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File: 23 KB, 260x262, 51m2yp-y1zL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
853188 No.853188 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the dark side of marketing. If you put this actionable advice to use, you'll sell lots of stuff and make lots of money off plebs.

Look at the bell curve - the middle (average) has the most amount of people. If you can accurately access what they WANT and NEED, you can sell them stuff by superior marketing, you will make lots of money. By superior marketing, I mean having an accurate picture of the average pleb, get inside their head and think like how they think, and sell them a shit load of stuff.

The profile of a pleb:

1. They're tired. The pleb is a wage cuck that works 9 to 5 with a family to feed. After work, they want to hurrr durrr on the internet, watch some tv, eat dinner and go to sleep. This means, they want things that are easy, automatic, doesn't require hard work, don't have to think so much. Reason why shake weight exist is because there is a market for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W0FfkaIEXE top kek

2. They don't want anything that requires change or belief in their identity or hard work. One man tried to help obese people by opening a gym but he saw the reality that most people would rather eat and get fat then exercise and eat healthy, so he assisted them by opening a "burger heart attack" restaurant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqf_SIQ3JAk

If you count the number of Americans who are both fat and obese, it amounts to 70 percent. How to lose weight? Eat less and exercise. Yet the diet industry is a multi-billion dollars because fat fucks wouldn't put the fork down. The best selling diet books and products are easy, instant, magically, and "effortless".

>> No.853189
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3. The pleb would rather be entertained than educated. Pleb tier books like "50 shades of grey" sold 50 million copies, contrast to philsopher tier books that only sold 50k or less during the author's life time. The majority of book published sells 10k copies or less. If you look at popular videos on youtube, it's "LOL PRANKZ It's jus prank!" and feel good "give money to homeless people" videos and some autisic guy playing video games and screaming at the screen

A few years back, "The secret" (the book promises that if you just wished hard enough, the universe will give you what you want) sold millions and millions of copies, the primary target audience were bored and fat middle aged house wives. It made the marketers really rich.

4. The pleb is dumb. Any popular book or music churched and marketed for mainstream consumption is shit tier. If you want to write a sales letter to inspire the pleb, write in a grade 8 level or below. Otherwise you'll lose the pleb's interest because it's just TOO HARD to comprehend.

5. Emotion over logic. Hilter understood this when he stood on the podium delivering his speech. That's why popular videos on youtube either fall into "feel goods" or "hilariously funny!". A video on "social experiment on kidnapping" will get MILLIONS of views, while a summary of Thus Spoke Zarathustra will get 50 views. *cricket*

6. Sell cheap stuff. The pricing point is $30 or less. The pleb is poor and loves to spend. Same reason why, if you look at any market (cars, phones, houses), cheap sells more than expensive.

Summary: the average person is dumb, stupid, watches 5 hours of tv a day, does not what to improve or change, only want whats is easy, automatic, and requires no effort. They also want things cheap and they want it now. Because that's the average person, they make up the biggest market. If you're selling to consumers, keep this in mind.

>> No.853192

Seems right. Most people don't own a ROTH IRA, or index funds. They buy meaningless crap like expensive cars, and houses beyond their monthly income. People who invest and save for retirement are truly the rare few in the US.

>> No.853196

please post more i like this

>> No.853200

So much edge

>> No.853207

How is it edge if it's true?

Everything he wrote is an accurate observation.

>> No.853213
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I think about this everyday

>> No.853221

It's a jaded middle schooler's interpretation of the world.

Your average person knows that they're not learning, but being entertained. They've made a conscious choice. They know they're fat and not taking the appropriate steps. They know everything that OP said; they just don't give a shit. Everyone else is aware of it, too. The only people that find this sort of thing insightful or enlightening are those that haven't experienced the world at large.

Most people are content to have a family, modest home, and a few luxuries. They don't work any harder than necessary to maintain that lifestyle.

Best way to sell a product to someone? Relate to them. You can't do that if you're treating them like a zoo exhibit.

>> No.853226

Most people thrive in mediocrity. That's the point of OP, sperglord thread. They become complaisant and start believing what they see on TV. Which is scarily accurate. The average Americans buys products they don't need because they were seeing subliminal messages on the tube and billboards. I think you're in high school and you don't see how fucked up marketing is toward people lives. I worked in marketing, and we are told exploit their needs not relate to them.

>> No.853229

>Your average person knows that they're not learning, but being entertained. They've made a conscious choice

They're not tho, their existence and mindset is comprised of logical fallacy's, deluding themselves and le feel good-type stuff.

>Everyone else is aware of it, too. The only people that find this sort of thing insightful or enlightening are those that haven't experienced the world at large.

You're missing the entire point of OP's post.

he's saying that people are for the most part stupid animals. And that something that actually improves people's lifes and helps them, strangely enough is MUCH more likely to fail than something that makes people *feel* like they're making progress and feeling good.

For example having a gym which knowledgeable trainers and patrons that create a challenging and inspiring atmosphere is going to make zilch and be closed within a week compared to Planet fitness, who looking at it logically shouldn't even be successful in the slightest.(Giving free pizza and candy AT A GYM, banning the most well-regarded and impactful exercises by athletes and coaches.)

Similar to how *you'd think* that making an interesting youtube video about lets say programming and doing hundreds of hours of research helps more people and would net a fair bit more views than feel goodsy shit, but nope. Those videos have a minuscule fraction compared to a blatantly fake video where some prankster man gives $100 to a homeless person. The comments are all "WOW WHAT A GENEROUS MAN" "this made me tear up ;((" "like if you would do the same", and then he makes a gofundme which obviously doesn't go to a charity and pockets 10's of thousands of $.

>> No.853249
File: 48 KB, 640x480, kern3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, anon.

Here is a picture of Frank Kern, before and after.

Frank Kern made a splash in the internet marketing community back in 2009 or so - he was marketing it at warriorforum, a forum filled with middle aged people trying to start a business. He's a brilliant marketer; instead of being the "successful guy" who is trying to sell to plebs, he PRETENDED to be a pleb so he can sell even more. He claimed to have ADD and that he's just a beach bum who stumbled into success. He also claimed he was a insurance sales man (the majority of people on warrior forum were middle aged middle class plebs selling insurance and other paper pushing jobs)

He knew the average person browsing the warrior forum is a pleb, so he played them like a flute. After a well, he dropped his whole "I'm just a bum surfer who stumbled into marketing and made millions" and now he changed his look and consults with multi-million dollar companies on how to market. And ta-da - he changed his looks.

If you play the role of a successful person who is trying to elevate the herd, you will get hated on and people will question your authority. Instead, play dumb by pretending to be a pleb, say you stumbled into success/ got fit / fucked alot of bitches and show some "proof" - this is 1000x more effective marketing then hard selling. Frank Kern even calls it convert marketing. When I first read about mass marketing 6 years ago, the material was over my head. But thanks to being red pilled and a bit wiser, now I understand.

continue ...

>> No.853252

In summary.

1. If you're selling to plebs, pretend to be a pleb and you stumbled upon success and you tell the plebs "hey check ths out, I figured it out by accident" People love the story of the under dog turned champ (ie, lord of the rings, rocky, etc ad infinitum popular movies trite plot). Don't be the authority telling plebs what to do, because this points to their short coming and they will hate you for it.

1a. People love buying things but don't like getting sold to. Convert marketing by being a pleb will get you more sales and facebook likes.

>> No.853258

Cool. I'd like to read more about things like this.

Totally agree btw, every day I'm just more convinced that 90% of people are clueless idiots with no idea what they're doing.

>> No.853266

Besides being a expert in all things bullshit, do you have any experience in marketing? Or are you just another arm chair critic with a bunch of theories on how everything is ran. You really are drawing up the most generalized bullshit here not really offering any unique views on marketing. Its one thing to say "THIS IS HOW MARKETING WORKS" its another thing entirely to say "This is how marketing works, i know because i have experience in this field and can draw personalized professional insight on it" The fact that you attributed your knowledge to the "red pill" makes it all the more laughable when your standing on your tiny little stool claiming to see the light. I am sorry all i see is a man standing on a hill of shit in the middle of even more shit. Theres nothing of value to what you said and its even worse to think that you actually spent time on these "facts" You really should reevaluate your whole life and maybe aspire to be something more then a baseless shit spewing geyser in the middle of shit mountain.

>> No.853268

In the defense of plebs.

Plebs are aware that they're plebs, deep down. Truth be told, life beats them down. They work at some job they hate pushing paper and have to report to a boss. They get stuck in traffic jam and they fucking hate it. They get feels. Plebs is like the feel guy and sad pepe. But they can't changed because of social conditioning - they have been programmed to think this way since birth.

Interestingly enough, most people who try to start a business are middle aged men and women. At middle age, they realize that life is beating them down and that the lies about working at a job and living a middle class is great - but after 20 years of bullshit, they desperately want to be a business owner themselves. Lookat any investment or business entrepeneur and you'll see the audience is filled with 40+ years old people.

The average person just wants shelter, perhaps a job that isn't so bad, care for their family and live a stable life. Think of the pleb as a plant - they just want to avoid pain and exist. The pleb may fantasize about being an international playboy making bank and momentary they may be inspired but reality comes back to them, as they put their head down and drive their car to work. Just another dull day at work.

I don't shit down on plebs nor do I try to elevate them. I simply accept the harsh, brutal natural of reality and make money off the plebs in the most ethical way possible by selling what they WANT and NEED. After all, not everyone can be a business owner or zyzz; in a capitalist society you need the plebs to be the clog in the system. You need the plebs to buy shit tier stuff and to consume mediocre media. Kim Kardashian isn't sitting at home watching herself.

... continue ...

>picture related, what an average american looks like with his bitch tits and beer gut

>> No.853270

Your whole thread is invalid until you post prove of how much money you made from this knowledge.

>> No.853271
File: 150 KB, 575x749, USA_Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebs are plebs because it's human nature to NOT put more effort them necessary. 2000 years ago there are plebs. I reckon that 200 years from now, there will be still a guy in his VR head set sitting his mom's basement jacking off to porn and playing Call of duty. Accept human nature for what it is - embrace it.

The elites now the true nature of reality (plebs), so they create multi billion dollar companies (ie, Coke Cola) selling people diabetes inducing sugar water.

>picture related, what an average american looks like with his bitch tits and beer gut compared to the average Japanese.

>> No.853273
File: 78 KB, 728x546, marketingch1-6-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look all your bullshit summarized in a nice simple graph that is pretty much the standard now days.

>> No.853274

He doesn't need to prove shit about himself.

He's just making (accurate) observations, he could even be talking about himself while being a NEET virgin. He's still 100% correct.

>> No.853277

Read more marketing books and psychology books. Take what you learn with a grain of salt - if you're selling something, stress test your sales page by attacking from a different angle.

With that being said, the best selling "how to get rich off the internet" has always been marketed to middle aged plebs, the 40 years old crowd.

>> No.853278

Well yes he does when he spouts that much rhetoric, these are not accurate observations by a long shot. This man just read a few books and some pickup shit and now claims to be enlightened. If you are going to attribute this man wisdom then you might as well listen to the preaching crazy down by the street corner, sure hes can piece all his craziness together nice fully but at the end of the day its just some mad man rambling on about his thoughts.

ill be sure to hail down the short bus because it seems it lost 2 children on the way back from the glue sniffing factory.

>> No.853281

Until he can prove it with a bank statement or payments from how much he is making all his observations are invalid

Post your money status

>> No.853283

>Sturgeon's law does not apply
>all his observations are invalid
>I really expect him to post bank statements on a Bhutanese pedo board.
That will happen

>> No.853288


I'm glad you're skeptical - always be questioning.

Just don't take my words for it - observe the world for yourself see and how it is.

Data mine and see the average income of plebs and now they spend their time. Observe your friends and family - how do they spend their time and money?

Because I have nothing to sell to you, I don't have to prove SHIT. It's up to you what to think. Always be questioning.

>> No.853295

Dont dismiss my claims as mere skepticism. I am literally calling you out on all your bullshit. You dont have to prove anything just dont expect your word to be taken seriously. You are just repeating what half the world is saying the difference is you need attention to validate your own low self esteem, did you really expect everyone to bow down to your all knowing self just because you merely repeated shit you half learned? Nah man, like i said you need reevaluate your life if you are seriously trying to seek validation from strangers on a random cartoon image messaging board. I mean thats what your end game is right? Its not like you offering any unique view on the industry, you just want attention and you want someone to call you smart because your real life is lacking any sort of validation. You are trying to sell yourself, and its failing horribly. Please get a job or better yet get a education so at least you can come to us with a highschool diploma instead of your shit filled undies. Try harder kid.

>> No.853297

Spoken like a true pleb butt hurt pleb. :3

>> No.853300

Please OP, post more redpill/advice shit ITT. Some of us are actually taking notes.

>> No.853304

This, op.

Others are just delusional if they think everything you've said isn't true.

Every where you turn confirms it. I mean the people talking shit can't even open their eyes. Look at the most popular YouTube videos, write down any conclusions you can make about society.

Look at (most, of course exceptions but not many), popular internet businesses or real life businesses. Write down any conclusions you can make about society.

>> No.853306

Wow instead of attacking my argument you come back with "Spoken like a true pleb butt hurt pleb. :3" And look you even added a emoticon to display your emotions. Cute. But it doesn't change your life nor does it change the fact that you suffer from a rare form of retardation that has yet to be seen in the modern world. Can I get your contact information? I really must contact your tard wrangler to tell em that you somehow managed to escape and get a hold of computer to flood a thread on 4chan with your retarded aura of shit.

If you are taking notes just google How to market, theres nothing unique here that you cant find anywhere else.

>> No.853318

hurr durr i'm so much smarter than everyone else, i'm an edgy teen that has no life experience trying to make it in the world

>> No.853323

Yeh the rest of us will be over here in reality selling products

>> No.853329

Excuse me? If you are giving validity to his claims, you might as well give validity to my claims about him being retarded. You see how this works? The only reason you should take someone seriously is if they provide proof, you cannot pick and choose the validity of claims based on "how good it sounds" Thats the singular reason why con men exist, because they can convince idiots like you that they have the recipe for the golden goose egg. And you like a cum guzzling whore will slurp it all up because its nicer then the reality you live in, which is probably shit if you are actually taking this guy seriously. This is literally the blind leading the blind.
which reality? the reality in which you are going to come to your boss on the basis of "EVERYONE IS RETARDED AND I AM SUPERIOR SO I KNOW HOW TO SELL JUST TRUST ME GUYSSSSS" Yes i love your reality, the only thing you could sell are free handjobs to homeless men and even then they would decline because they fear the repercussions of taking advantage of the mentally retarded.

I called you guys retarded and everyone is inclined to believe me now, dont worry i dont need to show evidence i just know YA KNOW

>> No.853334

>Excuse me? If you are giving validity to his claims, you might as well give validity to my claims about him being retarded. You see how this works? The only reason you should take someone seriously is if they provide proof, you cannot pick and choose the validity of claims based on "how good it sounds"

You just don't understand anything at all...

He has provided proof in the form of examples, and so have I.

I don't even know what to call you because you expect "proof" as in some fucking peer-reviewed study about how the majority of people are retards and why certain things are more popular than others.

The proof is all around you, some people can actually think and use real-world experiences to come to a conclusion. They don't cry "muh proof muh proof" as if there can be a paper written about how dumb faggots prefer YouTube prankz over an educational video.

You completely ignored my examples,
>Look at the most popular YouTube videos, write down any conclusions you can make about society.
>Look at (most, of course exceptions but not many), popular internet businesses or real life businesses.

and my post here >>853229

And op's examples.

>> No.853337

Also when the fuck did /biz/ get to this level of shittery?

OP make a blog or something, if you have more ideas to write about. Not sure if it would be popular but I'd read it and so would others.

Not necessarily because it teaches me things I didn't know before but rather I'm interested in someone who has the same ideas as me but expresses them in a different way and shows me a slightly different point of view.

>> No.853342

Since you asked nicely ...
1. It's a lonely and narrow road to the top. Only you can walk the road to become a patrician. The majority of plebs find comfort in numbers. Observe what plebs do and do the opposite - plebs loving watching TV and eating food but dislike exercise and reading books. Don't try to elevate your pleb friends, they will only resent you. Instead, seek superior men and befriend them. About 90 percent of the population are plebs, so disgard they say

2. Don't let plebs waste your time / ignore plebs. Since the majority are plebs, they're easy angry and butt hurt. Don't elevate plebs, unless they seek you and pay you. Don't insult plebs (offline) in any way. There is an old expression in poker "don't tap the fish tank" - players get lucky and make a dumb move and win the pot when in reality they lose the majority of the time. The other player would berate them for being a dumb pleb. The sharks in poker never berate; instead they just smile and say "nice hand" to the pleb poker player.

3. Never give up. Have the grit and determination what you want in life even if it takes a long time to accomplish. The time is going to past by anyways so give it your best shot and keep trying. Don't be those plebs that go to the gym for new year resolution and give up 3 months in. Every day is a grind, keep grinding your way to the top.

... continue

>> No.853343

4. Always be questioning and learning, write things down for self reflection and for memory keeping.

5. Learn a skill set that makes you money in the long run. Copywriting is one of them, so is programming. There are tons of of skillset to learn but pick one that you're good at, and be really good at it. Instead of doing plebs things like watching tv, work on your skill set every day so you can make tons of money instead of being a pleb.

In summary, every day work to be the best you can be, ignore the plebs, learn a skillset to make money that is scalable (ie, you can program an app that gets downloaded by millions or write a book that gets read by millions - or if you have money, you can hire someone to program or hire someone to ghost write a book .. ha), never give up and strive for excellence.

I wish you the best of luck, anon :)

>> No.853346

So....you are saying he is using a select few examples to strengthen his claims...i see....so he is hand picking the evidence to substantiate his claims.....so now begs the question, who the fuck is he to say that these examples are the pinnacle of what hes trying to say? I mean i can quote the bible does this mean you should take it as fact? The only time a opinion becomes relevant on this board is when you OFFER PROOF. This is literally the basis of 4chan, if you step out of anonymity to proclaim some awe inspiring revelation you best be qualified to bring that level of attention to yourself. You are literally feeding into this guys pathetic life, but hey the blind leading the blind right? He needs to suck that sweet tit of validation and you are more then happy to offer your sagging tits. I am not. You can quote 50000000 things, but you need to tell me why i should listen to you over what other people say. Conspiracy theorist often construct conspiracy theories on hand picked evidence (discarding other evidence when it doesn't match their theory), and i must say sometimes it comes together nicely. But at the end of the day you just have some inbred hick whining about how bush did 9/11.

>> No.853363

>mean i can quote the bible does this mean you should take it as fact? The only time a opinion becomes relevant on this board is when you OFFER PROOF.

This is the final response because I think you are le trolling.

WHAT KIND of proof do you want? There is no proof the OP can offer besides bringing up some examples and enabling people to think about it. There cannot be any studies done on this, or some complex mathematically formula to this shit.

This is like social science, you open your eyes and use your brain to formulate your life experiences and things you know into a set of conclusions.

>> No.853364

This is why I will never be good at business. I cannot relate to normies in any way, shape, or form.

Why do they like clothes, sport, Facebook, TV and Anchorman/The Hangover so much?

>> No.853369

>Observe what plebs do and do the opposite - plebs loving watching TV and eating food but dislike exercise and reading books. Don't try to elevate your pleb friends, they will only resent you. Instead, seek superior men and befriend them. About 90 percent of the population are plebs, so disgard they say

I see you're a fan of wallstreetplayboys huh :^)

>1. It's a lonely and narrow road to the top. Only you can walk the road to become a patrician.
>Don't let plebs waste your time / ignore plebs.

Also this is one huge thing I have a problem with. I just can't fucking stand it when people in real life try to downplay any successes to make themselves feel better. I always get unreasonably mad and engage in an argument(which usually ends in a conflict with friends or w/e).
Makes me almost feel like it's better to remain bluepilled and be a foolish goy yet live knowing nothing better and keep thinking that millionaires were just born that way and anyone with success in fitness "has good metabolism and genetics XDD"

>> No.853372

Man you guys must be attached at the cock by now, never seen a random anon come to the defense of an OP this much....like shit

How about proof of a job......i mean like if he is right then he should have a relevant job in that industry...right? If not then i am going to assume its just some 5 year old spouting shit they half learned. Proof can have many forms, this guy doesnt have any proof of anything because in reality he is as clueless as anyone else on this board and therefore should not be taken seriously at all.

>> No.853375

YUPPPP these guys are the same faggots, god damn man are you that desperate that you have to reply to yourself through a different ip?

>> No.853379

Poor people think about currency(shiny!), wealthy people think about buying power. Currency is a big part of the psychology here. We built ourselves a representation of everything we want and need, so we don't carefully assess our spending since needs and wants are homogenized in their expense. What's a $2000/mo mortgage when I own a $700k house?

>> No.853385

>How about proof of a job......i mean like if he is right then he should have a relevant job in that industry...right? If not then i am going to assume its just some 5 year old spouting shit they half learned

Having a job or having money doesn't prove what he said any more.

Like I said he could be a homeless NEET right now and it wouldn't invalidate anything he's said. He never claimed to be successful or rich. He's just giving a observation on the world

>Man you guys must be attached at the cock by now, never seen a random anon come to the defense of an OP this much

No he just happens to have the exact same opinions as I do but expresses them slightly different which is interesting for me to hear my own thoughts in a different point of view. :>)

>> No.853387

Lots of amateur bullshit in this thread. If you want to succeed in marketing stuff like dietary supplements, "how to get rich" books, and other products for the mass "pleb" market, you need to respect these people. Calling them plebs and jerking off about how stupid they are is going to cause you embarrassment when you try to enter the market and realize they have your number and are not falling for your bullshit.

It's easy to write the masses off as dumb and easily-manipulated, but that's wrong. They are not "easily" manipulated, they choose to indulge in manipulation when it strikes the right cord. To strike that cord, you have to be able to speak their language and understand their concerns. Learning that takes respect and admitting that these people have a complex view of the world. As an account manager working with conservative media, I can say that everybody that disrespects the mass market (conservatives are generally baby boomers who love getting emotionally manipulated) ends up failing horribly.

People enjoy being manipulated and they enjoy fantasy and emotional inspiration. That isn't stupidity, it is a conscious choice. And I'm willing to bet that OP would not be able to produce a "lose weight without diet and exercise" or "make $6476536 a day with no effort" product and sell it at a profit. Because he doesn't understand the market. Yet he calls them stupid? How dumb must you be if you can't successfully manipulate these stupid people?

>> No.853398

No but its adds a certain degree of relevance to what he is saying.....without that degree of relevance anyone can write off what he says as just bullshit or even amateur bullshit like >>853387 said.

>> No.853400

Great post. Refer to my earlier post:


>to sell to a pleb, understand pleb psychology, put your shoes in a pleb.

>you need to respect these people

It isn't it obvious? You won't be calling people plebs in the sales copy or write in a condescending tone in any way. If anything, I write in a feel good, "you can do it" tone of voice. "I was in debt just like you. I know what it feels like to work 9 to 5 and spend time with the family ... here is an easy "work at home" program that you and your wife can do, in just a couple hours a day. I created this program so you can stop worrying about bills, and more to relax and enjoy time with your family."


>> No.853406

if it was that obvious and easy why are you still jerking it in your mom basement brah

>> No.853416

If we're going to turn it into a shit flinging contest about who can sell, I will literally walk 99% of /biz/ out back to the woodshed and put them to sleep.

To the people in this thread looking to be made into a big, swinging dick closer just by reading hollow affirmations about how most people are dumber than them, sorry. That's not how it works. Being smarter than someone doesn't make you a better salesman or marketer. It just makes you smarter.

You really want to know how to sell someone something? Get them to like you. It's that simple. You know who people like? People that take an interest in them; a genuine one. Get to know them. You know who people really like? People just like them. Find common ground.

People buy from experts. Know what you're selling inside and out. Don't spit out facts like an autist. Nobody cares that your product has 500 horsepower or increases productivity by 8%. People buy what products do for them. Know enough to answer any question and prove you're an expert, so they'll believe you when you say that X will do Y for them. They should like and trust you already, so your expert opinion will be welcomed.

Wanna sell? If a stranger could be stuck in an elevator with you for 1 hour and say it was the best day they've had all week, you'll be good.

We have a rep that thinks he's smarter than everyone and does nothing but read Greek philosophy and investment planning material. He can't sell water to a fish in the desert, and everyone thinks he's an insufferable cunt. Make of that what you will.

I'm >>853221

>> No.853424

How about added value. "Plebs" are altruistic. They will buy something if they perceive that it's worth it--if they have faith in the product or its seller. They are not doing the math on production and distribution.

But too many people try to sell shit people just don't want, and a pragmatic approach will yield far more than attempting to socially engineer.

>> No.853430

>Every day is a grind, keep grinding your way to the top.

Song related:

>> No.853432

>be likable
>sell them the benefits, not the features
>be kind, compassion, patience sale man
>know your produce inside and out, and how it benefits the consumer

No shit, that's marketing 101.

Doesn't mean people are any less plebs, with 70 percent of Americans obese or clinically obese or watching 3-5 hours of TV a day or that they're in debt with barely any retirement savings.

>> No.853445

>"Plebs" are altruistic. They will buy something if they perceive that it's worth it--if they have faith in the product or its seller. They are not doing the math on production and distribution.
That's not altruism. And people buy things that they perceive as valuable no matter whether you're calling them a pleb or a patrician.

>Doesn't mean people are any less plebs, with 70 percent of Americans obese or clinically obese or watching 3-5 hours of TV a day or that they're in debt with barely any retirement savings.
Great. Now tell me how knowing those facts will help you sell them. My original point is that most people are acutely aware of the fact that they're fat and not actively learning anything. It's a conscientious decision. What most people ascribe value to is family, relaxation, and entertainment. Because you value education and basking in the warm glow of Dunning-Kruger doesn't make their choices any less valid.

>> No.853455 [DELETED] 

>Great. Now tell me how knowing those facts will help you sell them. My original point is that most people are acutely aware of the fact that they're fat and not actively learning anything. It's a conscientious decision. What most people ascribe value to is family, relaxation, and entertainment. Because you value education and basking in the warm glow of Dunning-Kruger doesn't make their choices any less valid.

Great post. Thanks for the enlightening insight. Sometimes I think being INTJ (2 percent of the population) is suffering.

>> No.853457

>Now tell me how knowing those facts will help you sell them.


>sell them diet pills
>sell them easy accessible entertainment
>sell them ways CHEAPER alternative to cable TV
>sell them glorious tasting, fattening food for cheap (ie, Mcdonalds)

>> No.853459

So products that already exist in markets that are all but saturated? Got it.

You're trying to point out the psychology of the average consumer, then drawing conclusions about what products to sell them from that. Not how it works. Psychology gives you a method to sell a product; innovation and market trends give you the actual product to sell.

>> No.853460

>sell them "a la carte" sports channel for a CHEAPER price, alternative sell them cheaper entertainment (ie, netflex)
>sell them a diet pill
>sell them a easy no sweat exercise machine for nice abs (ie, late night infomericals)
>sell them easy "work at home" income programs
>sell them a tasty food that is CHEAPER than the competitor

>> No.853465

Gotta say, pretty good thread OP.
Just had to filter out the drooling retard asking for proofs or some shit.

>> No.853466 [DELETED] 

>Psychology gives you a method to sell a product; innovation and market trends give you the actual product to sell.

>implying I'm in R&D making innovative products

>> No.853469

Then what are you doing exactly?

You're basically just calling people fat and stupid then naming products that already exist and saying people should sell those products.

>> No.853519

Good posts.
When you're interacting with somebody, anybody, keep in mind that 50% of people have an IQ below 100. Every fifth person you encounter is bordering on retardation. You should know who you're talking to 5-10s after the conversation started. They need simple hooks that massage their ego and make them feel good, this is literally it. Don't overthink and overwork with them.

>> No.853532

50% is at a 100, I forget what the number is for less than 100. Something like 20% is higher than 100. Less than 10% is over 120.

>> No.853565

this is EXACTLY what I've been thinking about! very accurate.

>> No.853569

Alot of people are going to call you an edge lord but you're a 100% right. Look around you at work, school, wherever. Most people just want to be comfortable and be well liked. That's it.

The plant analogy is great. Most people float through life checking off those milestones; go to college, get a job, get married, have kids, go on a few vacations, retire, die. It's like Platos cave.

I run a small startup and we have almost 20k followers on IG that we have amassed over 6 months. We are focused on creating a lifestyle brand that caters to a niche in fitness. We also are launching an app that should generate B2B business if we play our cards right. Anyways, our business is currently being fully bootstrapped by me and the shit I sell over IG. I am a good writer and all I do is write motivational posts (plebs LOVE and NEED motivation).

You seem like you know your stuff. I'd like to go more in depth on our business but in private.

Carvethesnow98 @ Gmail if you want to get in contact.

>> No.853571

It's so ironic that the motivational posts I write hypes these people up so much that they buy my products instead of working on themselves! The Nike commercials are a great example of this. I love how they go on a diatribe of "do the hard work, put in the hours, it's not easy, but you're not one to like easy, etc etc". And the people that eat it up are the exact group that nike shits on. Fucking amazing. I went to school for engineering but I love marketing and advertising. It's social engineering in motion and it is incredibly powerful. I'm reading books on the subjects and how to write better copy.

>> No.853574

You sound like me, and I totally agree with everything. I'm even studying engineering (EE) too, but the real money is in business, startups, and marketing.

Did you ever work in industry or did you go straight to your startup?

>> No.853576

I've been working at a major auto manufacturer for the past year. I do my startup on the side for now.

>> No.853579

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
I was getting a Nieztche vibe from your post. Currently reading "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". Good read

>> No.853587

This is also why it's good to butter up the goyim, to build rapport easily.

>oh ____ is ____
>haha yeah tell me about it! -say amplified related anecdote-

Instant rapport

>> No.853667

Excellent thread, OP
Any further reading reccomendations?

>> No.853670

>Your average person knows that they're not learning, but being entertained. They've made a conscious choice. They know they're fat and not taking the appropriate steps. They know everything that OP said; they just don't give a shit. Everyone else is aware of it, too. The only people that find this sort of thing insightful or enlightening are those that haven't experienced the world at large.
I'm not a loser. I just don't feel like not being a loser. I'm a winner in my heart, just ask Jesus.

>> No.853675
File: 22 KB, 500x376, Boy-Everyone-Is-Stupid-Except-Me._large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you've browsed 4chan more than once then i hate to tell ya, youre a pleb

>> No.853689

nice ad hominem faggot

>> No.853694

/pol/ pls go

>> No.853722


Call me a pleb, but most people with your predatory attitude just end up as jaded paranoid small time hustlers who'll often end up with a criminal record.

If you're smart / lucky enough to make it in the uber competitive world of info marketing scams, warrior special offers, diet pills etc. that hundreds of sharks have already jumped on - good for you.

Providing real value in form of products and services that aren't made to con people is far from impossible however and will actually make you feel like you're contributing something instead of leeching off people.

>> No.853725

tbh all these things are things I would buy if they existed.
>you wouldn't buy a belt that gives you six pack abs as you browse and shitpost all day while earning an income from home?

>> No.853731

No one here talks about conning people. Valuable products also need good marketing.

>> No.853840


(insert obligatory "'sup /fit!" here).

>I just can't fucking stand it when people in real life try to downplay any successes to make themselves feel better.

You in Australia? It's a national sport here; not as bad as it used to be though. Two things about Australia that stick out in relation to your quote is Tall Poppy Syndrome and "Aussie Battlers". Basically, TPS is when people try to shit on other people's achievements and successes.

Aussie Battler requires a bit longer explanation. Basically, A battler is someone who is middle-lower class who struggles to pay bills and feed the kids that they should have thought twice about having. Single Mums also typically fall into this category. Most of them receive some form of welfare. The crazy thing about the media here is that they glorify being a battler as something honourable; as if being unable to provide for your kids is somehow dignified. That's what I remember of it anyway, since I haven't watched the news or current affairs shows in over 10 years (I know they still give shit to bogans though lol).

>> No.853885
File: 35 KB, 309x499, funkybiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are right but I don't sell to plebs.

The books that have had bigger influence on me have been Funky Business Forever and The Blue Ocean Strategy.

Funky Business:
>The future is specialization. People want individuality and they are willing to pay a premium for it. That's the future of brands: Apple, Harley Davidson, Rolex.

You will say, yeah, but the average guy uses Windows...

Blue Ocean Strategy:
>The average consumer market is a fierce place, full of sharks. You need to specialize, to sell something different. Example: when Nintendo launched the Wii and it ate up the rivals regarding sales and revenue.

I will give you my personal experience:
Selling to the average Joe is tough. Disposable income is not that high and revolutionary stuff is running out.
When I designed websites I tried to target premium as much as possible. Why? Because when I sold to poor people they always complained like bitches, they always wanted something not in the papers, they wanted to change this and that... for a low price. Exhausting.

It's much better to sell to Premium even if at the end of the day you make less money, but you have more time for other projects because +$/hour and less headaches.

My field is creating niches, niches that don't exist in established markets.
Some examples: websites + GOOD photography for the same price as only websites. Bitches want photos.

-A feminist magazine which is less feminist than the rivals, specialized in high income woman. All the ADS there ARE MINE.
-Website that sells premium Mediterranean products, aimed at anti aing. High income buyers. Don't make much money but not a hassle.

-Developer/marketers/advertisers association aimed at libertarians, conservatives and objectivists. Don't make money with it, but GOOD networking. Only 25 people, but has been much more useful than linkedin or FB.

And more.

If you sell to the average Joe make sure that you don't have TO DEAL with the average Joe...

>> No.853887

Nah not in Australia brah. I reckon it's about the same in every country though.

It's just sometimes when I'm working hard on something I think for a sec "Why am I even doing this? When I become successful people are just going go undermine my success like they do for everyone else".

Sometimes it really misses me off and I don't do anything for a week or two. I know I should just ignore people who said that but it's exceptionally frustrating....

>> No.853899

You're right

>> No.853903

Sounds like 48 Laws

>> No.853914
File: 8 KB, 591x303, iq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, he is right. The normal distribution is symmetrical. Therefore 50% of the population necessarily have an iq below 100.

>> No.853921

The fat burger restaurant is a really smart way of legally implanting eugenics.

>> No.854029

OP please keep posting

>> No.854036


Did you actually ever take a mmarketing class? The biggest spenders are the Baby Boomers still. Nordstroms predicts the Millennials won't outspend the Baby Boomers until 2020.

Gen X is family-oriented, tiny in size, and hardly spends any money. Are you literally just making up shit off the top of your head?
Top kek nevermind I answered my own question

>> No.854075

What do when your family is dragging you down or making poor financially decisions?

I always try to give them good advice and calmly explain financial matters to them but they just get le mad or say shit like "but anon I work soooo much! I can't possibly invest or spend time improving myself".

Should I just let them wallow in their misery or try to help them?

My mom why she doesn't listen to audiobooks on her 2.5 hour drive to work bothways. And when I asked what she plans to do when she retires if she isn't investing or even saving much money for retirement.

>> No.854076 [DELETED] 

What argument all you did was throw shitty Ad homds. You didn''t take on what his argument in any way. And this is coming from someone who finds this edgelord suspect.

>> No.854132

If you can reasonably say you've tried multiple times to get them to make good decisions, and they still don't listen, then quit. Even though they're your family, forget about what stupid financial mistakes they make. Just don't ever bail them out.

Not your circus, not your monkeys. Or, put more eloquently: fuck em.

>> No.854139

I just feel so bad for them. I'm trying to give them good suggestions but they don't want to take them :(

>> No.854152

Believe me, I (and many other people) have been in the same situation. Do what you can to steer them in the right direction, and if they keep resisting arrest then just quit. Focus on making yourself successful. Don't let your emotions tie you down to losers and the retarded masses.

>> No.854154

Ok thanks breh.

I just gotta get down the nod and agree technique I think. I keep getting into arguments with everyone I know when they say some dumb ass shit

>> No.854408


>A feminist magazine which is less feminist than the rivals, specialized in high income woman.

Oh wow, this I would have to see.

So long as it isn't a hypocritical Jezebel-esque self-pityfest then I wish you well with it

>> No.854420

personally i avoid buying anything i realize that i've been marketed. if it were worth buying they wouldn't have to market it to me.

>> No.854525
File: 84 KB, 800x600, lolchrischan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7. They want to be liked, is deadly afraid of disapproval by others and don't want to embarass themselves. If I were to sell a pen to a pleb, I would say: "This pen would make your handwriting amazing. Your friends will admire you, and the cute 20 years old waitress wouldn't mind getting your phone number. Writing is hard? No worries - our smart pen technology will automatically steer your hand to make you writing a god's send. Stroke the pleb's ego by telling how his friends, boss and wife will admire him *if* he buys your product. Don't sell features to the pleb, sell benefits and emotions.

With the 7 points above, you should be able to write a compelling sales letter that make the pleb buy. I'm sure there are more nusances but my 7 points are solid.

If I were to sell a pleb a pen ...

1. This pen will make your hand writing really good, your friends will admire you for it.

2. This pen is really easy to use, thanks to our smart technology - your writing will be so styish, the cute waitress will admire your signature (she wouldn't mind if you write down your phone number either) and your boss will notice your perfect hand writing.

3. The pen is $7 - for the price of a burger and fries, you'll get this high class pen. Your friends will be envious of you

4. This is the same pen used by famous celebrities, like Mike Tyson. He was filmed writing with this pen when he wrote a compenstation check for biting some guy's ears off. Brad Pitt also endorse this product.

5. This pen is durable - you can use it as a gift to your wife and kids. They'll love it! Or use it to stab your mother in law in her left eye!

>> No.854538


Underrated post.

>> No.855193


>> No.855234

mfw everyone on this board believes op

mfw /biz/ is the plebs

seriously on a scale of broke to broke, how broke are all u guys? broke?

>> No.855242


I hate to admit it, but you are so right.

The dark philosophers were all right.

>> No.855244

this is a good thread

>> No.855290

Underrated post

>> No.855311


>> No.855312

I swear to fucking god why do you remind me of this person that played HoN, that owns BMW's and does stocks.
the one with moonmeander I used to play about a decade ago.

>> No.855314

I also think you were the one that did that

>this is worse then a erotic mormon version of 50 shades of gray, try asking the question again you ballooning cheese filled piece of shit.

>> No.855326

Dotally Rad King Raven?

>> No.855340


he's mostly right though.

The billion dollar diet industry is a perfect example of the American mentality.

There is NOTHING complicated about weight loss. cut sugars + fats and exercise. Simple as it gets folks. It's the only answer.

And yet a $50 billion dollar a year industry exists, why?

> Merica

>> No.855382

>implying whether they're consciously aware of that they're being entertained, not educated matters for marketing
The point is OP's observations are fucking obvious, it's the type of shit you'd find in the $20 ebook of a self-professed marketing genius. They're fairly true but completely useless in that they're way too broad. All he basically said is that the modern consumer wants ease of use and low price point.

>> No.855555

>The point is OP's observations are fucking obvious, it's the type of shit you'd find in the $20 ebook of a self-professed marketing genius.

Not really. I read dozens of marketing books but I haven't had any marketing books out right call the plebs. If any thing, I just learned about writing good head lines and bull points.

>They're fairly true but completely useless in that they're way too broad. All he basically said is that the modern consumer wants ease of use and low price point.

Right. If you have a product, make it easy to use, cheap and brain dead simple. Never make a complicated product or ones with too many features.


>> No.855863

I've read zero, but I could have told you the stuff in the OP before I read it. It's not even that simple, the average "pleb" doesn't exist because the pleb is more complex than that. There are many different types of plebs with varying levels of plebbiness. The lowest common denominator is shit like the shakeweight, a small step up (or sideways) might be Crocs. You can't just condense it to "hurr plebs are stupid and lazy" because they're stupid and lazy for different reasons and in different ways which will ultimately determine if your product will be successful with any given subset of pleb.

>> No.856131

>seriously on a scale of broke to broke, how broke are all u guys? broke?
I'm with you.

plebs seek out get rich quick schemes like stock trading and altcoin investing... know of anywhere that talks about this shit constantly?

until /biz/ actually decides to find a community of customers, TALK to them, find a pain point to solve, and deliver the goods, then they are just gambling by trying to skim some off the top of a company that actually DOES do something for people... even if it's just P&G selling hand soap to housewives.

I don't play money like it's a trendline-guessing video game. Play candy crush for that shit. In the meantime, go out and actually make something that is valuable to others.