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File: 83 KB, 537x357, Amazon-Biodome-Approved-NBBJ-3-537x357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
854085 No.854085 [Reply] [Original]

Read: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/16/technology/inside-amazon-wrestling-big-ideas-in-a-bruising-workplace.html


>> No.854496
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Sounds horrifying. I once did this thing called the Landmark Forum. Supposedly, it's a self-improvement program that many call cultish. (Note, I did not say it was a cult, so we are "clear.") The language that Amazon uses gave me PSTD flashbacks of Landmark. I couldn't read the whole article, I had to start watching videos in the cat part of YouTube. I would like to hear what other people have to say. I will follow this thread silently hereafter.

>> No.854504

>85 hours a week
People think that by working more they're more valuable. This is a wage slave mentality.
You are not worth the hours you work. You are worth the hours they pay you.

>> No.854719

This seems to be localized to just the corporate offices.
I work in one of the Fulfillment Centers and see none of the back stabbing and politicking being talked about.
But the work is hard. But then again. what warehouse job is easy?
you are expected to hit certain numbers but if you fail to meet your goal one day, it isnt the end of the world. Generally no one says anything to you.
Now if you fail day after day, yes. you will be "coached" and if you still cant perform, There's the door.

>This is a wage slave mentality.
i'd have to agree. If you need to put in 85+ hours a week to do your job, IMO, you are doing your job wrong. And your time management skills suck dick.

Work is not adult daycare. you took the job to perform a certain task in exchange for compensation.

>> No.854730

>i'd have to agree. If you need to put in 85+ hours a week to do your job, IMO, you are doing your job wrong. And your time management skills suck dick.

Unless you're a banker with a massive workload, and your career progression depends on a combination of output and straight up facetime at the office. If you want to climb the ranks in IB then you've really got no option but to put in massive hours.

>> No.854731

sure. ill concede that very very select and super specialized jobs do require insane hours. But in most corporate settings. people putting in 2 weeks of work each week are wrong.

>> No.854752


I did Landmark for the first time last week.

The majority of people are apprehensive to things they don't understand and are hostile to personal responsibility, which is largely the whole point of the forum. For me personally, I got a lot more out of it than I was expecting.

The people that give it shit without even trying it are the people who haven't changed in 10 years and see nothing wrong with that.

>> No.854757
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>this entire article

>> No.854760
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This article is really scary. Nearly all the benefits of computerization have went to capital and almost none to labor. It is becoming clear that those without capital will have to desperately out-slave each other as the number of high paying middle class jobs decreases. While Keynes saw a 15 hour work week for all, the reality looks far more Marxian.

>> No.854793

That graph is pretty misleading - it doesn't take into account the increases in non-monetary forms of hourly compensation such as health insurance, stock options, etc.

>> No.854798
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and women entering the workforce

>> No.854925


like the defined benefit plans that have completely disappeared?

>> No.854928


this has no bearing on productivity versus wages PER CAPITA

>> No.854946

Seattle fag here. I know dozens of people who worked at Amazon corporate. None of them made it past 18 months. Everything this article says is true. Place is a fucking hell hole, and Bezos is a sadist. The only reason you work at Amazon corporate now is for the resume. But even that's kind of backfiring these days.

> "Anon's resume says they worked at Amazon for two years."
> "Why the fuck would we hire someone dumb enough to work at Amazon? Next candidate"

>> No.854958

>In our lifetime
>vast majority of population in the West will be living on welfare (in form of digital food stamps that can only be redeemed for cheapest shittiest GMO food);
>small minority of population that still have jobs will be working for transnational corporations (governments will eventually outsource all their functions to corporate sector);
>welfare recipients won't rise up in fear or losing their food stamps and die in corporate labor camps;
>salaried slaves won't rise up in fear of losing their position and become unemployed welfare recipients;
>corporate media shills non-stop and keeps sheeple distracted with 3D reality shows 24/7;
>internet traffic, e-mails and phone conversations are tapped by corporate security services;
>cash will be outlawed, not having FB account will be outlawed; attempt to "live off the grid" will be considered "a violent form of anti-corporate behavior", every square inch of the surface of the Earth will be monitored by armed UAVs;
>rest of the world is one giant waste, where billions of serfs are working in corporate concentration camps and guarded by private armed forces (privatized US military);

>> No.854983


It's pretty clear that Amazon is a cut throat company. The only people that can really take advantage of this are the investors or third party stores. Let the wage slaves make money for you.

There's a big reason why they have no women in their executive positions - they're not cut throat and they'd cry if someone told them they're wrong. Amazon doesn't have time for PC.

While I don't agree with some of the products Amazon has come out with I will say that they're the fastest innovating company. They are making huge moves to crush retailers and they'll keep going until every last dollar runs out.

>> No.854997

>Amazon has rules that are part of its daily language and rituals, used in hiring, cited at meetings and quoted in food-truck lines at lunchtime. Some Amazonians say they teach them to their children.

>> No.855005

>Company veterans often say the genius of Amazon is the way it drives them to drive themselves. “If you’re a good Amazonian, you become an Amabot,” said one employee, using a term that means you have become at one with the system.

>> No.855011

These days any "big" company is just a shitty place to work in. Google and Facebook tend to be companies that love work life balance but that's increasingly becoming a dream. I've seen small local companies offer better pay and benefits then large corporations.

>> No.855022

Go back to /pol/

>> No.855028


Google is getting creepy though. They're trying to build places for their workers to live and work at the same time. Need to take a smoke break? Sure that's fine, the room is next door so that when you're done you can get back to work!

I haven't heard much about Facebook's culture.

I would personally hate to work for Yahoo since Mayer is a huge idiot.

If you can clock in 2-3 years at a big company it gives you a really good opportunity to shift to a cozy senior/management position at a smaller company.

>> No.855031
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Conspiracyfags, everyone.

>> No.855033

She's a cunt, not an idiot. This is a well known trait of her since the google days. A lot of the early engineers of google said this women was a giant cunt and hard to work with. She backstabbed and manipulated her way up the ladder. Also google is trying to become Foxxconn. Google loves to tell its employee what to do and think. If you're a great engineer/coder then the company is not a great place for you, because there will be people just like you and you'll get stuck in mediocrity.

>> No.855035

don't pay attention to the other posters who can't process your post as a melodramatic warning about the current path of the economy.

To the main subject. If google offered me a job or interview I would turn it down. If I am so good at what I do that I got a job offer from google. I wouldn't need to work for them I would start my own company.

Well managed relatively obscure companies are underrated.

>> No.855050

>>rest of the world is one giant waste, where billions of serfs are working in corporate concentration camps and guarded by private armed forces (privatized US military);
Phew. Had me worried for a minute there, Anon. At least there's a silver lining.

>> No.855078


I'll go out and say she's both. Didn't she read a childrens book over a conference call with exec members?

She gets paid so much but she's going to run the company into the ground lol.

>> No.855083

Maybe, but I haven't seen the stock price for yahoo since she took office. She may have fucked her way up the top. Usually hot exec started out as hot assistant who fucked their way up the ladder. But she was an engineer. She just had to pretend to be nice. Honestly I rarely read about her engineering work, and I assume she was a horrible engineer.

>> No.855096

>Google is getting creepy though.
I noticed this long ago when all those articles full of praise for google came out.

>free food court, can take a company car whenever you want, nearly every amenity you need at home now at work
one of the employees interviewed even admitted

>they give you everything you need here so you stay and work instead of going home

I instantly thought
China and most of its factories do the exact same thing. provide onsite housing and provide nearly everything for its employee so they never leave the building and instead work 16+ hours each day.

Mayer is a moron. her resume says engineer but what the fuck exactly did she make?
She probably understands the math/method/etc just enough to talk about it, but not enough to actually do anything with it.

the stock took off when she assumed the role, but in the last 9 months the stock as lost 30% of its value.
Its tanking hard. not even AAPL is tanking that hard.

>> No.855105

>Next Candidate

probably affects just the Pacific Northwest.

A friend of mine works at Intel outside of Portland and he says he is likely fucked if Intel ever let him go because no one in the area will hire Intel employees
Their job (excluding engineers) is so stupid simple, work ethic takes a nose dive.
He says people who have left have a hard time finding work because the idea is that Intel workers are lazy as fuck because they do so little at the Fabs.

But move out of the area and you're usually hired on the spot because Intel on a resume looks good to those not knowing the sentiment of the Portland area on Intel.

>> No.855109

Kek at your name. Google is becoming like China because they think more hours = more productivity. Those fools will run the company into the ground with those ideas.
Its the new Carly Fiorina.

>> No.855111

tech workers in general have a bad reputation. In non-tech states they are looked as lazy workers.

>> No.855138


From: noreply@amazonshill.com

cc: manager4chan@amashill.com

Subject: Congratulations!

"Good work fellow Amabots!
Your commentary has been rated "doubleplusgood" by our Corporate Automated Shill Evaluation System™!
Mr. Bezos is proud of you!
We all are!
For your unquestionable loyalty we are rewarding you with a great honor - an invitation to monthly WorstEmployeeOfTheMonthPublicExecutionParty™ and a bonus point to your Corporate Shill profiles!
Please do not forget to attend our weekly Corporate Indoctrination Seminar tomorrow at 0400 hours and recite Amazon Ritual Book™ before going to bed!
May the Jeff be with you!"

>> No.855143


Stock price went up because they hold a lot of cash so technically their value is high. However their holdings of Alibaba have tanked and they're also not really bringing in a lot of revenue. A lot of people are suggesting to buy Yahoo for the cash and short BABA since it's over valued and Yahoo owns it. Just a side topic.


Yep. It's proven that people are more productive if everything is close to them. It's an argument as to why home gyms might be better than gym memberships since you're likely to use it if its in front of you.

It's in their best interest to scrape an extra 5 hours a week from every engineer they have. Now it's to say that it sucks, because they do a get lot of high end free shit, but there's always a few who mention that there must be something in the water...

I still can't fathom the thought of Mayer making $45+ million a year. She is laughing all the way to the bank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcSujceZDmg

>> No.855145
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>working salary

>> No.855174

I'm not sure what the problem is. I work at Amazon and everything is fine. Pay is pretty good too!

>> No.855177

The proles will never revolt

>> No.855254


Shoo shoo Jeff

>> No.855374


>... are hostile to personal responsibility... .

Are you saying that that the employees, who got fired by Amazon because they got pregnant or got cancer, deserved to lose everything? Are you saying that the employees are to blame for the hateful working conditions and the environment of suspicion and hostility at Amazon? Just so that I am "clear," is that what you are saying?

>> No.855401

and they are saying you should take all the burdens of the corporation onto your shoulders.

>boss is an asshole who expects the impossible and provides no help
>it is your fault if they are disappointed

>coworkers don't reply in time
>How can YOU improve?next time be more proactive

Shit managers and corporate culture are to blame you can't expect employees to self-manage and fix the problems of the entire corporate culture.

>> No.855510

I agree.

>> No.855546


Amazon is dead.

>> No.855554


You have some big ass blinders on.

>> No.855561

Caldari federation

>> No.855565


That sounds fucking awesome. I could be a freelance hacker living in a cyberpunk city full of intrigue and adventure, then maybe finally I could get a girlfriend!

>> No.855580

>thinking that you'll be allowed to live if you dont have a gf in the future
rofl. if you don't enough cunts to swipe you in the right direction you'll be deemed misogynistic and deeply problematic and shipped off to some island somewhere

>> No.855601


True, their CEO even admits they offer all of this so their employees will work longer at their own discretion, but they do not force people to work extra hours.

>> No.855637


I'm not talking about Amazon, I'm talking about society in general. People are always seeking blame elsewhere before taking the first step to fixing their error by admitting they caused it.

>> No.855718

Those workers absolutely deserved to lose everything. They singed a contract, If they can´t keep up with the terms of the said contract they are free to leave.

The only inalliable right of the worker is the right to quit his job if he feels it does not suit him.

>> No.855791

That's the mentality of a slave

>> No.855833
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> Some workers who suffered from cancer,
> miscarriages and other personal crises said
> they had been evaluated unfairly or edged out
> rather than given time to recover.

Employees who are mad over getting fired for getting pregnant and then miscarrying or getting cancer is not "seeking blame elsewhere" -- this is downright fucking discrimination.

"They singed a contract, If they can´t keep up with the terms of the said contract they are free to leave" -- they are not "free to leave" -- they are getting fucking fired, which is illegal!

Seems there is a breakdown in your worldview when it comes to labor law.

Your sick little worldview is coming to an end. First, Lulu Lemon then The Huffington Post now Amazon. How many more corporations that indoctrinate their employees with cultish* Landmark teachings are now being exposed as being hell-holes to work at? How soon before the media starts making the connection?

Better drink your Kool-Aid soon ... more will be revealed.

* Note that I said cultish and not cult, just so we are "clear."

>> No.855874


meh, you believe what you want. Best of luck to you.

>> No.855879

People buy into branding and feel-good directives but they usually realize they're getting fucked. At that point they either quit or just keep bitching and keep getting fucked.

>> No.855883


yahoo hasn't been relevant since 1998. it is more of a holding company than a tech company now

>> No.855884
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jeff pls

>> No.855885



>> No.855888


might I add that giving them a signing bonus that can be clawed back if they choose to leave is the equivalent of indentured servitude

>> No.855908

Joff pls go

>> No.855914

>wakeup every day in your Google subsidized housing
>take the Google bus to work every day
>eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in Google's cafeteria
>socialize primarily with your Google coworkers/cohabitants (when time allows)

This literally sounds like hell on earth

>> No.855970

Almost seems like Bezos is misinterpreting the factors in Amazon's success. The social Darwinism is almost a non-factor compared to being the most recognizable name in an emerging industry. Internal competition was a mainline business practice... in the Industrial Revolution. They realized pretty quickly that quota-based competition among productions shifts only served to kill quality and breed internal animosity.

Like, Wal-Mart can institute whatever crazy internal policies they want to, good or bad, and it wouldn't change the fact that they have the most well established supply chain, retail relations, and customer base. I guess in this example the changes could be quantified. Amazon has never functioned under a different system so it's nearly impossible to demonstrate the effect it's having.

>> No.855982
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Read: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/18/technology/amazon-bezos-workplace-management-practices.html


>> No.856003

I'm sure Mao Zedong was SHOCKED to learn about the famines.

>> No.856305

>Employees who are mad over getting fired for getting pregnant and then miscarrying or getting cancer is not "seeking blame elsewhere" -- this is downright fucking discrimination.

This is what confuses me.

why the fuck would you go to a newspaper to bitch about it instead of filing a fucking lawsuit!?

While im sure there is some discrimination going on at the corporate level (every single large company on the fucking planet does this), the amount of what was in that article leads me to think some of that might be slander.

>> No.856508

This is going to get a lot more interesting in the coming days. There is more garbage that can and will be aired. I hope Bezos is prepared. He does know what is going on. He works there. Oh, and Google will not be immune either, nor will many of the other technology firms.

>> No.856520

The last part is how it always starts. After a while they start enforcing the new work hours and it become a slave tier company. A lot of people are jumping ship now because they hired the new Indian kid as the CEO. Indians have a bad rep in SV because they're horrible managers and love to work everyone in slave conditions.

>> No.856521

Not to the recent grads who are literally retarded in life.

>> No.856688
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What is up with people these days glorifying a 80+ hour work week? That sounds terrible. I dont buy the 'do what you love' line either. If i did what i love it wouldnt be work.

I feel like people are being conditioned that this is ok via short sighted internal corporate 'culture' and the big media/gov desire for a docile populace. Same mentality with 'muh jobs' bs. Like people begging to do busy work as if its fulfilling.

>> No.856699

Google and Microsoft are "soft." That's why Bezos instituted this scheme. He is the Contrarian General. While the enemies grow soft on catered lunches and ping pong tournaments, the Amazonians are forced to eat one another! Nothing builds muscle mass better than the flesh of your office mates.

I have heard about things like the secretly competing internal projects. I'm sure there is the normal amount of corporate ass kissing and managerial pressure to work overtime. I don't think that there are codified rules that encourage backstabbing and life sacrifice among the rank-and-file workers just to maintain employment.

>> No.856707

nothing is going to happen. people want the best price, and the best service. amazon is going nowhere. quite the contrary, it's bigger than ever, and only growing.

if people really cared about workers, they wouldn't buy diamonds mined with slave labor, products made in chinese sweatshops, etc.

money talks, bullshit walks. until i see customers turning their backs on companies like that, it's all lip service.

>> No.856716
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>codified rules

of course not, that would be illegal but there are ways around it. The article lists a few buzz words such as 'difficulties', 'personal life' and 'performance improvement plan'. They just use a different reasoning to circumvent discrimination.

Personally, i believe the employees signed a contract though so they cant claim ignorance. The shadiest part however seems to be the required payback of moving fees and signing bonuses if someone quits early.

>> No.856720


At the end of the day thats how the market works. However, i believe there is a push to restirct information so that things like this dont see the light of day because really most consumers have no idea how their goods are produced. I wouldnt buy somehting that uses slave labor if i was aware but there arent many watchdogs out there.

Tbh, amazon is great for checking prices, commodities and mass produced goods but for atypical items or unique products one usually pays the same if not more on amazon after accounting for shipping. I agree they arent going anywhere although i think on poster made a good point that theyre successful because they are the market innovator for online sales and not their corporate culture.

>> No.856728

It's a business. Let it run how it wants as long as it follows the law.

Maybe someone should make a rival business that is "nicer."

I get that the free market needs limits, but complaining about a company in a free market system being cutthroat is like complaining that the eagle is being "evil" or "unfair" for killing the "peaceful" lambs.

Trust me. Being a 40 year old Chinese immigrant who worked in Guangdong sweatshops, Amazon's work culture isn't that bad.

Make your own choice as to where to work.

>> No.856729

I literally work at Amazon

This article is quite humorous, and the posts here are too in how wrong they are

What I found most surprising though, were the comments on the NYT website. People saying things like "I won't support them anymore because they treat their employees so poorly!!" It's a riot because they're trying to make wealthy young males into victims. Nobody at Amazon would ever consider themselves a "victim" when they're being scouted by Apple/Google/Facebook daily and it's a fucking riot to even think that a dude in his young 20s who makes 100k+/year in a job he WILLFULLY CHOOSE could be a victim in any way

>> No.856736

People like what feels good, not what is good.

Always remember that in business, politics, and life.

>> No.856749


I'm not saying they didnt sign on and arent making bank. I think people are somewhat repulsed in general the type of cut-throat behavior goes on in the top business world. Say what you will but the common/rural folk in the U.S. have traditional morals and lying, cheating and worshiping money are considered immoral.

I think this story is popular because 1. people hate their jobs 2. the economy is in the shitter and people hate their jobs even more and 3. they arent aware of these business practices and how common it can be

>> No.856757


The interesting thing is that thats not how it is at all at Amazon, and there are plenty of Amazonians saying they love their work

They just get shut down by people who have never worked at Amazon (aka everyone in this thread) saying YES IT IS HOW IT IS AT AMAZON

It's really quite bizarre, I mean you have people sitting around saying "we're sane" and people shooting back "no you aren't!"

>> No.856776

But I've decided you're insane. An insane person is not in a state of mind to claim their sanity. I, as a sane person, am.

>> No.856781

People just want a chance to knock down the new engineering grad who makes 70K+ starting and then 100k+ in 3-4 years either by promotion or being headhunted.

>> No.856803


Did you read the article though? I dont doubt its embelished and probably not entirely accurate but apart from several anecdotes it does touch on a lot of common corporate culture tactics such as implying extra hours are necessary, internal peer review and constant availability

>> No.856814

>It's a riot

>> No.856824

I am surprised there hasn't been a work place shooting there yet. Or maybe they just converted it up really well.

>> No.856858

Nobody else caught that. I flew a Drake because I was a PvE scrub. Do you still play?

>> No.856876

Former IBM'er here.

This sounds like the shit I dealt with. I put in 60-80 hour weeks.

I worked for a subsidiary that handled basically all of Fannie Mae's foreclosed loans. We had to try and strong arm borrowers into paying their loans again, or, alternatively, foreclose.

We were the #1 loan servicer for FNMA which blows me away because we sucked. The change management team were fucking nazis and a simple code change from concept to implementation and deployment took 6-12 weeks.

In spite of our great numbers (75% of defaulted loans were recovered, 88% of foreclosed loans were resold on market in under 9 months at 5-15% profit), FNMA were concerned we were too over bloated with IT staff and developers.

So in 2014, half the IT department was laid off. They gave the layoffs 30 days notice and informed them they'd receive 2-6 weeks severance (2 weeks per year of employment, with a 6 week cap).

I survived the layoff but this basically meant I had twice the work to do for the same pay. My manager said we'd need to put in "a few extra hours for a few weeks".

I told him it was a 90 minute commute in and 90 back. I said "you can have more time if I get more time".

I demanded 4 days a week to telecommute. And I demanded it in public on a team wide conference call. The rest of the team all piped up with "yea me too". He caved.

So we became one of the only teams to telecommute, much to the chagrin of executive management. But we had niche skills, for an undocumented mission critical app that was in the middle of a major upgrade.

The decision to lay off half the staff was so foolish. They only did it to appease Fannie Mae. But once the FNMA contract was renegotiated, IBM decided to backfill all the open positions.

Problem was, glassdoor is a bitch and so are message boards. Word of the "6 week severance for 5 years service right after Christmas" got around fast. The subsidiary plummeted to a 1 star rating on glassdoor and holds it today.

>> No.856896

So IBM couldn't backfill the positions. Not without paying 20% over market rate. Which executives were pissed off about and unwilling to pay.

Sure we had a few contractors come in for a few weeks and try to keep up, but they fizzled or got pissed and left.

So yea. Telecommuting 4 days a week (and I'd just take the extra fifth out of sheer defiance) was nice. But my days consisted of:
> wake up at 5:45
> make coffee
> watch CNN for 15 minutes
> get started at about 6am because half the company was on the east coast and impatient
> read emails
> write ad hoc queries for idiots who suck at SQL
> troubleshoot failed jobs
> team Scrum at 7:45
> supposed to be over at 8
> over at 8:30
> meetings, meetings, meetings
> write code during meetings
> fucking meetings at lunch even
> fuck I forgot to eat breakfast and shower
> I have a headache
> late lunch and shower at 1:30 or 2
> get out of shower to eleven instant messages and emails from frantic executive staffers
> eat lunch at the desk while on conference calls
> more meetings while writing code
> meetings are over by 4 or 5
> focus on finishing development by 6 or 7
> eat dinner with the wifey
> chill out for a couple hours
> at 9 or 10, read documentation and flagged emails
> go to bed about 11 or 12
> get a phone call 2 or 3 or 4 because of a failed job
> fix it
> wake back up 5:45, start over

... yea fuck those kinds of jobs. I love my salary job now but this was literal "wageslave" bullshit

>> No.857119


So an Amazon Engineer wrote this: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/amazonians-response-inside-amazon-wrestling-big-ideas-nick-ciubotariu

Then NYT wrote this yesterday: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/08/18/technology/amazon-bezos-workplace-management-practices.html

Then they wrote this: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/reply-amazons-nick-ciubotariu-from-nyt-community-desk-bassey-etim

And the engineer replied in the comments.

What the fuck is going on? Why is NYT out for Amazon's blood all of a sudden?

>> No.857130


Obv you, as well as all other anons in this thread, have no clue about how big companies are structured and work. Well, first of all, Amazon is obv a shitty place to work in, for the regular worker. What they offer as philosophy though, does not differ from 99% of all other big corporations. And the 'blame someone else' culture is really a thing in every corporation, in fact, it is often enough structured in a way so that everyone has another person to blame something on, and it is important that it is this way.

>> No.857142


>that social darwinism
>that fallacy of relative privation

>> No.857463

>the 'blame someone else' culture is really a thing in every corporation

the NYT should run a hit piece of itself.
Im pretty sure its much more cut throat and back stabby in news organizations than an online retailer.

>> No.857493

I can relate to this, I'm head of operations for a small company that somehow managed to find itself creating/hosting websites for some of the worlds largest venues. I don't think I'm ever going to get used to working a 10 hour shift and then getting calls in the night to fix shit that is going down in Australia. (I'm UK based). Saving/investing as much as I can and getting the fuck out as soon as I hit 30.

>> No.857534

>I literally work at Amazon

FC fag reporting.

i know the FC is a whole different animal from corporate, but the general consensus is that the NYT article in no way represents what goes on at the FC side of things.

then again our FC is brand fucking new (2 years) with the whole Kiva fleet, so we have it really fucking good compared to the other FCs.

>> No.857664

it's a good news story or the editor's a jew with stock shorts he needs to cover

>> No.857772
File: 872 KB, 404x402, honour our fallen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work place shooting
Yep, like at LuLu Lemon:

>> No.858032



>> No.858101
File: 60 KB, 509x720, laughing_kingofthehill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


JIDF plz