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8534495 No.8534495 [Reply] [Original]

why don’t we have a decentralized immutable imageboard like 4chan but free of all moderation and untouchable by any (((government)))? It’s only a matter of time before this board is shut down, mods are on power trips, or the wrong mods get into power. Image boards such as 4chan are the final stand of free speech.

>> No.8534503

will a post cost me 40 GWEI?

>> No.8534505

Cuz illegal content such as cp.

>> No.8534507

can this be done through the use of blockchain technology? smart-contracts? chainlink?

>> No.8534517

who cares if it’s (((illegal))) if (((they))) can’t shut it down?

>> No.8534527

>He doesn't understand web 3.0

>> No.8534531

i was thinking more like the cost for the post could be automatically covered by the ads displayed

>> No.8534532

There’s a board on zeronet, use that.

>> No.8534554

Any meaningful discussion would be spammed by the government with cp and gore.

>> No.8534558

Good luck with that. They'd do everything in their power then to track every IP, every transaction, etc. Probably having any of that data on your computer too would land you in the slammer for years.

>> No.8534571

the more people using it the more likely they wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it. they can’t arrest us all if they wanted to, otherwise they would.

>> No.8534621

I wouldn't use that shit since I have nothing to hide and 4chan works just fine. Don't think many others would risk jailtime for that either.

>> No.8534663

was going to say this. if anyone actually cares and isn't just larping, check zeronet out

>> No.8534674

I think the future is encrypted peer-to-peer voice/text/image/video apps.

>> No.8534693

4chan doesn’t really work just fine. mods have too much power. ban people over pointless shit, can’t appeal, this type of suppression of free speech has real world consequences which are magnified with the internet paradigm. where will you go when 4chan is shut down? reddshit?

>> No.8534750


potentially this

the proposal sounds good if you don't think about it too much. Governments can spend a little cash to make their narrative seem normal. And if you're introducing some kind of scoring system to users/wallets (which will only make it a bit more diff for (((governments)))), then you're making reddit and not 4chan.

>where will you go when 4chan is shut down? reddshit?
cripple chan, the pile of alternative boards, >>8534532
this even zeronet/IPFS catching up quicker than you think, web3 is coming and shitty dapps are just a side show.

>> No.8534784
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>where will you go when 4chan is shut down

How new r u

>> No.8534837

so temporary bandages via migration and splintering of groups? seems like divide and conquer on the behalf of (((them))). No scoring i mean literally just 4chan, but uneditable and unmoderated. Decentralized for protection from the jews.

>> No.8534877

>No scoring i mean literally just 4chan, but uneditable and unmoderated.
You can already do this on any blockchain where you can attach messages. (BTC for example) and come up with a protocol and client to parse the messages into threads & messages. And if you run this on a smart contract blockchain then it's even simpler.

>> No.8535162

this is exactly what i imagine should be done. maybe temporary wallet addresses similar to the IDs in each thread here, one generated for each thread you post in

>> No.8535234

Then do it yourself instead of being an obnoxious idea guy

>> No.8535266

check the hidden wiki

>> No.8535664
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>4chan without mods

>> No.8536774

So Freenet?

>> No.8537689

>not-so-subtle BAT shill
na na na an an an a n ana na nan a na

>> No.8537705

because people are dicks.

>> No.8537709

LBRY is trying to be a decentralized youtube. I would like a decentralized image board.

>> No.8537752

Don’t agree. We need protected and unprotected speech. All Mods should follow our first amendment laws. They’re mostly solid fundamental laws for any good society

USA, bitches !