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8541057 No.8541057 [Reply] [Original]

What are some nootropics that actually work?

I have an Adderall prescription (20mg SR x2/day) but I've been holding off on taking them for several weeks to re-establish my baseline. I also have several packs of modafinil but I don't take these because they have an anxiety-increasing effect on me.

>> No.8541088

I think ginko biloba works

>> No.8541094

Only noot that has worked for me was tianeptine and I've tried almost everything (not touching phenibut).
Tianeptine was GOAT when I was on. Killed my anxiety. NAC works slightly but others swear by it.

>> No.8541115

find a reputable study that says nootropics that actually work.

>> No.8541116


>> No.8541131

Phenylpiracetam. Shit is better than meth. But make sure you're up on Choline or it will give you headaches

>> No.8541141

Adderall isn't a nootropic, it's amphetamines. Modafinil qualifies I guess, but barely. My favorite is noopept, but then again, the effects aren't anything insane and it's not something that I would take over long periods for fear of side effects.

>not touching phenibut
It's fun but worthless and potentially destructive. I used to like it to relax, but haven't touched it in years and some people do go completely overboard with it.

>> No.8541237

Adderall isn't a nootropic for the pedantic but I've tried every substance mentioned in this thread so far, phenibut excepted, and in my experience everything in comparison to Adderall is basically placebo. Its performance boosting and anxiety-reducing qualities are unmatched. My only problem with it is the tolerance and dependency it develops over time.