building + big building = small building, big building + big building = small building. Now for the last one, big building + ? = small building (so first one must be big building based on previous observations), and the two building on the right: small building + ? = nothing (so small building based on previous observations). Thus bottom middle

>> No.8551931
File: 118 KB, 600x400, 1520504818173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just looked up the source ... and translated the norwegian site - its from a mensa test and the solution is the middle bottom ... according to their own tryout back then

have no doubt about - even if the puzzle itself contains a mistake or is supposed to be confusion ... i wouldn't see why it would be the right one first row


>> No.8552051
File: 17 KB, 506x394, soln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8552097


>> No.8552099

nothing tells you the value of a big block is 3 brainlet

>> No.8552113

the answer is top right, and it can be verified with your link since neither the bottom middle or top left are provided as answers there.

it's a subtraction/addition problem. anything below the line is negative, anything above is positive.

so you have:
1. nothing + (-small -small) = - small -small
2. small small + small big small small = big big small small
3. -small -small + (-big -big -small -small) = -small -big -small -small

1 is supposed to clue you in as to what is going on, and 2 establishes what happens when you try adding non-zero patterns.

>> No.8552188


Do the equation you little fool.

Take the value of a small block as 1, then do the middle column equation, as stated in my solution.

>> No.8552266

what your saying is upside down box is = to upside box when they are clearly not
>fuck off brainlet

>> No.8552357
File: 277 KB, 1218x1015, wojackTopLeft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8552366

the only one that makes sense is top left.
read it vertically from bottom to top.
The bottom one minus the middle one equals the top of the column. Small blocks equal one, large blocks equal 3.
On the first column, 2 minus 2 = 0.
Second column, 8 - 6 = 2
Third column 10 - 8 = 2

The positioning appears to have no meaning in terms of left or right side.

>> No.8552404


>> No.8552450
File: 165 KB, 1000x694, s521972503441136676_p1349_i1_w1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>8552357

>> No.8552457

well my answer is none of the above. am i any wronger then the each of you?

>> No.8552486

Holy shit this works from left to right too.
Adding the first and second picture together to get the third.

0 + 2 = 2
2 + 6 = 8
2 + 8 = 10

>> No.8552560

good bye anon >>8552357

>> No.8552582

I got 89.7 percentile on the test that included this question. I picked three upper right. Is there any way to see the actual answers?

>> No.8552613
File: 9 KB, 345x546, post-5643-1229970343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think OP may be fucking with us, the other images show different options lol

>> No.8552621

less than 120 iq brainlet

>> No.8552646
File: 8 KB, 248x203, 1521999288119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we tell him?

>> No.8552670

top right and middle bottom is still the same,google what a mesa test is and btfo

>> No.8552674

ok prove that top left is the correct answer
pro tip you cant
>btfo brainlet

>> No.8552699

No bully pls.

>> No.8552754
File: 4 KB, 250x250, LONDON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8548898 winrar

>> No.8552758
File: 63 KB, 960x810, 1521991605152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dude, these are tests to determine pattern recognition and see if you can create a solution that satisfies all the rules set forth by the patterns.
i already explained how top left makes the most sense, and wait why am i arguing with an anonymous brainlet

>> No.8552772

I remember doing this test, scored 132 IQ. You?

>> No.8552798
File: 897 KB, 800x430, 1504820396490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon please flip your monitor upslide down and tell me if its the same as it facing up
>fuck off brainlet

>> No.8552869
File: 57 KB, 645x729, 1521825725509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you are retarded lmao, face it you're wrong

>> No.8552888


You both should take the test and post your results.

>> No.8552898

i got a perfect 100 hbu

>> No.8552927

nice, I scored 75%

>> No.8552941

Uh what? Did you take the Mensa test that has this question in it? What was your percentile?

>> No.8552955
File: 70 KB, 662x1024, brainletBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry i got plenty of time to waste on a brainlet like you

>> No.8552970

This is just a raven progressive.

>> No.8552984

is this the oracle problem?

>> No.8553216

does it count if I chose top right initially without having the correct explanation? it's the only one that is logical for me and makes sense, can't explain why though.