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8540323 No.8540323 [Reply] [Original]

HOLY SHIT. I just realized how HUGE Request Network is going to be. Think about it.

>Binance buys BNB with 20% of their profit and burns the tokens, Coin price 3x every quarter due to this burn, Request Network will use 100% of their profit to burn REQ
>Every time a Dapp gets released (60 confirmed in development all by separate teams) Request Network will get huge publicity on Reddit (one of biggest crypto communities) and FOMO on 4chan.
>Every time a new company adds the "Pay with Request Network" button the burning will speed up and another round of FOMO/publicity will start

Even if you think Request Network is a piece of shit and fail in the end you are STILL a retard for not going all-in. It will create FOMO like TRON purely due to what I said above. And if REQ actually succeeds in their mission it will be a top 3 coin in a trillion+ marketcap cryptocurrency market.

>> No.8540373

if it transfer to EOS it has a chance

>> No.8540455
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You finally realize.

>> No.8540475
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will I make it?

>> No.8540495

Fine, I bought 200 Reqs.

>> No.8540626

Request Network was made so that it could easily migrate to other chains or even become its own chain if ETH doesn't scale. So that's a possibility, yes.

>> No.8540628


>> No.8540640

Why would request network use 100% of its profits to purchase its own coin and proceed to burn it..?

>> No.8540727

The more I read this, the more absolutely retarded this sounds. Are you ok OP?

>> No.8540764
File: 148 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-03-25-00-48-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will i make it?

>> No.8540767

It's a nonprofit organization. They aren't making any profit by design.

They want to force a monopoly on the payment market. A for-proft company would be subject to anti-trust laws. As having a monopoly as a company is illegal.

Having a monopoly as a non-profit however is legal and not subject to anti-trust laws. (IKEA abuses this for example).

The profit model for REQ is that every member of the team has some REQ tokens so it's in their best interest to make the value of REQ skyrocket as that is their only form of actual income.

>> No.8540770

They are a nonprofit. Devs have coins.

>> No.8540839

Non profits still use profits to pay their employees inflated salaries and for operating expenses. Also this is a payments processing system why would they reward users who hoard coins by coin burning, it would contradict the point of the token and create the wrong economic incentives for the business model.

>> No.8540861

If you have even $1000 in either LINK or REQ you're gonna make it.

Even better if you have both.

>> No.8540928

You're retarded if you think the burn will amount to anything significant anytime soon. And even then, the price of the token will adjust so that the burn rate is much less than 10% a year.
t. 50% of portfolio in REQ

>> No.8540933

The token idnt meant to be used as a currency its the fuel for the network
You can pay with any other crypto or fiat
The incentive to buy req for companies is saving fees due to the deflationary nature of the token

>> No.8540952

You're fucking retarded. Please consider killing yourself. |if you're trying to FUD, then try fucking harder. But kys regardless.

>> No.8541007
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S-so I might make it anon? I have hope...

>> No.8541043
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1507997193540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Block Research anticipated that the burning would reduce the total supply of REQ between 7-8% every year and thus effectively gives you 7-8% passive income by burning alone.

However BBR says that if it gets truly mass adopted the burning will reduce total supply between 50-70% YoY. Giving you a passive income of 50-70% every year.

The 7-8% passive income alone is enough for people to FOMO into REQ as conventional stocks offer a rate lower than that plus you still hold a coin that can appreciate for all the other crypto reasons.

Source: https://www.docdroid.net/raPVGHW/black-block-research-march-2018-req.pdf#page=3

>> No.8541092

>Black Block Research anticipated that the burning would reduce the total supply of REQ between 7-8% every year and thus effectively gives you 7-8% passive income by burning alone.
The price would adjust for risk/dividend ratio. The % is higher if the asset is considered risky and vice versa. Sometime in the future, if REQ becomes a stable asset, the burn rate might be as low as 3% or less, basically rivaling blue chip dividend stocks.

>> No.8541170

And that's not even taking into account speculation. If the speculation overtakes the usage of the network significantly, the burn rate might get arbitrarily low. As an example, look at COSS. Due to the ridiculous speculation, it gives less than 1% dividend/year at current price/volume.

>> No.8541176

It's not a dividend. The burn rate is decided by market forces not by how much the company wants to "turn out".

This makes it effectively different from Div yields seen in stocks. And also means burning could be constant unless the market gets flooded/scrapped of coins so that the supply on the market is huge or low, which would indeed impact the burn %.

>> No.8541198

Only 700 accounts with more than 100K in them. I'm sorry that all you ghetto niggers with your measly 10K REQ are not going to get rich but the world needs ditch diggers also.

>> No.8541204

The Req team has mentioned staking before so I’m not sure how that would also play out with token economics. Anyone care to answer?

>> No.8541222

Lots of people still have their REQ in exchanges. the 700 accounts aren't representative of reality.

>> No.8541242

Yeah that was said by 10K ETH anon that he got personal contact with REQ team and said Staking would be added in Q2.

I only see this happening if REQ has difficulty scaling on the ETH chain. So I don't think this will happen unless absolutely necessary. Just assume staking won't happen.

>> No.8541272

>It's not a dividend.
The market will treat it as such.
>The burn rate is decided by market forces not by how much the company wants to "turn out".
Straw man much?

Burn/usage/price. These three variables are all that matters. It's simple market mechanics 101, not a quantum physics.

>> No.8541288


>> No.8541343

This is bullshit and spamming fake partnership announcement is also a form of FUD.

You're right as there would form an equilibrium between Price per token and burning.

Either the price is low and a lot of tokens get burned. Or the price is high and a few tokens get burned.

The point is that in both scenarios the amount of value gain will stay the same YoY purely from a burn perspective.

>> No.8541354

Who's burning their tokens in this shit?

>> No.8541377

So why don’t you explain how the issues I raised are not concerns

I don’t see why a payment processing company would incentivize people to artificially inflate the price of the fuel of the network especially if those people don’t even need to use the network to reap the rewards

>> No.8541427

When it comes to the multi-trillion-dollar payments business, the opportunities are endless.
Strong use cases that will appeal to various market segments.
A highly active community of investors and onlookers who appear eager to support the raise.
Request Network is the first ICO project via YCombinator, which has funded over 1,400 startups with a combined valuation of over $80 billion.
I am currently invested in request network and intend to keep holding onto my investment and consider adding into my REQ portfolio and this is likely a winner.

>> No.8541442

>You're right as there would form an equilibrium between Price per token and burning.
Yes, adjusted for risk and speculation.
>Either the price is low and a lot of tokens get burned. Or the price is high and a few tokens get burned.
Depending on the usage.
>The point is that in both scenarios the amount of value gain will stay the same YoY purely from a burn perspective.
No, not necessarily. If the investment is perceived to be safe, a lower dividend (or burn rate, it's the same fucking thing) will be acceptable. Or speculation can effectively do the same thing. Perceived future potential can justify lower burn rate.

>> No.8541461

Because I'm not paid to educate brainlets like yourself nor do I derive joy from doing so.

>> No.8541535

>I have no answer to a simple question so I will continue to fall back on ad-hominem

>> No.8541649
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Calling you a retard is not ad-hominem.

>> No.8541823

Why in the fuck would someone have over 100K of REQ on a fucking exchange waiting to get hacked? Do they hate fucking money? Is there a problem with MEW? I refuse to believe there is more than a few morons out their that would trust their financial future to some niggers second hand server.

>> No.8541853

Are you actually worried about Binance? They seem to have a good record thus far. I would trust them over any other exchange.

>> No.8541866

Binance is unironically safer than MEW, unless you have a hardware wallet. Doesn't justify not having a hardware wallet, but you get the point.

>> No.8541881

I have around 220K REQ on Binance. They have their headquarters in Malta (European Union) right now so they are required by law to refund me and I'll be able to subtract it from my taxes if they exit scam.

I'm pretty sure it won't happen. Putting it on MEW or a closed source ledger actually puts me more in risk than leaving it in Binance.

>> No.8541910

Some guy says REQ made a huge mistake using Ethereum instead of Stellar to create its dApp. Is this true?

>> No.8541952
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>closed source ledger
I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.8541960

It literally doesn’t matter because REQ is blockchain agnostic. If they see that ETH is failing to scale with the popularity of their network, they can migrate it to XLM.

>> No.8542006

They can move to whatever chain they want if they want to. It's made from the ground up to be able to switch chains or become its own chain if the future ever needs this to happen.

>> No.8542014

Me and my 1k Req will be sure to hire some

>> No.8542022

Could you explain why MEW is not safe?

>> No.8542111

Because you're inputting your private keys onto a compromised machine.

>> No.8542141

Isn't it more likely that the exchange gets hacked rather than your machine be individually compromised?

>> No.8542235

Maybe if you have your shitcoins stored on some pajeet exchange, but I'd argue that Binance is less likely to get hacked than your PC by orders of magnitude. Also, if your computer is connected to the internet, it's compromised and you should treat it as such. Modern CPUs are all backdoored.

Just buy a hardware wallet.

>> No.8542282

That guy is a brainlet, stellar is very good at doing its thing but it's not touring complete, it has a limited set of instructions useful for streamlined things like converting and transferring, but moderately complex smart contracts are impossible.
Maybe something like EOS, but really, eth is going to scale well and soon and it's the market leader, there is no better place for req as of now, and if needed req is built from the start to be easily ported.

>> No.8542307

I was in at the start of the BNB pump and got out as it started to dump. Then I moved on. Now I'm in TRX. Are you saying I should buy more BNB right now? Is it still going down?

>> No.8542331

Fucking autocorrect. Turing complete ofc.

>> No.8542335

Mobius is built on Stellar and does exactly what Link does, is Turing completeness really necessary for most of these tokens?

>> No.8542371
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Do the needful, sir.

>> No.8542385

Yep. One word - Loom.....already out now, dedicated sidechaining for Dapps. Once the other scaling solutions drop too.....gg everything else. Ether fucking maximalist right here.

>> No.8542596

LINK is also blockchain agnostic. I’m planning for a future where ADA is the main currency / smart contract platform, with LINK as the oracle network and REQ as the payment / other cool shit network.

>> No.8543201
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I bought ETH under $10 and held that for a long time, even after it broke out. I use those funds to get into other ICOs and projects. I'm currently holding over 500K REQs. Tip to newbies: Buy into projects that have great long term prospects and you will win. I don't ever day trade because you'll end up losing $$$

>> No.8543281

Ok, you must be trolling. Nobody can be this stupid.

>> No.8543333

Link ? Maybe you'll make it , just not anytime soon . kek. Link 1000 EOY

>> No.8543353

let's see the graph, larper

>> No.8543490

I only have 5k REQ but I would be happy with 10k USD and delighted with 20k USD, is this realistic?

>> No.8543646

BNB and REQ pumping now. I'm already in TRX and not selling, but have fun.

>> No.8543669
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Thank you for seeing the light, anon.

>> No.8543801
File: 94 KB, 969x392, Screen Shot 2018-03-24 at 11.24.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got 70k REQ and 20k LINK (about 65%-35% split). the REQ to LINK ratio has been steadily rising the past two weeks, and i'm looking for a spot to consolidate some REQ gains back into LINK

could we see a return to the 1:1 REQ-LINK ratio in the near future?

>> No.8544086

Required by law? Subtract from your taxes? Dude, Binance is the holy fucking grail for Fatty McKimChi Pants. When his paid off inside man hands the keys over and Binance pulls a Mt. Gox the world will tremble and CZ will be sad but he will also be broke and the "code is law" fags wont permit hard-forks anymore. Please buy a trezor. I lost my ass once in crypto due to some stupid shit... i hate to see a fellow anon go through that.

>> No.8544092


Pump it bois

>> No.8544107
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Who the fuck asked for your advice?

>> No.8544143

Friendly reminder that the (((market))) values TRX at billions

>> No.8545154


>> No.8545909

No one wants your shitty bags OP.

>> No.8546355
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Poor wagecuck here. Will i make it?

>> No.8546462

Checked. 1000 eoy confirmed

>> No.8546505

Yes, what are you implying? The whole market is filled with manchildren and literal brainlets. Just wait until big boys take over.

>> No.8547288
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My dubs confirm that i will make it?

>> No.8547313
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>> No.8547633

Is that a yes or a no?

REQ always gets sick digits

>> No.8547689

What do you think

>> No.8547730
File: 174 KB, 1004x1024, 1521478682898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of burning the coins anyway apart from inflating the price?
Sounds counter productive if you want people to actually use this shit.

>> No.8547734
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Looking good. REQ top 10 coin in 2018.

>> No.8547739
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>> No.8547797

I'll buy when this shit dumps

>> No.8547822

Or you could just buy now and buy later

>> No.8547844

Too risky, people can dump at any day now, I prefer to be safe than sorry

>> No.8547858

Eh could pump any day now too. Good luck anon

>> No.8548161

>>8547822 this guy is correct
mainnet could be released tomorrow at least for me it would make most sense to release it on a monday and tomorrow is the last monday of the month
code is done and audited theyre just waiting for the best time to release now
and the partnership announcement is confirmed not to be on the bi weekly update so i guess it will be announced anywhere from monday to thursday
if you buy some now and wait with the rest you average your entry and effectively have lower risk than just waiting or going all in now

>> No.8548906

kys, nonprofits pay rubbish salaries
